{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards #-}
module Network.Socket.SendFile.Internal (
    ) where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (hGet, hPut, length, ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import Network.Socket.ByteString (send)
import Network.Socket (Socket(..), fdSocket)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Iter (runIter)
import Prelude hiding (length)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), hFileSize, hIsEOF, hSeek, withBinaryFile)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
import Network.Socket (Socket(..), fdSocket)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), hFileSize, withBinaryFile)
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals (withHandle_)
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types (Handle__(..))
import qualified GHC.IO.FD as FD
-- import qualified GHC.IO.Handle.FD as FD
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import GHC.IOBase
import GHC.Handle hiding (fdToHandle)
import qualified GHC.Handle

import Network.Socket.SendFile.Iter (Iter(..))
import System.IO (hFlush)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
import System.IO.Error

#if defined(WIN32_SENDFILE)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Win32 (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String
sendFileMode = "WIN32_SENDFILE"

#if defined(LINUX_SENDFILE)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Linux (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String
sendFileMode = "LINUX_SENDFILE"

import Network.Socket.SendFile.FreeBSD (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String

#if defined(DARWIN_SENDFILE)
import Network.Socket.SendFile.Darwin (_sendFile, sendFileIter)

sendFileMode :: String
sendFileMode = "DARWIN_SENDFILE"

sendFileMode :: String

sendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith'' stepper =
    wrapSendFile' $ \outs inp blockSize off count ->
        do hSeek inp AbsoluteSeek off
           stepper (sendFileIterS outs inp blockSize {- off -} count Nothing)

sendFile'' :: Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
sendFile'' outs inh off count =
    do _ <- sendFileIterWith'' runIter outs inh count off count
       return ()

unsafeSendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper =
    wrapSendFile' $ \outp inp blockSize off count ->
        do hSeek inp AbsoluteSeek off
           a <- stepper (unsafeSendFileIter outp inp blockSize count Nothing)
           hFlush outp
           return a

unsafeSendFile'' :: Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile'' outh inh off count =
    do _ <- unsafeSendFileIterWith'' runIter outh inh count off count
       return ()

sendFileIterS :: Socket  -- ^ output network socket
             -> Handle  -- ^ input handle
             -> Integer -- ^ maximum number of bytes to send at once
             -> Integer -- ^ total number of bytes to send
             -> Maybe ByteString
             -> IO Iter
sendFileIterS _socket _inh _blockSize {- _off -} 0        _    = return (Done 0)
sendFileIterS socket   inh  blockSize {- off -} remaining mBuf =
    do buf <- nextBlock
       nsent <- send socket buf
       let leftOver =
               if nsent < (C.length buf)
                  then Just (C.drop nsent buf)
                  else Nothing
       let cont = sendFileIterS socket inh blockSize {- (off + (fromIntegral nsent)) -} (remaining `safeMinus` (fromIntegral nsent)) leftOver
       if nsent < (length buf)
          then return (WouldBlock (fromIntegral nsent) (Fd $ fdSocket socket) cont)
          else return (Sent       (fromIntegral nsent)                        cont)
   nextBlock =
          case mBuf of
            (Just b) -> return b
            Nothing ->
                do eof <- hIsEOF inh
                   if eof
                    then ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType ("Reached EOF but was hoping to read " ++ show remaining ++ " more byte(s).") (Just inh) Nothing)
                    else do let bytes = min 32768 (min blockSize remaining)
                            hGet inh (fromIntegral bytes) -- we could check that we got fewer bytes than requested here, but we will send what we got and catch the EOF next time around

safeMinus :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a
safeMinus x y
    | y > x = error $ "y > x " ++ show (y,x)
    | otherwise = x - y

unsafeSendFileIter :: Handle  -- ^ output handle
                   -> Handle  -- ^ input handle
                   -> Integer -- ^ maximum number of bytes to send at once
--                   -> Integer -- ^ offset into file
                   -> Integer -- ^ total number of bytes to send
                   -> Maybe ByteString
                   -> IO Iter
unsafeSendFileIter _outh _inh _blockSize 0         _mBuf = return (Done 0)
unsafeSendFileIter  outh  inh  blockSize remaining  mBuf =
    do buf <- nextBlock
       hPut outh buf -- eventually this should use a non-blocking version of hPut
       let nsent = length buf
           leftOver =
               if nsent < (C.length buf)
                  then Just (C.drop nsent buf)
                  else Nothing
           cont = unsafeSendFileIter outh inh blockSize {- (off + (fromIntegral nsent)) -} (remaining - (fromIntegral nsent)) Nothing
       if nsent < (length buf)
          then do error "unsafeSendFileIter: internal error" -- return (WouldBlock (fromIntegral nsent) (Fd $ fdSocket socket) cont)
          else return (Sent (fromIntegral nsent) cont)
      nextBlock =
          case mBuf of
            (Just b) -> return b
            Nothing ->
                do eof <- hIsEOF inh
                   if eof
                    then ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType ("Reached EOF but was hoping to read " ++ show remaining ++ " more byte(s).") (Just inh) Nothing)
                    else do let bytes = min 32768 (min blockSize remaining)
                            hGet inh (fromIntegral bytes) -- we could check that we got fewer bytes than requested here, but we will send what we got and catch the EOF next time around

