{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances   #-}
module Servant.Docs.Internal where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens               (makeLenses, over, traversed, (%~),
                                             (&), (.~), (<>~), (^.), _1, _2,
                                             _last, (|>))
import           Data.ByteString.Conversion (ToByteString, toByteString)
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive       as CI
import           Data.Hashable              (Hashable)
import           Data.HashMap.Strict        (HashMap)
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Ord                   (comparing)
import           Data.Proxy                 (Proxy(Proxy))
import           Data.String.Conversions    (cs)
import           Data.Text                  (Text, pack, unpack)
import           GHC.Exts                   (Constraint)
import           GHC.Generics
import           GHC.TypeLits
import           Servant.API
import           Servant.API.ContentTypes
import           Servant.Utils.Links

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict        as HM
import qualified Data.Text                  as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Media         as M
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types         as HTTP

-- | Supported HTTP request methods
data Method = DocDELETE -- ^ the DELETE method
            | DocGET    -- ^ the GET method
            | DocPOST   -- ^ the POST method
            | DocPUT    -- ^ the PUT method
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Show Method where
  show DocGET = "GET"
  show DocPOST = "POST"
  show DocDELETE = "DELETE"
  show DocPUT = "PUT"

instance Hashable Method

-- | An 'Endpoint' type that holds the 'path' and the 'method'.
-- Gets used as the key in the 'API' hashmap. Modify 'defEndpoint'
-- or any 'Endpoint' value you want using the 'path' and 'method'
-- lenses to tweak.
-- @
-- λ> 'defEndpoint'
-- GET /
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"]
-- GET /foo
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'DocPOST'
-- POST /foo
-- @
data Endpoint = Endpoint
  { _path   :: [String] -- type collected
  , _method :: Method   -- type collected
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance Show Endpoint where
  show (Endpoint p m) =
    show m ++ " " ++ showPath p

-- |
-- Render a path as a '/'-delimited string
showPath :: [String] -> String
showPath [] = "/"
showPath ps = concatMap ('/' :) ps

-- | An 'Endpoint' whose path is `"/"` and whose method is 'DocGET'
-- Here's how you can modify it:
-- @
-- λ> 'defEndpoint'
-- GET /
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"]
-- GET /foo
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'DocPOST'
-- POST /foo
-- @
defEndpoint :: Endpoint
defEndpoint = Endpoint [] DocGET

instance Hashable Endpoint

-- | Our API documentation type, a product of top-level information and a good
-- old hashmap from 'Endpoint' to 'Action'
data API = API
  { _apiIntros    :: [DocIntro]
  , _apiEndpoints :: HashMap Endpoint Action
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid API where
    API a1 b1 `mappend` API a2 b2 = API (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2)
    mempty = API mempty mempty

-- | An empty 'API'
emptyAPI :: API
emptyAPI = mempty

-- | A type to represent captures. Holds the name of the capture
--   and a description.
-- Write a 'ToCapture' instance for your captured types.
data DocCapture = DocCapture
  { _capSymbol :: String -- type supplied
  , _capDesc   :: String -- user supplied
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A type to represent a /GET/ parameter from the Query String. Holds its name,
--   the possible values (leave empty if there isn't a finite number of them),
--   and a description of how it influences the output or behavior.
-- Write a 'ToParam' instance for your GET parameter types
data DocQueryParam = DocQueryParam
  { _paramName   :: String   -- type supplied
  , _paramValues :: [String] -- user supplied
  , _paramDesc   :: String   -- user supplied
  , _paramKind   :: ParamKind
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | An introductory paragraph for your documentation. You can pass these to
-- 'docsWithIntros'.
data DocIntro = DocIntro
  { _introTitle :: String   -- ^ Appears above the intro blob
  , _introBody  :: [String] -- ^ Each String is a paragraph.
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Ord DocIntro where
    compare = comparing _introTitle

-- | A type to represent extra notes that may be attached to an 'Action'.
-- This is intended to be used when writing your own HasDocs instances to
-- add extra sections to your endpoint's documentation.
data DocNote = DocNote
  { _noteTitle :: String
  , _noteBody  :: [String]
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Type of extra information that a user may wish to "union" with their
-- documentation.
-- These are intended to be built using extraInfo.
-- Multiple ExtraInfo may be combined with the monoid instance.
newtype ExtraInfo layout = ExtraInfo (HashMap Endpoint Action)
instance Monoid (ExtraInfo a) where
    mempty = ExtraInfo mempty
    ExtraInfo a `mappend` ExtraInfo b =
        ExtraInfo $ HM.unionWith combineAction a b

