
-- XXX I'm not entirely happy with the way Haskell has
-- twisted my arm to arrange the modules, but there you go.

  {-  OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}

  {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}

-- Later: This (now) has no effect when new grammar is in effect.
-- This is temporary, so seqaid demo output remains compatible
-- with the documentation already written around it.  (The new
-- shrinkPat has more finesse, but you have to run the demo
-- longer to see the heap stabilise -- the demonstration is
-- not nearly as effective.  Also, the patterns have a lot
-- of #'s in them which looks noisy and confusing, although
-- it's natural enough.)  We could attempt vertical alignment
-- since flanking whitespace is now supported, and that would
-- do more than anything to improve the presentation...
-- However, with DEMO_MODE off, one would definitely prefer
-- the new shrinkPat.  This comment will probably be
-- as writ on water...

-- XXX Should scour the code for "max_depth" etc. -- all those
-- names which are specific to this DEMO_MODE hack!... And get
-- them into CPP guards. And get something sane in the OTHER
-- branches of those guards!!...
-- (Switch now promoted to .cabal flag.)
--- #define DEMO_MODE 1

  {-  LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}   -- for debugging only


-- |
-- Module      :  Seqaid.Global
-- Copyright   :  Andrew G. Seniuk 2014-2015
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Andrew Seniuk <rasfar@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Collects 'IORef's used by the seqaid runtime.
-- This will be substantially reorganised and clarified soon.

  module Seqaid.Global (

    depth_ioref                      ,
    pattern_ioref                    ,
    snk_ioref                        ,

    patterns_ioref                   ,

    stats_query_idx_ioref            ,
    counter_ioref                    ,
    next_sample_at_ioref             ,
    bytes_allocated_ioref            ,
    bytes_allocated_prev_ioref       ,
    current_bytes_used_ioref         ,
    update_bytes_allocated_ioref     ,
    update_current_bytes_used_ioref  ,

    SiteID                           ,
    sample_period                    ,
    max_depth                        ,
    fixed_pat                        ,
    fixed_pat_sequence               ,

  ) where


  import Control.DeepSeq.Bounded
  import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )

  -- Stuff for monitoring resource use (i.e. computing objective function):
--import Data.Word ( Word64 )
  import GHC.Int ( Int64 )
  import Data.IORef
  import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
  import System.Mem ( performGC )
  import GHC.Stats ( GCStats(..), getGCStats )

--import Debug.Trace ( trace )

--import Data.Array

  import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H


  type HashTable k v = H.CuckooHashTable k v

  {-# NOINLINE patterns_ioref #-}
  patterns_ioref :: IORef (HashTable Int Pattern)
  patterns_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ do
                     ht <- H.new
                     ioref <- newIORef ht
                     return ioref


  -- This group is very temporary!)

  -- definitely temporary hack (uniform forcing depth regardless of SiteID)
  {-# NOINLINE depth_ioref #-}
  depth_ioref :: IORef Int
  depth_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

  -- definitely temporary hack (uniform Pattern regardless of SiteID)
  {-# NOINLINE pattern_ioref #-}
  pattern_ioref :: IORef Pattern
  pattern_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ emptyPat

  -- definitely temporary hack (uniform SeqNode regardless of SiteID)
  {-# NOINLINE snk_ioref #-}
  snk_ioref :: IORef SeqNode
  snk_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef Insulate


  {-# NOINLINE stats_query_idx_ioref #-}
  stats_query_idx_ioref :: IORef Int
--stats_query_idx_ioref :: IORef Int64
  stats_query_idx_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

  {-# NOINLINE counter_ioref #-}
  counter_ioref :: IORef Int64
  counter_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

  {-# NOINLINE next_sample_at_ioref #-}
  next_sample_at_ioref :: IORef Int64
  next_sample_at_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef sample_period
--next_sample_at_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

  {-# NOINLINE bytes_allocated_ioref #-}
  bytes_allocated_ioref :: IORef Int64
  bytes_allocated_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

  {-# NOINLINE bytes_allocated_prev_ioref #-}
  bytes_allocated_prev_ioref :: IORef Int64
  bytes_allocated_prev_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

  {-# NOINLINE current_bytes_used_ioref #-}
  current_bytes_used_ioref :: IORef Int64
  current_bytes_used_ioref = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0


  {-# NOINLINE update_bytes_allocated_ioref #-}
  update_bytes_allocated_ioref :: IO Int64
  update_bytes_allocated_ioref = do
    oldsize <- readIORef bytes_allocated_ioref
    writeIORef bytes_allocated_prev_ioref oldsize
    gcstats <- getGCStats
    let newsize = bytesAllocated gcstats
#if 0
    putStrLn $ "\nsize="++show size
    i <- readIORef counter_ioref
    t <- readIORef next_sample_at_ioref
    putStrLn $ "i="++show i++"\nt="++show t
    writeIORef bytes_allocated_ioref newsize
    return $! newsize - oldsize
--  return newsize


