{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, Rank2Types, TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
module SecondTransfer.Sessions.Internal where 

import SecondTransfer.Sessions.Config

import           Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar,modifyMVar)
-- import           Control.Exception       (SomeException)
import qualified Control.Exception       as E
import           Control.Lens            ((^.), makeLenses)

import            System.Log.Logger

-- | Contains information that applies to all 
--   sessions created in the program. Use the lenses 
--   interface to access members of this struct. 
data SessionsContext = SessionsContext {
     _sessionsConfig  :: SessionsConfig
    ,_nextSessionId   :: MVar Int

makeLenses ''SessionsContext

-- Session tags are simple session identifiers 
acquireNewSessionTag :: SessionsContext -> IO Int 
acquireNewSessionTag sessions_context = 
        (sessions_context ^. nextSessionId )
        (\ next_id -> return ((next_id+1), next_id))

-- Adds runtime data to a context, and let it work.... 
makeSessionsContext :: SessionsConfig -> IO SessionsContext
makeSessionsContext sessions_config = do 
    next_session_id_mvar <- newMVar 1 
    return $ SessionsContext {
        _sessionsConfig = sessions_config,
        _nextSessionId = next_session_id_mvar

sessionExceptionHandler :: 
    E.Exception e => SessionComponent -> Int -> SessionsContext -> e -> IO ()
sessionExceptionHandler session_component session_id sessions_context e = do 

        getit = ( sessionsConfig . sessionsCallbacks . reportErrorCallback ) 
        maybe_error_callback = sessions_context ^. getit 
        component_tag = "Session." ++ (show session_component)
        error_tuple = (
            SessionCoordinates session_id, 
            E.toException e
    case maybe_error_callback of 
        Nothing -> 
            errorM component_tag (show (e))

        Just callback -> 
            callback error_tuple