{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts
           , ScopedTypeVariables
           , PatternSignatures
           , TypeFamilies
           , MultiParamTypeClasses
           , FlexibleInstances
           , UndecidableInstances #-}

        Copyright 2008 Matthew Sackman <matthew@wellquite.org>

    This file is part of Session Types for Haskell.

    Session Types for Haskell is free software: you can redistribute it
    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
    the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    Session Types for Haskell is distributed in the hope that it will
    be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
    See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Session Types for Haskell.
    If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

-- | A single thread should be able to have multiple concurrent
-- conversations with other threads. So this module places
-- 'InterleavedChain' as an instance of 'SMonad', and equipts it with
-- the capability to manage and modify a mapping of channels to other
-- threads. Note there is some danger in here. Deadlocks can start to
-- appear if you're silly or deliberately mean. However, this is
-- starting to get towards the Actor / Erlang model of message
-- passing.

module Control.Concurrent.Session.Interleaving
    ( withChannel
    , Fork(..)
    , runInterleaved
    , sjumpCh
    , ssendCh
    , srecvCh
    , sofferCh
    , sselectCh
    , scloseCh
    , withThenClose
    , createSessionThenClose
    , forkThenClose
    , sendChannel
    , recvChannel
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent.Session.Bool
import Control.Concurrent.Session.Number
import Control.Concurrent.Session.Map
import Control.Concurrent.Session.SessionType
import Control.Concurrent.Session.Runtime
import Control.Concurrent.Session.List
import Control.Concurrent.Session.Pid
import Control.Concurrent.Session.SMonad
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad

-- | Perform the given actions on the given channel. Note that the
-- value emitted by the actions will be passed out.
withChannel :: ( MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (current, fromO, fromI))
               , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (current', toO, toI)) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
               , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
               , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
               ) =>
    idx -> SessionChain prog prog' (current, fromO, fromI) (current', toO, toI) res ->
    InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') res
-- pidProg is not necessarily prog as prog could be the dual of pidProg
withChannel idx chain
    = InterleavedChain $
      \p mp -> do { let st = mapLookup mp idx
                  ; (res, st') <- runSessionChain chain st
                  ; let mp' = mapUpdate mp idx st'
                  ; return (res, mp', p)

-- | Think of this as /spawn/ or /fork/ - it creates a child thread
-- which must be prepared to communicate with you. You get a channel
-- set up to the child which is emitted by this function. The child is
-- first told about the channel back to you and your Pid. The child
-- can go off and do what ever it wants, including creating additional
-- channels. The child starts off knowing with only one open channel
-- which is to the parent.
class Fork invert init sessionsList prog prog'
           sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem sessionsToIdxMe idxsToPairStructsMe
           fromO fromI progOut progIn keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe'
           keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild' keyToIdxChild'' idxToValueChild'' idxOfChild
           current current' currentUX currentUX' invertedSessionsMe invertedSessionsThem where
    fork :: init -> invert -> sessionsList ->
            ((D0 E) -> Pid prog prog' invertedSessionsMe sessionsToIdxMe idxsToPairStructsMe ->
             InterleavedChain (InternalPid prog prog' invertedSessionsThem sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem)
                              (TyMap keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild') (TyMap keyToIdxChild'' idxToValueChild'')
                              ()) ->
            InterleavedChain (InternalPid prog prog' invertedSessionsMe sessionsToIdxMe idxsToPairStructsMe)
                             (TyMap keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe) (TyMap keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe')
                             (idxOfChild, Pid prog prog' invertedSessionsThem sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem)