  {-# NOINLINE update_current_bytes_used_ioref #-}
  update_current_bytes_used_ioref :: IO Int64
  update_current_bytes_used_ioref = do
    gcstats <- getGCStats
    let cbu = currentBytesUsed gcstats
    return cbu


  sample_period :: Int64
--sample_period = 1
--sample_period = 10
--sample_period = 400
--sample_period = 1000
  sample_period = 4000    -- the usual for leaky-full
--sample_period = 10000

  -- XXX quack! (6 is minimal; 5 is too small; the leak remains)
  max_depth = 7 :: Int

   = let shrink_pat
          | deepseq_bounded_flag__new_improved_pattern_grammar  = shrinkPat
          | otherwise  = shrinkPat_old
          | otherwise  = shrinkPat
     in    ( map (\i -> compilePat ('*':show i)) [0,1..8] )
        ++ ( reverse $ condenseEq shrink_pat fixed_pat )

-- [Debugging notes for recent changes to deepseq-bounded.]
-- leaky: DeepSeqBounded_PingException "NFDataP: PING: 0 Int\n()\n"
-- leaky: DeepSeqBounded_PingException "NFDataP: PING: 1 Int\n()\n"
-- leaky: DeepSeqBounded_PingException "NFDataP: PING: 3 Int\n()\n"
-- leaky: DeepSeqBounded_PingException "NFDataP: PING: 7 Int\n()\n"
-- leaky: DeepSeqBounded_PingException "NFDataP: PING: 12 Int\n()\n"
-- leaky: DeepSeqBounded_PingException "NFDataP: PING: 13 Int\n()\n"
-- leaky: DeepSeqBounded_PingException "NFDataP: PING: 14 Int\n()\n"
-- This is what we see. If wait (only see 0 repeating for a while).
-- (And the system grinds to a crawl, although it appears to be
-- a stable crawl.)
-- See cotemp (20150111130916) 000-readme for the labelling of the tree...
-- This mystery is largely solved. As for "slowdown" well, it's no
-- wonder if we're trying to print something for every one of the
-- gizillion exceptions, but if it was a quick stats update or something,
-- might actually be fine at full speed...
-- Speaking of "speed", a threadDelay-type attribute would be useful...
-- Too useful not to do it! (Except that threadDelay is known to be
-- a bit flakey...). (But you gotta try...)
#if 1
   | deepseq_bounded_flag__new_improved_pattern_grammar
      = setPatternPatNodeUniqueIDs 0 $
--        compilePat "=>cab((!(!)(((^!).!(!))))!(^!(!)))"
--        compilePat "=>cab((!(!)(((+!).!(!))))!(+!(!)))"
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((+^/!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((+^!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"
--        compilePat "+^(+^(+^!+^(+^/!)+^/(+^/(+^/(+^/!)+^/.+^/!+^/(+^/!))))+^/!+^/(+^/!+^/(+^/!)))"
--        compilePat "+^/(+^/(+^/!+^/(+^/!)+^/(+^/(+^/(+^/!)+^/.+^/!+^/(+^/!))))+^/!+^/(+^/!+^/(+^/!)))"
--        compilePat "+^(+^(+^!+^(+^!)+^(+^(+^(+^!)+^.+^!+^(+^!))))+^!+^(+^!+^(+^!)))"
--        compilePat "((!(!)+(+(+(+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- yes, it works (if you wait a wee bit) -- trying the full-blanket-+'d one again!!!
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((+!).!(!))))!+(!(!)))"  -- 
--        compilePat "((!(!)((+(+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- ACTUALLY WORKS -- at FIRST you see only TC, then after the next stats line you see "4 TC / 3 Int" (or maybe the other way around, but I think this is the order...)
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- still works
-- XXX Oh, I see what happened: I made !(!) -> . at some point,
-- as part of testing, and this got propagated and forgotten,
-- and changed back . -> ! (instead of !(!)) -- but this is
-- harmless actually?!!!
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((+^!)+^/.!(!))))!(!(!)))"
--        compilePat "((!+^/.(((!)+^/.!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- nothing.
--        compilePat "+(+(+!+(+!)+(+(+(+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"   -- XXX XXX
--        compilePat "(+(!+.(+((!)+.!(!))))!(!(!)))"
----      compilePat "((!(!)((+.(!)+.+!(!))))!(!(!)))"
-----     compilePat "+(+(+!+!+(+(+(+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"      -- XXX XXX
--        compilePat "+(+(+!+(+!)+(+(+(+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"   -- XXX XXX
--        compilePat "((+!^(!)(+((!).+^!/^(+^!))))!(!(!)))"  -- yep
--        compilePat "((+!^(!)(+((!).+^!^(+^!))))!(!(!)))"  -- all working
 --       compilePat "((!(+^/.)(((!)+^/.!+^/.)))!(!(!)))"  -- nothing
--        compilePat "((!(/.)(((!)/.!/.)))!(!(!)))"  -- nothing
