module SequenceTools.Utils (versionInfoOpt, versionInfoText, sampleWithoutReplacement) where import Paths_sequenceTools (version) import Data.Version (showVersion) import qualified Options.Applicative as OP import System.Random (randomRIO) versionInfoOpt :: OP.Parser (a -> a) versionInfoOpt = OP.infoOption (showVersion version) (OP.long "version" <> "Print version and exit") versionInfoText :: String versionInfoText = "This tool is part of sequenceTools version " ++ showVersion version sampleWithoutReplacement :: [a] -> Int -> IO (Maybe [a]) sampleWithoutReplacement = go [] where go res _ 0 = return $ Just res go res xs n | n > length xs = return Nothing | n == length xs = return $ Just (xs ++ res) | otherwise = do rn <- randomRIO (0, length xs - 1) let a = xs !! rn xs' = remove rn xs go (a:res) xs' (n - 1) remove i xs = let (ys, zs) = splitAt i xs in ys ++ tail zs