-- | Type of GET parameter:
-- - Normal corresponds to @QueryParam@, i.e your usual GET parameter
-- - List corresponds to @QueryParams@, i.e GET parameters with multiple values
-- - Flag corresponds to @QueryFlag@, i.e a value-less GET parameter
data ParamKind = Normal | List | Flag
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A type to represent an HTTP response. Has an 'Int' status, a list of
-- possible 'MediaType's, and a list of example 'ByteString' response bodies.
-- Tweak 'defResponse' using the 'respStatus', 'respTypes' and 'respBody'
-- lenses if you want.
-- If you want to respond with a non-empty response body, you'll most likely
-- want to write a 'ToSample' instance for the type that'll be represented
-- as encoded data in the response.
-- Can be tweaked with three lenses.
-- > λ> defResponse
-- > Response {_respStatus = 200, _respTypes = [], _respBody = []}
-- > λ> defResponse & respStatus .~ 204 & respBody .~ [("If everything goes well", "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }")]
-- > Response {_respStatus = 204, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [("If everything goes well", "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }")]}
data Response = Response
  { _respStatus  :: Int
  , _respTypes   :: [M.MediaType]
  , _respBody    :: [(Text, M.MediaType, ByteString)]
  , _respHeaders :: [HTTP.Header]
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Default response: status code 200, no response body.
-- Can be tweaked with two lenses.
-- > λ> defResponse
-- > Response {_respStatus = 200, _respBody = Nothing}
-- > λ> defResponse & respStatus .~ 204 & respBody .~ Just "[]"
-- > Response {_respStatus = 204, _respBody = Just "[]"}
defResponse :: Response
defResponse = Response
  { _respStatus  = 200
  , _respTypes   = []
  , _respBody    = []
  , _respHeaders = []

-- | A datatype that represents everything that can happen
-- at an endpoint, with its lenses:
-- - List of captures ('captures')
-- - List of GET parameters ('params')
-- - What the request body should look like, if any is requested ('rqbody')
-- - What the response should be if everything goes well ('response')
-- You can tweak an 'Action' (like the default 'defAction') with these lenses
-- to transform an action and add some information to it.
data Action = Action
  { _captures :: [DocCapture]                -- type collected + user supplied info
  , _headers  :: [Text]                      -- type collected
  , _params   :: [DocQueryParam]             -- type collected + user supplied info
  , _notes    :: [DocNote]                   -- user supplied
  , _mxParams :: [(String, [DocQueryParam])] -- type collected + user supplied info
  , _rqtypes  :: [M.MediaType]               -- type collected
  , _rqbody   :: [(M.MediaType, ByteString)] -- user supplied
  , _response :: Response                    -- user supplied
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | Combine two Actions, we can't make a monoid as merging Response breaks the
-- laws.
-- As such, we invent a non-commutative, left associative operation
-- 'combineAction' to mush two together taking the response, body and content
-- types from the very left.
combineAction :: Action -> Action -> Action
Action c h p n m ts body resp `combineAction` Action c' h' p' n' m' _ _ _ =
        Action (c <> c') (h <> h') (p <> p') (n <> n') (m <> m') ts body resp

-- Default 'Action'. Has no 'captures', no GET 'params', expects
-- no request body ('rqbody') and the typical response is 'defResponse'.
-- Tweakable with lenses.
-- > λ> defAction
-- > Action {_captures = [], _headers = [], _params = [], _mxParams = [], _rqbody = Nothing, _response = Response {_respStatus = 200, _respBody = Nothing}}
-- > λ> defAction & response.respStatus .~ 201
-- > Action {_captures = [], _headers = [], _params = [], _mxParams = [], _rqbody = Nothing, _response = Response {_respStatus = 201, _respBody = Nothing}}
defAction :: Action
defAction =
  Action []

-- | Create an API that's comprised of a single endpoint.
--   'API' is a 'Monoid', so combine multiple endpoints with
--   'mappend' or '<>'.
single :: Endpoint -> Action -> API
single e a = API mempty (HM.singleton e a)

-- gimme some lenses
makeLenses ''API
makeLenses ''Endpoint
makeLenses ''DocCapture
makeLenses ''DocQueryParam
makeLenses ''DocIntro
makeLenses ''DocNote
makeLenses ''Response
makeLenses ''Action

-- | Generate the docs for a given API that implements 'HasDocs'. This is the
-- default way to create documentation.
docs :: HasDocs layout => Proxy layout -> API
docs p = docsFor p (defEndpoint, defAction)

-- | Closed type family, check if endpoint is exactly within API.

