## * Change imports so this works with >= 0.18.1. [#20](https://github.com/cdepillabout/servant-rawm/pull/20) Thanks [@jhrcek](https://github.com/jhrcek)! ## * Bump the version lower bound of servant-rawm to 1.0 ## * The implementations of the `RawM` endpoint are divided into `servant-rawm-client`, `servant-rawm-docs`, and `servant-rawm-server` to avoid introducing unnecessary dependencies and reduce the compilation overhead. You will need to add either of the implementations to your dependencies, and import the corresponding implementation (`Servant.RawM.Server`, `Servant.RawM.Client`, or `Servant.RawM.Docs`) for the `RawM` endpoint to function correctly. [#16](https://github.com/cdepillabout/servant-rawm/pull/16) Thanks [@Krasjet](https://github.com/Krasjet)!