{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections       #-}

module Servant.Common.Req where

import           Control.Applicative        (liftA2, liftA3)
import           Control.Arrow              ((&&&))
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Monad              (join)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class     (MonadIO, liftIO)
import           Data.Bifunctor             (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder    as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Map                   as Map
import           Data.Maybe                 (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import           Data.Functor.Compose
import           Data.Monoid                ((<>))
import           Data.Proxy                 (Proxy(..))
import           Data.Text                  (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                  as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding         as TE
import           Data.Traversable           (forM)
import           Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Monad (JSM, MonadJSM, liftJSM)
import qualified Network.URI                as N
import           Reflex.Dom.Core                 hiding (tag)
import           Servant.Common.BaseUrl     (BaseUrl, showBaseUrl,
import           Servant.API.ContentTypes   (MimeUnrender(..), NoContent(..))
import           Web.HttpApiData            (ToHttpApiData(..))
import           Servant.API.BasicAuth

-- | The result of a request event
data ReqResult tag a
    = ResponseSuccess tag a XhrResponse
      -- ^ The succesfully decoded response from a request tagged with 'tag'
    | ResponseFailure tag Text XhrResponse
      -- ^ The failure response, which may have failed decoding or had
      --   a non-successful response code
    | RequestFailure  tag Text
      -- ^ A failure to construct the request tagged with 'tag' at trigger time
  deriving (Functor)

data ClientOptions = ClientOptions
    { optsRequestFixup :: forall a. Show a => XhrRequest a -> JSM (XhrRequest a)
      -- ^ Aribtrarily modify requests just before they are sent.
      -- Warning: This escape hatch opens the possibility for your
      -- requests to diverge from what the server expects, when the
      -- server is also derived from a servant API

defaultClientOptions :: ClientOptions
defaultClientOptions = ClientOptions { optsRequestFixup = return }

-- withCredentials :: Lens' (XhrRequest a) Bool
withCredentials :: (Show a, Functor f) => (Bool -> f Bool) -> XhrRequest a -> f (XhrRequest a)
withCredentials inj r@(XhrRequest _ _ cfg) =
    let cfg' = (\b -> cfg { _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = b}) <$>
               inj (_xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials cfg)
    in (\c' -> r {_xhrRequest_config = c' }) <$> cfg'

-- | Simple filter/accessor for successful responses, when you want to
-- ignore the error case. For example:
-- >> goodResponses <- fmapMaybe reqSuccess <$> clientFun triggers
reqSuccess :: ReqResult tag a -> Maybe a
reqSuccess (ResponseSuccess _ x _) = Just x
reqSuccess _                       = Nothing

-- | Simple filter/accessor like 'reqSuccess', but keeping the request tag
reqSuccess' :: ReqResult tag a -> Maybe (tag,a)
reqSuccess' (ResponseSuccess tag x _) = Just (tag,x)
reqSuccess' _                         = Nothing

-- | Simple filter/accessor for any failure case
reqFailure :: ReqResult tag a -> Maybe Text
reqFailure (ResponseFailure _ s _) = Just s
reqFailure (RequestFailure  _ s)   = Just s
reqFailure _                       = Nothing

-- | Simple filter/accessor like 'reqFailure', but keeping the request tag
reqFailure' :: ReqResult tag a -> Maybe (tag,Text)
reqFailure' (ResponseFailure tag s _) = Just (tag,s)
reqFailure' (RequestFailure  tag s)   = Just (tag,s)
reqFailure' _                         = Nothing

-- | Simple filter/accessor for the raw XHR response
response :: ReqResult tag a -> Maybe XhrResponse
response (ResponseSuccess _ _ x) = Just x
response (ResponseFailure _ _ x) = Just x
response _                       = Nothing

-- | Retrieve response tag
reqTag :: ReqResult tag a -> tag
reqTag (ResponseSuccess tag _ _) = tag
reqTag (ResponseFailure tag _ _) = tag
reqTag (RequestFailure  tag _  ) = tag

