{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances,
             OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module      :  Servant.PostgreSQL.Prelude
Copyright   :  (c) Zalora SEA 2014
License     :  BSD3
Maintainer  :  Alp Mestanogullari <alp@zalora.com>
Stability   :  experimental

An helpful wrapper around 'Int64' that you can tie to
the standard response types in "Servant.Response.Prelude" with
the instances defined in this module.
module Servant.PostgreSQL.Prelude
  ( PGResult
  , ToPGResult(..)
  , toPGResult
  , pgresultOfInts
  , pgresultOfInt64
  , module Servant.Context.PostgreSQL
  ) where

import Data.Foldable
import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Servant.Context.PostgreSQL
import Servant.Prelude
import Servant.Response.Prelude

-- | A wrapper around 'Int64', which is what
--   PG hands us back when running 
--   'Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.execute'.
--   The @o@ type parameter lets us tag
--   the result with the operation that
--   we're running. This lets us turn
--   results into a proper response
--   (response body + status) differently
--   for 'Add' and 'Update' for example.
newtype PGResult o = PGResult { pgres :: Int64 }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Show)

-- | Run a database action and convert its
--   result to a 'PGResult'.
--   This will only typecheck on queries that
--   return 'Int64' or @['Only' 'Int']@, or a custom
--   type of yours for which you provide a 'ToPGResult'
--   instance.
toPGResult :: ToPGResult r => IO r -> IO (PGResult o)
toPGResult = fmap fromRes

-- | Run an 'IO' action that returns @['Only' 'Int']@
--   and convert the result to a 'PGResult'.
pgresultOfInts :: IO [Only Int] -> IO (PGResult o)
pgresultOfInts = toPGResult

-- | Run an 'IO' action that returns 'Int64' and
--   convert the result to a 'PGResult'.
pgresultOfInt64 :: IO Int64 -> IO (PGResult o)
pgresultOfInt64 = toPGResult

-- | Class of types that can be converted to a
--   'PGResult'.
--   This package provides instances for 'Int64'
--   and @['Only' 'Int']@
class ToPGResult r where
  fromRes :: r -> PGResult o

instance ToPGResult Int64 where
  fromRes = PGResult

instance ToPGResult [Only Int] where
  fromRes ns = PGResult n
    where n = getSum $ foldMap (Sum . fromIntegral . fromOnly) ns

-- | If the 'Int64' is smaller than 1, status 400 and a
--   suitable error message. Status 201 and empty message otherwise.
instance Response (UpdateResponse Add) (PGResult Add) where
  toResponse n = (response, statuscode)

    where response   = UpdateResponse successful msg
          successful = n > 0
          msg        = if successful then "" else "no entry added"
          statuscode = if successful then status201 else status400

-- | If the 'Int64' is smaller than 1, status 400 and a
--   suitable error message. Status200 and empty message otherwise.
instance Response (UpdateResponse Delete) (PGResult Delete) where
  toResponse n = (response, statuscode)

    where response   = UpdateResponse successful msg
          successful = n > 0
          msg        = if successful then "" else "couldn't delete: target entry doesn't exist"
          statuscode = if successful then status200 else status404

-- | If the 'Int64' is smaller than 1, status 400 and a
--   suitable error message. Status200 and empty message otherwise.
instance Response (UpdateResponse Update) (PGResult Update) where
  toResponse n = (response, statuscode)

    where response   = UpdateResponse successful msg
          successful = n > 0
          msg        = if successful then "" else "couldn't update: target entry doesn't exist"
          statuscode = if successful then status200 else status404