{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module NLP.Semiring.ViterbiNBest where
import NLP.Semiring
import NLP.Semiring.Helpers
import Data.List 

class N a where 
    mkN :: a
    n :: a -> Int
-- | The 'ViterbiNBest' semiring keeps track of the n best scoring path to a known
--   output. This score is determined by a user defined 'WeightedSemiring'. 
--   The value of n (the number of of values to rank) is included in the type to prevent 
--   combining mismatching values. To create a new n, make a new unary type and an instance
--   of N.
-- @
--   data Ten = Ten  
--   instance N Ten where 
--    mkN = Ten
--    n _ = 10
-- @
data ViterbiNBest n semi = ViterbiNBest [semi] 
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance (N n, Ord semi, WeightedSemiring semi) => Multiplicative (ViterbiNBest n semi) where
    one = ViterbiNBest [one]
    times (ViterbiNBest a) (ViterbiNBest b) = 
        ViterbiNBest $
        take (n (mkN::n)) $
        reverse $ sort $
        map (uncurry times) $ cartesian a b 

instance (N n, WeightedSemiring semi, Ord semi) => Monoid (ViterbiNBest n semi) where 
    mempty = ViterbiNBest []
    mappend (ViterbiNBest a) (ViterbiNBest b) = 
        ViterbiNBest $ take (n (mkN::n)) $ reverse $ sort (a ++ b)

instance (N n, WeightedSemiring semi, Ord semi) => Semiring (ViterbiNBest n semi)

data Ten = Ten  
instance N Ten where 
    mkN = Ten
    n _ = 10

type Viterbi10Best semi = ViterbiNBest Ten semi