{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Database.Selda.Query.Type where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (pack)
import Database.Selda.SQL
import Database.Selda.Column
import Database.Selda.Types (ColName)

-- | An SQL query.
newtype Query s a = Query {unQ :: State GenState a}
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

-- | Run a query computation from an initial state.
runQueryM :: Query s a -> (a, GenState)
runQueryM = flip runState initState . unQ

-- | Run a query computation in isolation, but reusing the current name supply.
isolate :: Query s a -> State GenState (GenState, a)
isolate (Query q) = do
  st <- get
  put $ initState {nameSupply = nameSupply st}
  x <- q
  st' <- get
  put $ st {nameSupply = nameSupply st'}
  return (st', x)

-- | SQL generation internal state.
--   Contains the subqueries and static (i.e. not dependent on any subqueries)
--   restrictions of the query currently being built, as well as a name supply
--   for column renaming.
data GenState = GenState
  { sources         :: ![SQL]
  , staticRestricts :: ![Exp Bool]
  , groupCols       :: ![SomeCol]
  , nameSupply      :: !Int

-- | Initial state: no subqueries, no restrictions.
initState :: GenState
initState = GenState
  { sources = []
  , staticRestricts = []
  , groupCols = []
  , nameSupply = 0

-- | Generate a unique name for the given column.
rename :: SomeCol -> State GenState SomeCol
rename (Some col) = do
    n <- freshId
    return $ Named (newName n) col
    newName ns =
      case col of
        Col n -> n <> "_" <> pack (show ns)
        _     -> "tmp_" <> pack (show ns)
rename col@(Named _ _) = do
  return col

-- | Get a guaranteed unique identifier.
freshId :: State GenState Int
freshId = do
  st <- get
  put $ st {nameSupply = succ $ nameSupply st}
  return (nameSupply st)

-- | Get a guaranteed unique column name.
freshName :: State GenState ColName
freshName = do
  n <- freshId
  return $ "tmp_" <> pack (show n)