{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | A client for scrobbling, based upon the Audioscrobbler Realtime
-- Submission protocol v1.2
-- <http://www.audioscrobbler.net/development/protocol/>
-- Example:
-- @
-- import Scrobble.Client
-- import Data.Time
-- example = do
--   client <- newClient Details
--     { detPassword = \"YOURPASS\"
--     , detUsername = \"YOURUSER\"
--     , detClient   = \"qlb\"
--     , detVersion  = \"0.9.2\"
--     , detServer   = defaultServer
--     }
--   nowPlaying client NowPlaying
--     { npArtist      = \"Kasabian\"
--     , npTrack       = \"Ladies and Gentlemen\"
--     , npAlbum       = Just \"West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum\"
--     , npLength      = Just 288
--     , npPosition    = Nothing
--     , npMusicBrainz = Nothing
--     }
--   timestamp <- getCurrentTime
--   submitTracks client
--                [Submission { subArtist      = \"Kasabian\"
--                            , subTrack       = \"Ladies and Gentlemen\"
--                            , subTimestamp   = timestamp
--                            , subSource      = UserChosen
--                            , subRating      = Nothing
--                            , subLength      = Just 288
--                            , subAlbum       = Just \"West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum\"
--                            , subPosition    = Nothing
--                            , subMusicBrainz = Nothing
--                            }]
-- @

module Scrobble.Client
  ,module Scrobble.Types)

import Scrobble.Types

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Hash.MD5 (Str(..),md5s)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Curl
import Network.URI
import System.Locale

-- | Get a session token.
-- The algorithm for generating this token is as follows:
-- token := md5(md5(password) + timestamp)
-- The md5() function takes a string and returns the 32-byte ASCII
-- hexadecimal representation of the MD5 hash, using lower case
-- characters for the hex values.
getToken :: String    -- ^ The password.
         -> IO (String,String) -- ^ A session token and timestamp.
getToken password = do
  timestamp <- getCurrentTime
  let et = epoch timestamp
  return (md5 (md5 password ++ et),et)

    where md5 = md5s . Str

-- | Create a client session. Throws "ScrobblerError".
newClient :: Details -> IO Client
newClient Details{..} = withCurlDo $ do
  (token,timestamp) <- getToken detPassword
  let params = [("hs","true")
  response <- curlGrab (setQuery detServer params)
           [CurlHttpHeaders [ "Host: " ++ host
                            | Just host <- [fmap uriRegName (uriAuthority detServer)] ]]
  parseAuth response

-- | Parse the auth response.
parseAuth :: CurlGrab -> IO Client
parseAuth CurlGrab{..} =
  case lines grabBody of
    ["OK",token,parseURI -> Just nowplaying,parseURI -> Just submit] ->
      return (Client token nowplaying submit)
    ["BANNED"] -> throw ScrobblerBanned
    ["BADAUTH"] -> throw ScrobblerBadAuth
    ["BADTIME"] -> throw ScrobblerBadTime
    [other] | isPrefixOf failed other ->
              throw (ScrobblerFailed (drop (length failed) other))
            | otherwise -> throw ScrobblerHardFail
  where failed = "FAILED "

-- | Default Audioscrobbler server: http://post.audioscrobbler.com/
defaultServer :: URI
defaultServer = fromJust (parseURI "http://post.audioscrobbler.com/")

-- | Send a now playing message.  Throws "ScrobblerError".
nowPlaying :: Client -> NowPlaying -> IO ()
nowPlaying client@Client{..} nowplaying = do
  CurlGrab{grabBody} <- curlGrab cliNowPlaying
                                 [CurlPost True
                                 ,CurlPostFields (map keyval (makeNowPlaying client nowplaying))]
  unless (trim grabBody == "OK") $
    throw (ScrobblerNowPlayingFail grabBody)

-- | Make a now playing query.
makeNowPlaying :: Client -> NowPlaying -> [(String,String)]
makeNowPlaying Client{..} NowPlaying{..} =
  ,("b",fromMaybe "" npAlbum)
  ,("l",maybe "" show npLength)
  ,("n",maybe "" show npPosition)
  ,("m",fromMaybe "" npMusicBrainz)]

-- | Submit track(s).  Throws "ScrobblerError".
submitTracks :: Client -> [Submission] -> IO ()
submitTracks client@Client{..} submissions = do
  CurlGrab{grabBody} <- curlGrab cliSubmit
                                 [CurlPost True
                                 ,CurlPostFields (map keyval params)]
  unless (trim grabBody == "OK") $
    throw (ScrobblerSubmitFail grabBody)

  where params = [("s",cliToken)] ++
                 concat (zipWith (makeSubmission client) [0..] submissions)

-- | Make a now playing query.
makeSubmission :: Client -> Integer -> Submission -> [(String,String)]
makeSubmission Client{..} i Submission{..} = map hookup
  ,("i",epoch subTimestamp)
  ,("o",fromMaybe "U" (lookup subSource sources))
  ,("r",fromMaybe "" (subRating >>= \r -> lookup r ratings))
  ,("l",maybe "" show subLength)
  ,("b",fromMaybe "" subAlbum)
  ,("n",maybe "" show subPosition)
  ,("m",fromMaybe "" subMusicBrainz)]

  where sources = [(UserChosen,"P")
        ratings = [(Love,"L"),(Ban,"B"),(Skip,"S")]
        hookup (k,v) = (k ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]",v)

-- Utilities

-- | Encode post parameters to a string.
encodePost :: [(String,String)] -> String
encodePost = intercalate "&" . map (keyval . (encode *** encode)) where
  encode = escapeURIString isUnescapedInURI

-- | Make a key=val string.
keyval :: (String,String) -> String
keyval (key,val) = key ++ "=" ++ val

-- | Set a URI's query.
setQuery :: URI -> [(String,String)] -> URI
setQuery uri assoc = uri { uriQuery = "?" ++ encodePost assoc }

-- | Format a time to UNIX number.
epoch :: UTCTime -> String
epoch = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%s"

-- | Just strip whitespace.
trim :: String -> String
trim = unwords . words

-- Make Curl's API not crappy.

-- | Grab a URL with curl.
curlGrab :: URI -> [CurlOption] -> IO CurlGrab
curlGrab url options = do
  CurlResponse{..} <- curlGetResponse_ (show url) options
  return $ CurlGrab respCurlCode respStatus respStatusLine respHeaders respBody

-- | A sane data type.
data CurlGrab = CurlGrab
  { grabCode       :: CurlCode
  , grabStatus     :: Int
  , grabStatusLine :: String
  , grabHeaders    :: [(String,String)]
  , grabBody       :: String
  } deriving (Show)