-- We aren't sure what affects how an Endpoint is built up, so we require an
-- exact match.
type family IsIn (endpoint :: *) (api :: *) :: Constraint where
    IsIn e (sa :<|> sb)                = Or (IsIn e sa) (IsIn e sb)
    IsIn (e :> sa) (e :> sb)           = IsIn sa sb
    IsIn e e                           = ()

-- | Create an 'ExtraInfo' that is garunteed to be within the given API layout.
-- The safety here is to ensure that you only add custom documentation to an
-- endpoint that actually exists within your API.
-- > extra :: ExtraInfo TestApi
-- > extra =
-- >     extraInfo (Proxy :: Proxy ("greet" :> Capture "greetid" Text :> Delete)) $
-- >              defAction & headers <>~ ["unicorns"]
-- >                        & notes   <>~ [ DocNote "Title" ["This is some text"]
-- >                                      , DocNote "Second secton" ["And some more"]
-- >                                      ]

extraInfo :: (IsIn endpoint layout, HasLink endpoint, HasDocs endpoint)
          => Proxy endpoint -> Action -> ExtraInfo layout
extraInfo p action =
    let api = docsFor p (defEndpoint, defAction)
    -- Assume one endpoint, HasLink constraint means that we should only ever
    -- point at one endpoint.
    in ExtraInfo $ api ^. apiEndpoints & traversed .~ action

-- | Generate documentation given some extra introductions (in the form of
-- 'DocInfo') and some extra endpoint documentation (in the form of
-- 'ExtraInfo'.
-- The extra introductions will be prepended to the top of the documentation,
-- before the specific endpoint documentation. The extra endpoint documentation
-- will be "unioned" with the automatically generated endpoint documentation.
-- You are expected to build up the ExtraInfo with the Monoid instance and
-- 'extraInfo'.
-- If you only want to add an introduction, use 'docsWithIntros'.
docsWith :: HasDocs layout => [DocIntro] -> ExtraInfo layout -> Proxy layout -> API
docsWith intros (ExtraInfo endpoints) p =
    docs p & apiIntros <>~ intros
           & apiEndpoints %~ HM.unionWith (flip combineAction) endpoints

-- | Generate the docs for a given API that implements 'HasDocs' with with any
-- number of introduction(s)
docsWithIntros :: HasDocs layout => [DocIntro] -> Proxy layout -> API
docsWithIntros intros = docsWith intros mempty

-- | The class that abstracts away the impact of API combinators
--   on documentation generation.
class HasDocs layout where
  docsFor :: Proxy layout -> (Endpoint, Action) -> API

-- | The class that lets us display a sample input or output in the supported
-- content-types when generating documentation for endpoints that either:
-- - expect a request body, or
-- - return a non empty response body
-- Example of an instance:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > import Data.Aeson
-- > import Data.Text
-- > import GHC.Generics
-- >
-- > data Greet = Greet { _msg :: Text }
-- >   deriving (Generic, Show)
-- >
-- > instance FromJSON Greet
-- > instance ToJSON Greet
-- >
-- > instance ToSample Greet Greet where
-- >   toSample _ = Just g
-- >
-- >     where g = Greet "Hello, haskeller!"
-- You can also instantiate this class using 'toSamples' instead of
-- 'toSample': it lets you specify different responses along with
-- some context (as 'Text') that explains when you're supposed to
-- get the corresponding response.
class ToSample a b | a -> b where
  {-# MINIMAL (toSample | toSamples) #-}
  toSample :: Proxy a -> Maybe b
  toSample _ = snd <$> listToMaybe samples
    where samples = toSamples (Proxy :: Proxy a)

