sdf2p1-parser-0.1.1: A parser for SDF version 2.1 using Parsec

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




parseCells :: FilePath -> SdfString -> (Cell -> a) -> [a] Source

Given a SDF file, parse the cells using the customized cell parser and return a list of parsed cells. This function can be used whenever the SDF is too large to parse wholesale

parseCellsLazy :: FilePath -> SdfString -> (Cell -> a) -> [a] Source

Given a SDF file, lazily parse the cells using the customized cell parser and return a list of parsed cells. This function can be used whenever the SDF is too large to parse wholesale.

parseHeaders :: FilePath -> SdfString -> SdfHeader Source

Given a SDF file, parse the SDF headers, ignoring all the cell instances