{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- A middleware to respond to Options requests for a servant app
-- very helpful when trying to deal with pre-flight CORS requests.
module Network.Wai.Middleware.Servant.Options (provideOptions) where

import Servant
import Servant.Foreign
import Network.Wai
import Data.Text hiding (null, zipWith, length)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (nub)
import Network.HTTP.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

provideOptions :: (GenerateList NoContent (Foreign NoContent api), HasForeign NoTypes NoContent api)
               => Proxy api -> Middleware
provideOptions apiproxy app req cb
  | rmeth == "OPTIONS" = optional cb prior pinfo mlist
  | otherwise          = prior
  rmeth = requestMethod req :: Method
  pinfo = pathInfo      req :: [ Text ]
  mlist = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy NoTypes) (Proxy :: Proxy NoContent) apiproxy
  prior = app req cb

optional :: (Response -> r) -> r -> [Text] -> [Req NoContent] -> r
optional cb prior ts rs
  | null methods = prior
  | otherwise    = cb (buildResponse methods)
  methods = mapMaybe (getMethod ts) rs

getMethod :: [Text] -> Req NoContent -> Maybe Method
getMethod rs ps
  | sameLength && matchingSegments = Just (_reqMethod ps)
  | otherwise                      = Nothing
  pattern          = _path $ _reqUrl ps
  sameLength       = length rs == length pattern
  matchingSegments = and $ zipWith matchSegment rs pattern

matchSegment :: Text -> Segment NoContent -> Bool
matchSegment a (Segment (Static (PathSegment b)) ) | a /= b = False
matchSegment _ _                                            = True

buildResponse :: [Method] -> Response
buildResponse ms = responseBuilder s h mempty
  s = Status 200 "OK"
  m = B.intercalate ", " ("OPTIONS" : nub ms)
  h = [ ("Allow", m) ]