{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | The Free semiring.
module Data.Semiring.Free

import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Semiring

import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

import           Numeric.Natural

-- | The free semiring
newtype Free a = Free
  { getFree :: Map [a] Natural
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Semiring)

instance Ord a => Num (Free a) where
    fromInteger = Free . Map.singleton [] . fromInteger
    {-# INLINE fromInteger #-}
    (+) = (<+>)
    {-# INLINE (+) #-}
    (*) = (<.>)
    {-# INLINE (*) #-}
    abs = id
    {-# INLINE abs #-}
    signum (Free x) = if Map.null x then zero else one
    {-# INLINE signum #-}
    negate = id
    {-# INLINE negate #-}

-- | Run a 'Free'.
runFree :: Semiring s => (a -> s) -> Free a -> s
runFree f = getAdd .# Map.foldMapWithKey ((rep #. Add) . mul . map f) . getFree
{-# INLINE runFree #-}

-- | Run a 'Free', interpreting it in the underlying semiring.
lowerFree :: Semiring s => Free s -> s
lowerFree = runFree id
{-# INLINE lowerFree #-}

liftFree :: a -> Free a
liftFree = Free . flip Map.singleton one . pure
{-# INLINE liftFree #-}

infixr 9 #.
(#.) :: Coercible a b => (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(#.) f _ = coerce f
{-# INLINE (#.) #-}

infixr 9 .#
(.#) :: Coercible b c => (b -> c) -> (a  -> b) -> a -> c
(.#) _ = coerce
{-# INLINE (.#) #-}

instance Foldable Free where
    foldMap f (Free xs) = Map.foldMapWithKey (rep . foldMap f) xs
    {-# INLINE foldMap #-}

rep :: Monoid m => m -> Natural -> m
rep x = go
    go 0 = mempty
    go 1 = x
    go n
      | even n = r `mappend` r
      | otherwise = x `mappend` r `mappend` r
        r = go (n `div` 2)
{-# INLINE rep #-}