-- | You must wrap the parameter of a QueryParam endpoint with 'QParam' to
-- indicate whether the parameter is valid and present, validly absent, or
-- invalid
data QParam a = QParamSome a
              -- ^ A valid query parameter
              | QNone
              -- ^ Indication that the parameter is intentionally absent (the request is valid)
              | QParamInvalid Text
              -- ^ Indication that your validation failed (the request isn't valid)

qParamToQueryPart :: ToHttpApiData a => QParam a -> Either Text (Maybe Text)
qParamToQueryPart (QParamSome a)    = Right (Just $ toQueryParam a)
qParamToQueryPart QNone             = Right Nothing
qParamToQueryPart (QParamInvalid e) = Left e

data QueryPart t = QueryPartParam  (Dynamic t (Either Text (Maybe Text)))
                 | QueryPartParams (Dynamic t [Text])
                 | QueryPartFlag   (Dynamic t Bool)

-- The data structure used to build up request information while traversing
-- the shape of a servant API
data Req t = Req
  { reqMethod    :: Text
  , reqPathParts :: [Dynamic t (Either Text Text)]
  , qParams      :: [(Text, QueryPart t)]
  , reqBody      :: Maybe (Dynamic t (Either Text (BL.ByteString, Text)))
  , headers      :: [(Text, Dynamic t (Either Text Text))]
  , respHeaders  :: XhrResponseHeaders
  , authData     :: Maybe (Dynamic t (Maybe BasicAuthData))

defReq :: Req t
defReq = Req "GET" [] [] Nothing [] def Nothing

prependToPathParts :: Dynamic t (Either Text Text) -> Req t -> Req t
prependToPathParts p req =
  req { reqPathParts = p : reqPathParts req }

addHeader :: (ToHttpApiData a, Reflex t) => Text -> Dynamic t (Either Text a) -> Req t -> Req t
addHeader name val req = req { headers = (name, (fmap . fmap) (TE.decodeUtf8 . toHeader) val) : headers req }

    :: forall t. Reflex t
    => Text
    -> Dynamic t BaseUrl
    -> Req t
    -> Dynamic t (Either Text (XhrRequest XhrPayload))
reqToReflexRequest reqMeth reqHost req =
  let t :: Dynamic t [Either Text Text]
      t = sequence $ reverse $ reqPathParts req

      baseUrl :: Dynamic t (Either Text Text)
      baseUrl = Right . showBaseUrl <$> reqHost

      urlParts :: Dynamic t (Either Text [Text])
      urlParts = fmap sequence t

      urlPath :: Dynamic t (Either Text Text)
      urlPath = (fmap.fmap)
                (T.intercalate "/" . fmap escape)

      queryPartString :: (Text, QueryPart t) -> Dynamic t (Maybe (Either Text Text))
      queryPartString (pName, qp) = case qp of
        QueryPartParam p -> ffor p $ \case
          Left e         -> Just (Left e)
          Right (Just a) -> Just (Right $ pName <> "=" <> escape a)
          Right Nothing  -> Nothing
        QueryPartParams ps -> ffor ps $ \pStrings ->
          if null pStrings
          then Nothing
          else Just . Right
               . T.intercalate "&"
               $ fmap (\p -> pName <> "=" <> escape p) pStrings
        QueryPartFlag fl -> ffor fl $ \case
          True ->  Just $ Right pName
          False -> Nothing

      queryPartStrings :: [Dynamic t (Maybe (Either Text Text))]
      queryPartStrings = map queryPartString (qParams req)
      queryPartStrings' = fmap (sequence . catMaybes) $ sequence queryPartStrings :: Dynamic t (Either Text [Text])
      queryString :: Dynamic t (Either Text Text) =
        ffor queryPartStrings' $ \qs -> fmap (T.intercalate "&") qs
      xhrUrl =  (liftA3 . liftA3) (\a p q -> a </> if T.null q then p else p <> "?" <> q)
          baseUrl urlPath queryString
          (</>) :: Text -> Text -> Text
          x </> y | ("/" `T.isSuffixOf` x) || ("/" `T.isPrefixOf` y) = x <> y
                  | otherwise = x <> "/" <> y

      xhrHeaders :: Dynamic t (Either Text [(Text, Text)])
      xhrHeaders = (fmap sequence . sequence . fmap f . headers) req
          f = \(headerName, dynam) ->
                fmap (fmap (\rightVal -> (headerName, rightVal))) dynam

