## Servant-Options This library provides a middleware that returns `HTTP OPTIONS` responses for valid application routes defined by your (Proxy :: Proxy api). It is especially useful when trying to write an API that can be used in a cross-origin capacity, as browsers will send "pre-flight" checks by requesting OPTIONS for routes that are about to be called. Before: ![](https://github.com/sordina/servant-options/blob/master/images/before.png?raw=true) After: ![](https://github.com/sordina/servant-options/blob/master/images/after.png?raw=true) Usage: module MyApp where import App import Servant import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors import Network.Wai.Middleware.Servant.Options app :: Application app = logStdoutDev $ cors (const $ Just policy) $ provideOptions apiProxy $ serve apiProxy apiServer where policy = simpleCorsResourcePolicy { corsRequestHeaders = [ "content-type" ] } ## See Also *