  toSamples :: Proxy a -> [(Text, b)]
  toSamples _ = maybe [] (return . ("",)) s
    where s = toSample (Proxy :: Proxy a)

instance ToSample a b => ToSample (Headers ls a) b where
  toSample _  = toSample (Proxy :: Proxy a)
  toSamples _ = toSamples (Proxy :: Proxy a)

class AllHeaderSamples ls where
    allHeaderToSample :: Proxy ls -> [HTTP.Header]

instance AllHeaderSamples '[] where
    allHeaderToSample _  = []

instance (ToByteString l, AllHeaderSamples ls, ToSample l l, KnownSymbol h)
    => AllHeaderSamples (Header h l ': ls) where
    allHeaderToSample _ = (mkHeader (toSample (Proxy :: Proxy l))) :
                          allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
      where headerName = CI.mk . cs $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy h)
            mkHeader (Just x) = (headerName, cs $ toByteString x)
            mkHeader Nothing  = (headerName, "<no header sample provided>")

-- | Synthesise a sample value of a type, encoded in the specified media types.
    :: forall ctypes a b. (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty ctypes, AllMimeRender ctypes b)
    => Proxy ctypes
    -> Proxy a
    -> [(M.MediaType, ByteString)]
sampleByteString ctypes@Proxy Proxy =
    maybe [] (allMimeRender ctypes) $ toSample (Proxy :: Proxy a)

-- | Synthesise a list of sample values of a particular type, encoded in the
-- specified media types.
    :: forall ctypes a b. (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty ctypes, AllMimeRender ctypes b)
    => Proxy ctypes
    -> Proxy a
    -> [(Text, M.MediaType, ByteString)]
sampleByteStrings ctypes@Proxy Proxy =
    let samples = toSamples (Proxy :: Proxy a)
        enc (t, s) = uncurry (t,,) <$> allMimeRender ctypes s
    in concatMap enc samples

-- | Generate a list of 'MediaType' values describing the content types
-- accepted by an API component.
class SupportedTypes (list :: [*]) where
    supportedTypes :: Proxy list -> [M.MediaType]

instance SupportedTypes '[] where
    supportedTypes Proxy = []

instance (Accept ctype, SupportedTypes rest) => SupportedTypes (ctype ': rest)
    supportedTypes Proxy =
        contentType (Proxy :: Proxy ctype) : supportedTypes (Proxy :: Proxy rest)

-- | The class that helps us automatically get documentation
--   for GET parameters.
-- Example of an instance:
-- > instance ToParam (QueryParam "capital" Bool) where
-- >   toParam _ =
-- >     DocQueryParam "capital"
-- >                   ["true", "false"]
-- >                   "Get the greeting message in uppercase (true) or not (false). Default is false."
class ToParam t where
  toParam :: Proxy t -> DocQueryParam

-- | The class that helps us automatically get documentation
--   for URL captures.
-- Example of an instance:
-- > instance ToCapture (Capture "name" Text) where
-- >   toCapture _ = DocCapture "name" "name of the person to greet"
class ToCapture c where
  toCapture :: Proxy c -> DocCapture

-- | Generate documentation in Markdown format for
--   the given 'API'.
markdown :: API -> String
markdown api = unlines $
       introsStr (api ^. apiIntros)
    ++ (concatMap (uncurry printEndpoint) . sort . HM.toList $ api ^. apiEndpoints)

  where printEndpoint :: Endpoint -> Action -> [String]
        printEndpoint endpoint action =
          str :
          "" :
          notesStr (action ^. notes) ++
          capturesStr (action ^. captures) ++
          mxParamsStr (action ^. mxParams) ++
          headersStr (action ^. headers) ++
          paramsStr (action ^. params) ++
          rqbodyStr (action ^. rqtypes) (action ^. rqbody) ++
          responseStr (action ^. response) ++

          where str = "## " ++ show (endpoint^.method)
                    ++ " " ++ showPath (endpoint^.path)

        introsStr :: [DocIntro] -> [String]
        introsStr = concatMap introStr

        introStr :: DocIntro -> [String]
        introStr i =
            ("## " ++ i ^. introTitle) :
            "" :
            intersperse "" (i ^. introBody) ++
            "" :