sendFile'' :: Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
sendFile'' outs inh off count =
    do let out_fd = Fd (fdSocket outs)
       withFd inh $ \in_fd ->
         wrapSendFile' (\out_fd_ in_fd_ _blockSize_ off_ count_ -> _sendFile out_fd_ in_fd_ off_ count_)
                       out_fd in_fd count off count

sendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize off count =
    do let out_fd = Fd (fdSocket outs)
       withFd inp $ \in_fd ->
         stepper $ wrapSendFile' sendFileIter out_fd in_fd blockSize off count

unsafeSendFile'' :: Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile'' outp inp off count =
    do hFlush outp
       withFd outp $ \out_fd ->
         withFd inp $ \in_fd ->
          wrapSendFile' (\out_fd_ in_fd_ _blockSize_ off_ count_ -> _sendFile out_fd_ in_fd_ off_ count_)
                        out_fd in_fd count off count
--            wrapSendFile' _sendFile out_fd in_fd off count

unsafeSendFileIterWith'' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Handle -> Handle -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize off count =
    do hFlush outp
       withFd outp $ \out_fd ->
         withFd inp $ \in_fd ->
             stepper $ wrapSendFile' sendFileIter out_fd in_fd blockSize off count

-- The Fd should not be used after the action returns because the
-- Handler may be garbage collected and than will cause the finalizer
-- to close the fd.
withFd :: Handle -> (Fd -> IO a) -> IO a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
withFd h f = withHandle_ "withFd" h $ \ Handle__{..} -> do
  case cast haDevice of
    Nothing -> ioError (ioeSetErrorString (mkIOError IllegalOperation
                                           "withFd" (Just h) Nothing)
                        "handle is not a file descriptor")
    Just fd -> f (Fd (fromIntegral (FD.fdFD fd)))
withFd h f =
    withHandle_ "withFd" h $ \ h_ ->
      f (Fd (fromIntegral (haFD h_)))


sendFile :: Socket -> FilePath -> IO ()
sendFile outs infp =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      sendFile'' outs inp 0 count

sendFileIterWith :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith stepper outs infp blockSize =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize 0 count

sendFile' :: Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> Integer -> IO ()
sendFile' outs infp offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp ->
        sendFile'' outs inp offset count

sendFileIterWith' :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Socket -> FilePath -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO a
sendFileIterWith' stepper outs infp blockSize offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp ->
        sendFileIterWith'' stepper outs inp blockSize offset count

unsafeSendFile :: Handle -> FilePath -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile outp infp =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      unsafeSendFile'' outp inp 0 count

unsafeSendFileIterWith :: (IO Iter -> IO a) -> Handle -> FilePath -> Integer -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith stepper outp infp blockSize =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      count <- hFileSize inp
      unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize 0 count

    :: Handle    -- ^ The output handle
    -> FilePath  -- ^ The input filepath
    -> Integer    -- ^ The offset to start at
    -> Integer -- ^ The number of bytes to send
    -> IO ()
unsafeSendFile' outp infp offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      unsafeSendFile'' outp inp offset count

    :: (IO Iter -> IO a)
    -> Handle    -- ^ The output handle
    -> FilePath  -- ^ The input filepath
    -> Integer   -- ^ maximum block size
    -> Integer   -- ^ The offset to start at
    -> Integer   -- ^ The number of bytes to send
    -> IO a
unsafeSendFileIterWith' stepper outp infp blockSize offset count =
    withBinaryFile infp ReadMode $ \inp -> do
      unsafeSendFileIterWith'' stepper outp inp blockSize offset count

-- | wraps sendFile' to check arguments
wrapSendFile' :: Integral i => (a -> b -> i -> i -> i -> IO c) -> a -> b -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> IO c
wrapSendFile' fun outp inp blockSize off count
--    | count     == 0 = return () -- Send nothing -- why do the work? Also, Windows and FreeBSD treat '0' as 'send the whole file'.
    | count     <  0 = error "SendFile - count must be a positive integer"
    | (count /= 0) && (blockSize <= 0) = error "SendFile - blockSize must be a positive integer greater than 1"
    | off       <  0 = error "SendFile - offset must be a positive integer"
    | otherwise      = fun outp inp (fromIntegral blockSize) (fromIntegral off) (fromIntegral count)