# Secret Santa Assigner Reads a list of friends from the standard input (or a file) and renders to a specified output file (or "output.pdf" if not specified) all assignments of gift givers and their corresponding receivers encoded in a QR-Code (see --help for options). ## Installation To build and install you will need Haskell's [Cabal](http://www.haskell.org/cabal/), then just do: $ cabal install It will automatically download the dependencies, compile, and install the executable `secret-santa` in the Cabal bin path (most likely `~/.cabal/bin`). ## Example usage $ secret-santa -h Usage: secret-santa [OPTION...] -o FILE --output=FILE output FILE -i FILE --input=FILE input FILE -h --help, --usage This help message $ secret-santa -o output.pdf << EOF Charlotte Grayson Elliot Benjamin Willian EOF ### Example output ![Image](example.png)