      mkConfigBody :: Either Text [(Text,Text)]
                   -> (Either Text (BL.ByteString, Text))
                   -> Either Text (XhrRequestConfig XhrPayload)
      mkConfigBody ehs rb = case (ehs, rb) of
                  (_, Left e)                     -> Left e
                  (Left e, _)                     -> Left e
                  (Right hs, Right (bBytes, bCT)) ->
                    Right $ XhrRequestConfig
                      { _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = bytesToPayload bBytes
                      , _xhrRequestConfig_headers  =
                        Map.insert "Content-Type" bCT (Map.fromList hs)
                      , _xhrRequestConfig_user = Nothing
                      , _xhrRequestConfig_password = Nothing
                      , _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = Just XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer
                      , _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False
                      , _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders = def

      xhrOpts :: Dynamic t (Either Text (XhrRequestConfig XhrPayload))
      xhrOpts = case reqBody req of
        Nothing    -> ffor xhrHeaders $ \case
                               Left e -> Left e
                               Right hs -> Right $ def { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = Map.fromList hs
                                                       , _xhrRequestConfig_user = Nothing
                                                       , _xhrRequestConfig_password = Nothing
                                                       , _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = Just XhrResponseType_ArrayBuffer
                                                       , _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = ""
                                                       , _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False
        Just rBody -> liftA2 mkConfigBody xhrHeaders rBody

      mkAuth :: Maybe BasicAuthData -> Either Text (XhrRequestConfig x) -> Either Text (XhrRequestConfig x)
      mkAuth _ (Left e) = Left e
      mkAuth Nothing r  = r
      mkAuth (Just (BasicAuthData u p)) (Right config) = Right $ config
        { _xhrRequestConfig_user     = Just $ TE.decodeUtf8 u
        , _xhrRequestConfig_password = Just $ TE.decodeUtf8 p}

      addAuth :: Dynamic t (Either Text (XhrRequestConfig x))
              -> Dynamic t (Either Text (XhrRequestConfig x))
      addAuth xhr = case authData req of
        Nothing -> xhr
        Just auth -> liftA2 mkAuth auth xhr

      xhrReq = (liftA2 . liftA2) (\p opt -> XhrRequest reqMeth p opt) xhrUrl (addAuth xhrOpts)

  in xhrReq

-- * performing requests

displayHttpRequest :: Text -> Text
displayHttpRequest httpmethod = "HTTP " <> httpmethod <> " request"

-- | This function performs the request
performRequests :: forall t m f tag.(SupportsServantReflex t m, Traversable f)
                => Text
                -> Dynamic t (f (Req t))
                -> Dynamic t BaseUrl
                -> ClientOptions
                -> Event t tag
                -> m (Event t (tag, f (Either Text XhrResponse)))
performRequests reqMeth rs reqHost opts trigger = do
  let xhrReqs =
          join $ (\(fxhr :: f (Req t)) -> sequence $
                     reqToReflexRequest reqMeth reqHost <$> fxhr) <$> rs

      -- xhrReqs = fmap snd <$> xhrReqsAndDebugs
      reqs    = attachPromptlyDynWith
                (\fxhr t -> Compose (t, fxhr)) xhrReqs trigger

  resps <- performSomeRequestsAsync opts reqs
  return $ getCompose <$> resps

-- | Issues a collection of requests when the supplied Event fires.
-- When ALL requests from a given firing complete, the results are
-- collected and returned via the return Event.
    :: (MonadIO (Performable m),
        MonadJSM (Performable m),
        HasWebView (Performable m),
        PerformEvent t m,
        TriggerEvent t m,
        Traversable f,
        IsXhrPayload a,
        Show a
    => ClientOptions
    -> Event t (f (Either Text (XhrRequest a)))
    -> m (Event t (f (Either Text XhrResponse)))
performSomeRequestsAsync opts =
    performSomeRequestsAsync' opts newXMLHttpRequest . fmap return

