OVERVIEW of the security protocol models deployed with 'scyther-proof' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Created: 13/05/11 The examples contained in the same directory as this OVERVIEW file and in its subdirectories are part of the distribution of the 'scyther-proof' tool. They are intended to serve as a starting for verifying your own protocols. The meaning of the subdirectories is the following: classic These are models of well-known protocols. They serve as documentation and regression tests for the scyther-proof tool. iso9798 These are the models and proofs of our repaired versions of the authentication protocols from the ISO/IEC-9798 standard, as described in Basin, Cremers, Meier. "Provably Repairing the ISO/IEC 9798 Standard for Entity Authentication". 2011. to be published. See the 'Makefile' for conventient execution and checking of these proof scripts. If you want to load the proof scripts in Isabelle's interactive ProofGeneral interface, then please consult the '$SCYTHER_PROOF/isabelle/README' file for installing the custom keywords file. experimental Experimental protocols.