        notesStr :: [DocNote] -> [String]
        notesStr = concatMap noteStr

        noteStr :: DocNote -> [String]
        noteStr nt =
            ("#### " ++ nt ^. noteTitle) :
            "" :
            intersperse "" (nt ^. noteBody) ++
            "" :

        capturesStr :: [DocCapture] -> [String]
        capturesStr [] = []
        capturesStr l =
          "#### Captures:" :
          "" :
          map captureStr l ++
          "" :

        captureStr cap =
          "- *" ++ (cap ^. capSymbol) ++ "*: " ++ (cap ^. capDesc)

        mxParamsStr :: [(String, [DocQueryParam])] -> [String]
        mxParamsStr [] = []
        mxParamsStr l =
          "#### Matrix Parameters:" :
          "" :
          map segmentStr l
        segmentStr :: (String, [DocQueryParam]) -> String
        segmentStr (segment, l) = unlines $
          ("**" ++ segment ++ "**:") :
          "" :
          map paramStr l ++
          "" :

        headersStr :: [Text] -> [String]
        headersStr [] = []
        headersStr l = [""] ++ map headerStr l ++ [""]

          where headerStr hname = "- This endpoint is sensitive to the value of the **"
                               ++ unpack hname ++ "** HTTP header."

        paramsStr :: [DocQueryParam] -> [String]
        paramsStr [] = []
        paramsStr l =
          "#### GET Parameters:" :
          "" :
          map paramStr l ++
          "" :

        paramStr param = unlines $
          ("- " ++ param ^. paramName) :
          (if (not (null values) || param ^. paramKind /= Flag)
            then ["     - **Values**: *" ++ intercalate ", " values ++ "*"]
            else []) ++
          ("     - **Description**: " ++ param ^. paramDesc) :
          (if (param ^. paramKind == List)
            then ["     - This parameter is a **list**. All GET parameters with the name "
                  ++ param ^. paramName ++ "[] will forward their values in a list to the handler."]
            else []) ++
          (if (param ^. paramKind == Flag)
            then ["     - This parameter is a **flag**. This means no value is expected to be associated to this parameter."]
            else []) ++

          where values = param ^. paramValues

        rqbodyStr :: [M.MediaType] -> [(M.MediaType, ByteString)]-> [String]
        rqbodyStr [] [] = []
        rqbodyStr types samples =
            ["#### Request:", ""]
            <> formatTypes types
            <> concatMap formatBody samples

        formatTypes [] = []
        formatTypes ts = ["- Supported content types are:", ""]
            <> map (\t -> "    - `" <> show t <> "`") ts
            <> [""]

        formatBody (m, b) =
          "- Example: `" <> cs (show m) <> "`" :
          contentStr m b

        markdownForType mime_type =
            case (M.mainType mime_type, M.subType mime_type) of
                ("text", "html") -> "html"
                ("application", "xml") -> "xml"
                ("application", "json") -> "javascript"
                ("application", "javascript") -> "javascript"
                ("text", "css") -> "css"
                (_, _) -> ""

        contentStr mime_type body =
          "" :
          "```" <> markdownForType mime_type :
          cs body :
          "```" :
          "" :

        responseStr :: Response -> [String]
        responseStr resp =
          "#### Response:" :
          "" :
          ("- Status code " ++ show (resp ^. respStatus)) :
          ("- Headers: " ++ show (resp ^. respHeaders)) :
          "" :
          formatTypes (resp ^. respTypes) ++

          where bodies = case resp ^. respBody of
                  []        -> ["- No response body\n"]
                  [("", t, r)] -> "- Response body as below." : contentStr t r
                  xs        ->
                    concatMap (\(ctx, t, r) -> ("- " <> T.unpack ctx) : contentStr t r) xs

-- * Instances

-- | The generated docs for @a ':<|>' b@ just appends the docs
--   for @a@ with the docs for @b@.
instance (HasDocs layout1, HasDocs layout2)
      => HasDocs (layout1 :<|> layout2) where

  docsFor Proxy (ep, action) = docsFor p1 (ep, action) <> docsFor p2 (ep, action)

    where p1 :: Proxy layout1
          p1 = Proxy

          p2 :: Proxy layout2
          p2 = Proxy

-- | @"books" :> 'Capture' "isbn" Text@ will appear as
-- @/books/:isbn@ in the docs.
instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToCapture (Capture sym a), HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (Capture sym a :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint', action')