instance forall prog prog' progOut progIn init
    fromO fromI sessionsList sessionsListSorted current current' currentUX currentUX'
    keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe'
    keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild' keyToIdxChild'' idxToValueChild''
    idxOfChild sessionsToIdxMe idxsToPairStructsMe sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem invertedSessionsMe invertedSessionsThem .
    ( ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog prog ~ progOut
    , ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog' prog' ~ progIn
    , ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog prog progOut
    , ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' prog' progIn
    , SWellFormedConfig init (D0 E) prog
    , SWellFormedConfig init (D0 E) prog'
    , TyListIndex progOut init (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell fromO)))
    , TyListIndex progIn init (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell fromI)))
    , TyListIndex prog init currentUX
    , TyListIndex prog' init currentUX'
    , Expand prog currentUX current
    , Expand prog' currentUX' current'
    , BuildPidTyMap prog sessionsListSorted (TyMap sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem)
    , BuildInvertedSessionsSet sessionsListSorted invertedSessionsThem
    , TyListSortNums sessionsList sessionsListSorted
    , MapSize (TyMap keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe) idxOfChild
    , MapInsert (TyMap keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe) idxOfChild
                    (SessionState prog prog' (current, fromO, fromI)) (TyMap keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe')
    , MapInsert (TyMap Nil Nil) (D0 E)
                    (SessionState prog' prog (current', fromI, fromO)) (TyMap keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild')
    ) =>
    Fork False init sessionsList prog prog'
         sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem sessionsToIdxMe idxsToPairStructsMe
         fromO fromI progOut progIn keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe'
         keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild' keyToIdxChild'' idxToValueChild'' idxOfChild
         current current' currentUX currentUX' invertedSessionsMe invertedSessionsThem where
             fork _ FF sessionsList child =
                 InterleavedChain $
                     \localPid@(IPid localPPid@(Pid _ prog prog' _ _) _) mp ->
                         do { mvarsOut <- programToMVarsOutgoing prog prog
                            ; mvarsIn <- programToMVarsOutgoing prog' prog'
                            ; aNotify <- newMVar Nothing
                            ; bNotify <- newMVar Nothing
                            ; ((), (childST :: SessionState prog' prog (current', fromI, fromO)))
                                <- runSessionChain (sjump :: SessionChain prog' prog
                                                    ((Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil)) (current', fromI, fromO) ())
                                                    (SessionState prog' prog mvarsIn mvarsOut undefined aNotify undefined bNotify undefined)
                            ; childSessions <- buildPidTyMap prog sortedSessions
                            ; let childMap :: TyMap keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild' = mapInsert (D0 E) childST emptyMap
                                  (localPid', childPid) = makePid localPid invertedSessions childSessions
                            ; forkIO $ runInterleavedChain (child (D0 E) localPPid) childPid childMap >> return ()
                            ; ((), (myST :: SessionState prog prog' (current, fromO, fromI)))
                                <- runSessionChain (sjump :: SessionChain prog prog'
                                                    ((Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil)) (current, fromO, fromI) ())
                                                    (SessionState prog prog' mvarsOut mvarsIn undefined bNotify undefined aNotify undefined)
                            ; let idxOfChild :: idxOfChild = mapSize mp
                            ; return ((idxOfChild, iPidToPid childPid), mapInsert idxOfChild myST mp, localPid')
                           sortedSessions = tyListSortNums sessionsList
                           invertedSessions = buildInvertedSessionsSet sortedSessions