-- | A modified version or Reflex.Dom.Xhr.performRequestsAsync
-- that accepts 'f (Either e (XhrRequestb))' events
    :: (MonadJSM (Performable m), PerformEvent t m, TriggerEvent t m, Traversable f, Show b)
    => ClientOptions
    -> (XhrRequest b -> (a -> JSM ()) -> Performable m XMLHttpRequest)
    -> Event t (Performable m (f (Either Text (XhrRequest b)))) -> m (Event t (f (Either Text a)))
performSomeRequestsAsync' opts newXhr req = performEventAsync $ ffor req $ \hrs cb -> do
  rs <- hrs
  resps <- forM rs $ \r -> case r of
      Left e -> do
          resp <- liftIO $ newMVar (Left e)
          return resp
      Right r' -> do
          resp <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
          r'' <- liftJSM $ (optsRequestFixup opts) r'
          _ <- newXhr r'' $ liftIO . putMVar resp . Right
          return resp
  _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ cb =<< forM resps takeMVar
  return ()

type XhrPayload = T.Text
bytesToPayload :: BL.ByteString -> XhrPayload
bytesToPayload = TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict

    :: (SupportsServantReflex t m,
        MimeUnrender ct a, Traversable f)
    => Proxy ct
    -> Text
    -> Dynamic t (f (Req t))
    -> Dynamic t BaseUrl
    -> ClientOptions
    -> Event t tag
    -> m (Event t (f (ReqResult tag a)))
performRequestsCT ct reqMeth reqs reqHost opts trigger = do
  resps <- performRequests reqMeth reqs reqHost opts trigger
  let decodeResp (Just (XhrResponseBody_ArrayBuffer x)) =
                     first T.pack .
                     mimeUnrender ct $
                     BL.fromStrict x
      decodeResp _ = Left "No body"
  return $ fmap
      (\(t,rs) -> ffor rs $ \r -> case r of
              Left e  -> RequestFailure t e
              Right g -> evalResponse (decodeResp . _xhrResponse_response) (t,g)

    :: (SupportsServantReflex t m,
        Traversable f)
    => Text
    -> Dynamic t (f (Req t))
    -> Dynamic t BaseUrl
    -> ClientOptions
    -> Event t tag
    -> m (Event t (f (ReqResult tag NoContent)))
performRequestsNoBody reqMeth reqs reqHost opts trigger = do
  resps <- performRequests reqMeth reqs reqHost opts trigger
  let decodeResp = const $ Right NoContent
  return $ ffor resps $ \(tag,rs) -> ffor rs $ \r -> case r of
      Left e  -> RequestFailure tag e
      Right g -> evalResponse decodeResp (tag,g)

    :: (XhrResponse -> Either Text a)
    -> (tag, XhrResponse)
    -> ReqResult tag a
evalResponse decode (tag, xhr) =
    let status = _xhrResponse_status xhr
        okStatus = status >= 200 && status < 400
        errMsg = fromMaybe
            ("Empty response with error code " <>
                T.pack (show $ _xhrResponse_status xhr))
            (_xhrResponse_responseText xhr)
        respPayld  = if okStatus
                     then either
                          (\e -> ResponseFailure tag e xhr)
                          (\v -> ResponseSuccess tag v xhr)
                          (decode xhr)
                     else ResponseFailure tag errMsg xhr
    in respPayld

-- | Utility for simultaneously accessing/filtering Success and Failure
-- response 'Event's,
fanReqResult :: Reflex t => Event t (ReqResult tag a) -> (Event t Text, Event t a)
fanReqResult = fmapMaybe reqFailure &&& fmapMaybe reqSuccess

-- | Utility for simultaneously accessing/filtering Success and Failure
-- response 'Event's, but keeping the request tag
fanReqResult' :: Reflex t => Event t (ReqResult tag a) -> (Event t (tag, Text), Event t (tag, a))
fanReqResult' = fmapMaybe reqFailure' &&& fmapMaybe reqSuccess'

note :: e -> Maybe a -> Either e a
note e = maybe (Left e) Right

fmapL :: (e -> e') -> Either e a -> Either e' a
fmapL _ (Right a) = Right a
fmapL f (Left e)  = Left (f e)

builderToText :: Builder.Builder -> T.Text
builderToText = TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . Builder.toLazyByteString

escape :: T.Text -> T.Text
escape = T.pack . N.escapeURIString (not . N.isReserved) . T.unpack . TE.decodeUtf8 . BL.toStrict . Builder.toLazyByteString . toEncodedUrlPiece