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          captureP = Proxy :: Proxy (Capture sym a)

          action' = over captures (|> toCapture captureP) action
          endpoint' = over path (\p -> p ++ [":" ++ symbolVal symP]) endpoint
          symP = Proxy :: Proxy sym

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPABLe #-}
        (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts)
    => HasDocs (Delete cts a) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocDELETE
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
        (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts
         , AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
    => HasDocs (Delete cts (Headers ls a)) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
          endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocDELETE
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
                           & response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPABLe #-}
        (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts)
    => HasDocs (Get cts a) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocGET
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
        (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts
         , AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
    => HasDocs (Get cts (Headers ls a)) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
          endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocGET
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
                           & response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (Header sym a :> sublayout) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint, action')

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          action' = over headers (|> headername) action
          headername = pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
        (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts)
    => HasDocs (Post cts a) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPOST
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
                           & response.respStatus .~ 201
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
         (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts
         , AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
    => HasDocs (Post cts (Headers ls a)) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
          endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPOST
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
                           & response.respStatus .~ 201
                           & response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
        (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts)
    => HasDocs (Put cts a) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPUT
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
                           & response.respStatus .~ 200
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
         {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
        (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, SupportedTypes cts
         , AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
    => HasDocs (Put cts (Headers ls a)) where
  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint' action'

    where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
          endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPUT
          action' = action & response.respBody .~ sampleByteStrings t p
                           & response.respTypes .~ supportedTypes t
                           & response.respStatus .~ 200
                           & response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToParam (QueryParam sym a), HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint, action')

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          paramP = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryParam sym a)
          action' = over params (|> toParam paramP) action

instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToParam (QueryParams sym a), HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (QueryParams sym a :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint, action')

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          paramP = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryParams sym a)
          action' = over params (|> toParam paramP) action

instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToParam (QueryFlag sym), HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (QueryFlag sym :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint, action')

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          paramP = Proxy :: Proxy (QueryFlag sym)
          action' = over params (|> toParam paramP) action

instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToParam (MatrixParam sym a), HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (MatrixParam sym a :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint', action')

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          paramP = Proxy :: Proxy (MatrixParam sym a)
          segment = endpoint ^. (path._last)
          segment' = action ^. (mxParams._last._1)
          endpoint' = over (path._last) (\p -> p ++ ";" ++ symbolVal symP ++ "=<value>") endpoint

          action' = if segment' /= segment
                    -- This is the first matrix parameter for this segment, insert a new entry into the mxParams list
                    then over mxParams (|> (segment, [toParam paramP])) action
                    -- We've already inserted a matrix parameter for this segment, append to the existing list
                    else action & mxParams._last._2 <>~ [toParam paramP]
          symP = Proxy :: Proxy sym

instance (KnownSymbol sym, {- ToParam (MatrixParams sym a), -} HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (MatrixParams sym a :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint', action)

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          endpoint' = over path (\p -> p ++ [";" ++ symbolVal symP ++ "=<value>"]) endpoint
          symP = Proxy :: Proxy sym

instance (KnownSymbol sym, {- ToParam (MatrixFlag sym), -} HasDocs sublayout)
      => HasDocs (MatrixFlag sym :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint', action)

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout

          endpoint' = over path (\p -> p ++ [";" ++ symbolVal symP]) endpoint
          symP = Proxy :: Proxy sym

instance HasDocs Raw where
  docsFor _proxy (endpoint, action) =
    single endpoint action

-- TODO: We use 'AllMimeRender' here because we need to be able to show the
-- example data. However, there's no reason to believe that the instances of
-- 'AllMimeUnrender' and 'AllMimeRender' actually agree (or to suppose that
-- both are even defined) for any particular type.
instance (ToSample a b, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts b, HasDocs sublayout
         , SupportedTypes cts)
      => HasDocs (ReqBody cts a :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint, action')

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          action' = action & rqbody .~ sampleByteString t p
                           & rqtypes .~ supportedTypes t
          t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
          p = Proxy :: Proxy a

instance (KnownSymbol path, HasDocs sublayout) => HasDocs (path :> sublayout) where

  docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
    docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint', action)

    where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
          endpoint' = endpoint & path <>~ [symbolVal pa]
          pa = Proxy :: Proxy path