instance forall prog prog' progOut progIn init
    fromO fromI sessionsList sessionsListSorted current current' currentUX currentUX'
    keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe'
    keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild' keyToIdxChild'' idxToValueChild''
    idxOfChild sessionsToIdxMe idxsToPairStructsMe sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem invertedSessionsMe invertedSessionsThem .
    ( ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog prog ~ progOut
    , ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog' prog' ~ progIn
    , ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog prog progOut
    , ProgramToMVarsOutgoing prog' prog' progIn
    , SWellFormedConfig init (D0 E) prog
    , SWellFormedConfig init (D0 E) prog'
    , TyListIndex progOut init (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell fromO)))
    , TyListIndex progIn init (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell fromI)))
    , TyListIndex prog init currentUX
    , TyListIndex prog' init currentUX'
    , Expand prog currentUX current
    , Expand prog' currentUX' current'
    , BuildPidTyMap prog sessionsListSorted (TyMap sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem)
    , BuildInvertedSessionsSet sessionsListSorted invertedSessionsThem
    , TyListSortNums sessionsList sessionsListSorted
    , MapSize (TyMap keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe) idxOfChild
    , MapInsert (TyMap keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe) idxOfChild
                    (SessionState prog' prog (current', fromI, fromO)) (TyMap keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe')
    , MapInsert (TyMap Nil Nil) (D0 E)
                    (SessionState prog prog' (current, fromO, fromI)) (TyMap keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild')
    ) =>
    Fork True init sessionsList prog prog'
         sessionsToIdxThem idxsToPairStructsThem sessionsToIdxMe idxsToPairStructsMe
         fromO fromI progOut progIn keyToIdxMe idxToValueMe keyToIdxMe' idxToValueMe'
         keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild' keyToIdxChild'' idxToValueChild'' idxOfChild
         current current' currentUX currentUX' invertedSessionsMe invertedSessionsThem where
             fork _ TT sessionsList child =
                 InterleavedChain $
                     \localPid@(IPid localPPid@(Pid _ prog prog' _ _) _) mp ->
                         do { mvarsOut <- programToMVarsOutgoing prog prog
                            ; mvarsIn <- programToMVarsOutgoing prog' prog'
                            ; aNotify <- newMVar Nothing
                            ; bNotify <- newMVar Nothing
                            ; ((), (childST :: SessionState prog prog' (current, fromO, fromI)))
                                <- runSessionChain (sjump :: SessionChain prog prog'
                                                    ((Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil)) (current, fromO, fromI) ())
                                                    (SessionState prog prog' mvarsOut mvarsIn undefined aNotify undefined bNotify undefined)
                            ; childSessions <- buildPidTyMap prog sortedSessions
                            ; let childMap :: TyMap keyToIdxChild' idxToValueChild' = mapInsert (D0 E) childST emptyMap
                                  (localPid', childPid) = makePid localPid invertedSessions childSessions
                            ; forkIO $ runInterleavedChain (child (D0 E) localPPid) childPid childMap >> return ()
                            ; ((), (myST :: SessionState prog' prog (current', fromI, fromO)))
                                <- runSessionChain (sjump :: SessionChain prog' prog
                                                    ((Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil), (Cons (Jump init) Nil)) (current', fromI, fromO) ())
                                                    (SessionState prog' prog mvarsIn mvarsOut undefined bNotify undefined aNotify undefined)
                            ; let idxOfChild :: idxOfChild = mapSize mp
                            ; return ((idxOfChild, iPidToPid childPid), mapInsert idxOfChild myST mp, localPid')
                           sortedSessions = tyListSortNums sessionsList
                           invertedSessions = buildInvertedSessionsSet sortedSessions

-- | Run the root. Use this to start up a family from a single root.
runInterleaved :: ( BuildPidTyMap prog sessionsListSorted (TyMap sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs)
                  , TyListSortNums sessionsList sessionsListSorted
                  , BuildInvertedSessionsSet sessionsListSorted invertedSessions
                  , Dual prog prog'
                  , DualT prog ~ prog'
                  ) =>
                  sessionsList -> prog ->
                  InterleavedChain (InternalPid prog prog' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs)
                                   (TyMap Nil Nil) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) res ->
                  IO res
runInterleaved sessions prog ic
    = do { tyMap <- buildPidTyMap prog sortedSessions
         ; runInterleavedChain ic (rootPid tyMap invertedSessions prog) emptyMap >>= \(res, _, _) -> return res
      sortedSessions = tyListSortNums sessions
      invertedSessions = buildInvertedSessionsSet sortedSessions

-- | Convenience combination of 'withChannel' and 'sjump'
sjumpCh :: ( ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog prog ~ progOut
           , ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog' prog' ~ progIn
           , SWellFormedConfig l (D0 E) prog
           , SWellFormedConfig l (D0 E) prog'
           , TyListIndex progOut l (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell outgoing)))
           , TyListIndex progIn l (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell incoming)))
           , TyListIndex prog l current'
           , Expand prog current' current
           , MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((Cons (Jump l) Nil), (Cons (Jump l) Nil), (Cons (Jump l) Nil)))
           , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (current, outgoing, incoming)) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
           , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
           , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
           ) =>
    idx -> InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') ()
sjumpCh ch = withChannel ch sjump

