# servant-http2-client This package provides a way to generate HTTP2 client code from [Servant](http://haskell-servant.github.io/) API descriptions. Please consider this package somewhat unstable. The author would appreciate feedbacks and benchmarks in real-world deployments. ## Usage The usage is pretty similar to `servant-client` but uses an HTTP2Client rather than a Manager. See also the section below to highlight differences between `servant-client` and `servant-http2-client`. HTTP2 uses a flow-control mechanism, which `http2-client` exposes but `servant-http2-client` hides: as a client you have nothing to do and DATA-credit is immediately sent to the server. This mechanism is easy for the user but effectively disables flow control at the application level. Further, this easy-to-use mechanism may have some slight overhead for sending many small control frames. Future version of the library will expose more control points (at an increased cost). You can find a full example at `./test/Spec.hs` . ## Differences with servant-client The client leverages `http2-client` and hence behave slightly differently from `servant-client`, which uses `http-client`. Most notably, HTTP/2 uses a single TCP connection for performing concurrent requests, whereas HTTP/1.x at best pipelines request sequentially over a same connection. The `servant-client` library uses a connection Manager to create new TCP connections or try re-using existing connections. This `servant-http2-client` makes no use of such a Manager. This difference is mostly important for load-balancing and unstable network environments. When targeting a load-balanced server, a `servant-http2-client` will always hit the same TCP-endpoint whereas a `servant-client` may hit different TCP-endpoint for each request. Also, after handling a connection error, a `servant-client` will open a new TCP connection without any decision from the programmer. Conversely, a broken `servant-http2-client` will be of no practical use and the programmer must create a new H2ClientEnv. A Manager abstraction may be added to `http2-client` later. The `servant-client` package offers Cookies handling, whereas `servant-http2-client` has no such feature. Please consider opening a pull-request for adding the support. Finally, it's always good to remember that HTTP2 allows concurrent queries, that is, many API calls may fail when a single TCP connection dies out.