---       compilePat "((!/.(((!)/.!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- nope, neither calls handleAttrs (incididentally, this leaks noticeably and monotonically, while the one with just . on the Blob, if not technically leak-free [? it seems to accumulate heap and then periodically discharge it, notwithstanding our frequent performGC calls...], at least not exhibiting net growth over longrunning...)  This is a better test at the moment as the first . is of simple base nullary type Int.
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((!)/.!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- the problem with this test is that the .'d node is of unusual type Blob, which has hack NFData instances etc...
---       compilePat "((!+.(((!)+.+!(!))))+!(!(+!)))"
---       compilePat "((+!+.((+(+!)+.!(!))))+!(!(+!)))"
---       compilePat "((!+.(((!)+.!(!))))!(!(!)))"
---       compilePat "((!.(((!)+.!(!))))!(!(!)))"
---       compilePat "((!.(((!)+.!(!))))!(!(!)))"
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((!)+.!(!))))!(!(!)))"
--        compilePat "+(+(+!+(+!)+(+(+(+!)+.+!+(+!))))+!+(+!+(+!)))"  -- this is working now for generic nodes, but NOT for any of the others; so we see it for exactly the OTHER 9 nodes not among the 8 listed below! ch!... [later: fixed GNFDataP]
--        compilePat "^(^(^!^(^!)^(^(^(^!)^.^!^(^!))))^!^(^!^(^!)))"  -- AMAZINGLY WORKS!!! See IDs 0 1 3 7 12 13 14
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((^!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- works
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((!).^!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- NO WORKY: FREEZES (same)
#if 0
-- (Reproducible serious bug!)
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((!).+!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- NO WORKY: FREEZES
                                                     -- AFTER "trc msg.":
---  P  (( ()((() + ()))) ( ()))              duty       918272    8720160  TA
---  P  ((!(!)(((!) +!(!))))!(!(!)))          duty      1660356    2185992  TA
---  P  ((!(!)(((!) +!(!))))!(!(!)))          duty      2348988    2244528  TA
---  P  ((!(!)(((!) +!(!))))!(!(!)))          duty      3037620    2240528  TA
---  P  ((!(!)(((!) +!(!))))!(!(!)))          duty      3693484    2207760  TA
--- trc msg.
--- ^C
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((!)+.!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- NO WORKY
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((+!).!(+!))))!(!(!)))"  -- works! "(TRACE: 3 Int) (TRACE: 7 Int)" repeating
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((!).!(+!))))!(!(!)))"  -- works! "(TRACE: 7 Int)"
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((!)+^/.!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- no worky!
--        compilePat "(+^/(!(!)(((!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- no worky
--        compilePat "(+(!(!)(((!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- no worky
--        compilePat "(+(!(!)(((+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"
--        compilePat "((!(!)(((+!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"  -- works! "(TRACE: 3 Int)"
          compilePat "((!(!)(((!).!(!))))!(!(!)))"
   | otherwise
      = compilePat ".{.{..{.}.{.{.{.}#..{.}}}}..{..{.}}}"
  fixed_pat = compilePat ".{.{..{.}.{.{.{.}#..{.}}}}..{..{.}}}"


  -- From SAI.Data.Generics.Shape.SYB.Filter:
  condenseEq :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> [a]  -- beware this can diverge
  condenseEq f z = condenseEq' $ iterate f z
    condenseEq' (x:y:t) | x == y     = [x]
                        | otherwise  = x : condenseEq' (y:t)
    -- no other cases needed -- we know the argument is infinite


  -- XXX Using a triple (esp. the 3rd component) is probably not
  -- the most performant choice... optimisation pending...
  -- XXX Would prefer 1 <-> 2, but to do that would require more
  -- code change to test...
  -- XXX This is no doubt located here to avoid a cyclical import!
  -- 1 (Int)    Contains index of forcing site in the AST of the binding.
  -- 2 (String) Contains site binding variable name.
  -- 3 (Int)    Caches the "unique" Int hash of name extended by index.
  type SiteID = (Int,String,Int)
