{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Language.SequentCore.Pretty
-- Description : Pretty printing of Sequent Core terms
-- Maintainer  : maurerl@cs.uoregon.edu
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Instances and functions for pretty-printing Sequent Core terms using GHC's
-- built-in pretty printer.
module Language.SequentCore.Pretty (
) where

import Language.SequentCore.Syntax

import qualified GhcPlugins as GHC
import Outputable
import PprCore ()

import Data.List

ppr_bind :: OutputableBndr b => Bind b -> SDoc
ppr_bind (NonRec val_bdr expr) = ppr_binding (val_bdr, expr)
ppr_bind (Rec binds)           = hang (text "rec") 2 (vcat $ intersperse space $ ppr_block "{" ";" "}" (map ppr_binding binds))

ppr_binds_top :: OutputableBndr b => [Bind b] -> SDoc
ppr_binds_top binds = ppr_binds_with "" "" "" binds

-- | Print the given bindings as a sequence of top-level bindings.
pprTopLevelBinds :: OutputableBndr b => [Bind b] -> SDoc
pprTopLevelBinds = ppr_binds_top

ppr_block :: String -> String -> String -> [SDoc] -> [SDoc]
ppr_block open _ close [] = [text open <> text close]
ppr_block open mid close (first : rest)
  = text open <+> first : map (text mid <+>) rest ++ [text close]

ppr_binds :: OutputableBndr b => [Bind b] -> SDoc
ppr_binds binds = ppr_binds_with "{" ";" "}" binds

ppr_binds_with :: OutputableBndr b => String -> String -> String -> [Bind b] -> SDoc
ppr_binds_with open mid close binds = vcat $ intersperse space $ ppr_block open mid close (map ppr_bind binds)

ppr_binding :: OutputableBndr b => (b, Value b) -> SDoc
ppr_binding (val_bdr, expr)
  = pprBndr LetBind val_bdr $$
    hang (ppr val_bdr <+> equals) 2 (pprCoreValue expr)

ppr_comm :: OutputableBndr b => (SDoc -> SDoc) -> Command b -> SDoc
ppr_comm add_par comm
  = maybe_add_par $ ppr_let <+> cut (cmdValue comm) (cmdCont comm)
      = case cmdLet comm of
          [] -> empty
          binds -> hang (text "let") 2 (ppr_binds binds) $$ text "in"
    maybe_add_par = if null (cmdLet comm) then noParens else add_par
    cut val Return
      = ppr_value add_par val
    cut val cont
      = cat [text "<" <> pprCoreValue val, vcat $ ppr_block "|" ";" ">" $ ppr_cont_frames cont]

ppr_value :: OutputableBndr b => (SDoc -> SDoc) -> Value b -> SDoc
ppr_value _ (Var name) = ppr name
ppr_value add_par (Type ty) = add_par $ char '@' <+> ppr ty
ppr_value _ (Coercion _) = text "CO ..."
ppr_value add_par (Lit lit) = GHC.pprLiteral add_par lit
ppr_value add_par value@(Lam _ _)
  = let
      (bndrs, body) = collectLambdas value
      add_par $
      hang (char '\\' <+> sep (map (pprBndr LambdaBind) bndrs) <+> arrow)
          2 (pprCoreComm body)
ppr_value add_par (Cons ctor args)
  = add_par $
    hang (ppr ctor) 2 (sep (map (ppr_value parens) args))
ppr_value add_par (Compute comm)
  = ppr_comm add_par comm
ppr_value add_par (Cont k)
  = ppr_cont add_par k

ppr_cont_frames :: OutputableBndr b => Cont b -> [SDoc]
ppr_cont_frames (App v k)
  = char '$' <+> ppr_value noParens v : ppr_cont_frames k
ppr_cont_frames (Case var _ alts k)
  = (hang (text "case as" <+> pprBndr CaseBind var <+> text "of") 2 $
      vcat $ ppr_block "{" ";" "}" (map pprCoreAlt alts)) : ppr_cont_frames k
ppr_cont_frames (Cast _ k)
  = text "cast ..." : ppr_cont_frames k
ppr_cont_frames (Tick _ k)
  = text "tick ..." : ppr_cont_frames k
ppr_cont_frames Return
  = []
ppr_cont_frames (Jump x)
  = [text "jump" <+> ppr x]

ppr_cont :: OutputableBndr b => (SDoc -> SDoc) -> Cont b -> SDoc
ppr_cont add_par k
  | null frames
  = text "pass"
  | otherwise
  = add_par $ sep $ punctuate semi (ppr_cont_frames k)
  where frames = ppr_cont_frames k

pprCoreAlt :: OutputableBndr b => Alt b -> SDoc
pprCoreAlt (Alt con args rhs)
 = hang (ppr_case_pat con args <+> arrow) 2 (pprCoreComm rhs)

ppr_case_pat :: OutputableBndr a => GHC.AltCon -> [a] -> SDoc
ppr_case_pat con args
  = ppr con <+> (fsep (map ppr_bndr args))
    ppr_bndr = pprBndr CaseBind

pprCoreComm :: OutputableBndr b => Command b -> SDoc
pprCoreComm comm = ppr_comm noParens comm

pprCoreValue :: OutputableBndr b => Value b -> SDoc
pprCoreValue val = ppr_value noParens val

noParens :: SDoc -> SDoc
noParens pp = pp

instance OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Bind b) where
  ppr = ppr_bind

instance OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Value b) where
  ppr = ppr_value noParens

instance OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Command b) where
  ppr = ppr_comm noParens

instance OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Cont b) where
  ppr = ppr_cont noParens

instance OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Alt b) where
  ppr = pprCoreAlt