# servant-tracing [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ChrisCoffey/haskell-opentracing-light.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ChrisCoffey/haskell-opentracing-light) This repository is the minimum required for publishing trace data to Zipkin or Jaeger. It adheres to the [Open Tracing Standard] (https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md) but is not complete. See the documentation on Hackage for module-level details. ### Using the library The OpenTracing standard revolves around a single function, `recordSpan`. `recordSpan` is responsible for creating new spans (see the standard for the definition of a span) and ensuring child spans use the new id. In order to properly build this tree of calls library users must provide the necessary environment via a `MonadTracer` instance (see haddocks). Library users are responsible for defining their own publish loop. There is a default `Zipkin` publisher in `Tracing.Zipkin` which works with Jaeger & Zipkin, but the loop to drain the `spanBuffer` must be provided by the user. ``` foo :: (MonadIO m, MonadTracer m) => Int -> m String foo str = recordSpan Nothing [Tag "Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything", Tag 42] "Compute Ultimate Question" $ pure "Oops" ``` The code above logs a new span to the `spanBuffer`, where it will sit until published. If it turns out that `foo` is called from an active span, then it will be recorded as a child of said higher span. ### Testing Locally with the Demo App You can start up a compatible server for (Zipkin)[] or (Jaeger)[] via a standalone docker container. From there its a matter of seting the following environment variables: - *TRACING_ENDPOINT*: a `String` with the fully url to a running tracing server - *TRACING_SERVICE*: a `String` name for your service #### Pending Features - Concurrent tracing support. - Thrift support - Additional clients - Pluggable samplers