{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Servant.Tracing ( ServantTracingT, WithTracing, TracingInstructions(..), instructionsToHeader, getInstructions ) where import Tracing.Core (Tracer, TraceId(..), SpanId(..), MonadTracer, TracingInstructions(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO, MonadIO) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral as BS import Data.Text.Read(hexadecimal) import Data.Bits (testBit, (.|.)) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Servant import Servant.Server import System.Random (randomRIO) import Web.HttpApiData (FromHttpApiData(..)) -- | Constrain the 'ServerT''s base monad such that it provides an instance of 'MonadTracer' type ServantTracingT api m = (MonadIO m, MonadTracer m) => ServerT api m type WithTracing = Header "uber-trace-id" TracingInstructions -- | Jaeger format: http://jaeger.readthedocs.io/en/latest/client_libraries/#propagation-format -- This allows the trace backend to reassemble downstream traces. instructionsToHeader :: TracingInstructions -> T.Text instructionsToHeader TracingInstructions {traceId=(TraceId tid), spanId=SpanId sid, parentSpanId=SpanId pid, sample, debug} = toField tid<>":"<> toField sid <> ":"<> toField pid <> ":" <> (T.pack $ show setFlags) where toField = T.pack . BS.unpack . fromMaybe "0" . BS.packHexadecimal setFlags :: Int setFlags = (if debug then 2 else 0) .|. (if sample then 1 else 0) .|. 0 instance FromHttpApiData TracingInstructions where parseUrlPiece :: T.Text -> Either T.Text TracingInstructions parseUrlPiece raw = case T.splitOn ":" raw of [rawTraceId, rawSpanId, rawParentId, flags] -> let res = do traceId <- TraceId . fromIntegral . fst <$> hexadecimal rawTraceId spanId <- SpanId . fromIntegral . fst <$> hexadecimal rawSpanId parentId <- SpanId . fromIntegral . fst <$> if T.null rawParentId then pure (0 :: Integer, "") else hexadecimal rawParentId flagField <- fromIntegral . fst <$> hexadecimal flags let [sample, debug]= [sampleFlag, debugFlag] <*> [flagField] pure TracingInstructions { traceId = traceId, spanId = spanId, parentSpanId = parentId, sample = sample, debug = debug } in case res of Left err -> Left $ T.pack err Right val -> Right val _ -> Left $ raw <> " is not a valid uber-trace-id header" where sampleFlag :: Int -> Bool sampleFlag = (`testBit` 0) debugFlag :: Int -> Bool debugFlag = (`testBit` 1) -- TODO write a monad that wraps servant & determines if it should sample or not. Takes a sampling determinant. Only evaluates if the header is not present -- | In the event that there are no 'TracingInstructions' for this call, generate new instructions. -- -- This has a getInstructions :: MonadIO m => Bool -> Maybe TracingInstructions -> m TracingInstructions getInstructions debug Nothing = do newTraceId <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, maxBound) newSpanId <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, maxBound) sample <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 1000) pure TracingInstructions { traceId = TraceId newTraceId, spanId = SpanId newSpanId, parentSpanId = SpanId 0, debug, sample = sample == (1::Int) } getInstructions _ (Just inst) = pure inst