{-| A collection of hacky functions needed to work around the fact that 'wai-middleware-auth' is presently defined in terms of Wai, and, really, we want something that is defined for Servant. -} {-# language NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# language TupleSections #-} {-# language ViewPatterns #-} module Servant.OAuth2.Hacks where import "text" Data.Text (Text, intercalate) import "text" Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8) import "hoauth2" Network.OAuth.OAuth2 qualified as OA2 import "wai-middleware-auth" Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.OAuth2 ( OAuth2 (..) ) import "wai-middleware-auth" Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.OAuth2 qualified as Wai import "wai-middleware-auth" Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.OAuth2.Github ( Github (..) ) import "wai-middleware-auth" Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.OAuth2.Google ( Google (..) ) import Servant.OAuth2 import "uri-bytestring" URI.ByteString qualified as U -- | For some settings specialised to 'Github', return the login url. -- -- @since getGithubLoginUrl :: Text -> OAuth2Settings m Github a -> Text getGithubLoginUrl callbackUrl (provider -> Github { githubOAuth2 }) = getRedirectUrl callbackUrl githubOAuth2 (oa2Scope githubOAuth2) -- | For some settings specialised to 'Google', return the login url. -- -- @since getGoogleLoginUrl :: Text -> OAuth2Settings m Google a -> Text getGoogleLoginUrl callbackUrl (provider -> Google { googleOAuth2 }) = getRedirectUrl callbackUrl googleOAuth2 (oa2Scope googleOAuth2) -- | An extremely unfortunate way of getting the redirect URL; stolen from -- 'Network.Wai.Auth.Internal'. -- -- @since getRedirectUrl :: Text -> Wai.OAuth2 -> Maybe [Text] -> Text getRedirectUrl callbackUrl waiOa2 oa2Scope = decodeUtf8 redirectUrl where scope = (encodeUtf8 . intercalate " ") <$> oa2Scope redirectUrl = getRedirectURI $ (flip OA2.appendQueryParams) (OA2.authorizationUrl oa2) (maybe [] ((: []) . ("scope",)) scope) oa2 = maybe (error "Couldn't construct the OAuth2 record.") id fromInteralOAuth2 getRedirectURI = U.serializeURIRef' parseAbsoluteURI urlTxt = do case U.parseURI U.strictURIParserOptions (encodeUtf8 urlTxt) of Left _ -> Nothing Right url -> pure url fromInteralOAuth2 = do authEndpointURI <- parseAbsoluteURI $ Wai.oa2AuthorizeEndpoint waiOa2 callbackURI <- parseAbsoluteURI callbackUrl pure $ OA2.OAuth2 { OA2.oauth2ClientId = Wai.oa2ClientId waiOa2 , OA2.oauth2ClientSecret = error "Client secret not needed." , OA2.oauth2AuthorizeEndpoint = authEndpointURI , OA2.oauth2TokenEndpoint = error "No token endpoint" , OA2.oauth2RedirectUri = callbackURI }