-- | Convenience combination of 'withChannel' and 'ssend'
ssendCh :: ( MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((Cons (Send t) nxt), (Cons t nxt'), incoming))
           , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (nxt, nxt', incoming)) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
           , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
           , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
           ) =>
    idx -> t -> InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') ()
ssendCh ch t = withChannel ch (ssend t)

-- | Convenience combination of 'withChannel' and 'srecv'
srecvCh :: ( MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((Cons (Recv t) nxt), outgoing, (Cons t nxt')))
           , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (nxt, outgoing, nxt')) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
           , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
           , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
           ) =>
    idx -> InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') t
srecvCh ch = withChannel ch (srecv)

-- | Convenience combination of 'withChannel' and 'soffer'
sofferCh :: ( MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((Cons (Offer jumps) Nil), Cons (Choice jumps) Nil, Cons (Choice jumps) Nil))
            , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (current, outgoing, incoming)) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
            , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
            , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
            ) =>
    idx -> OfferImpls jumps prog prog' (current, outgoing, incoming) finalResult ->
    InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' sessionsToIdx invertedSessions idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') finalResult
sofferCh ch offerImpls = withChannel ch (soffer offerImpls)

-- | Convenience combination of 'withChannel' and 'sselectCh'
sselectCh :: ( ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog prog ~ progOut
             , ProgramToMVarsOutgoingT prog' prog' ~ progIn
             , MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((Cons (Select jumps) Nil), Cons (Choice jumps) Nil, Cons (Choice jumps) Nil))
             , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (current, outgoing, incoming)) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
             , TyListLength jumps len
             , SmallerThanBool label len True
             , TypeNumberToInt label
             , TyListIndex jumps label (Cons (Jump jumpTarget) Nil)
             , SWellFormedConfig jumpTarget (D0 E) prog
             , SWellFormedConfig jumpTarget (D0 E) prog'
             , TyListIndex progOut jumpTarget (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell outgoing)))
             , TyListIndex progIn jumpTarget (MVar (ProgramCell (Cell incoming)))
             , TyListIndex prog jumpTarget currentUX
             , Expand prog currentUX current
             , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
             , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx (TyMap keyToIdx'' idxToValue'')
             ) =>
    idx -> label -> InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') ()
sselectCh ch b = withChannel ch (sselect b)

scloseCh :: ( MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) ch (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue')
            , MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) ch (SessionState prog prog' (Cons End Nil, outgoing, incoming))
            ) =>
    ch -> InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue') ()
scloseCh ch = InterleavedChain $
              \localPid mp -> return ((), mapDelete mp ch, localPid)

withThenClose ch f = withChannel ch f ~>>= \r -> scloseCh ch ~>> sreturn r
createSessionThenClose idx dualSess pid f = createSession idx dualSess pid ~>>= \ch -> withThenClose ch f
forkThenClose idx dualSess childSess child f = fork idx dualSess childSess child ~>>= \(ch, pid) -> withThenClose ch f ~>>= \r -> sreturn (r, pid)

sendChannel :: ( MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) chToSend (SessionState prog prog' (current, outgoing, incoming))
               , MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) chOnWhichToSend (SessionState prog'' prog''' (Cons (Send (SessionState prog prog' (current, outgoing, incoming))) nxt, Cons (SessionState prog prog' (current, outgoing, incoming)) nxt', incoming'))
               , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) chOnWhichToSend (SessionState prog'' prog''' (nxt, nxt', incoming')) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
               , MapDelete (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') chToSend (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue'')
               ) =>
    chToSend -> chOnWhichToSend ->
    InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue'') ()
sendChannel chToSend chOnWhichToSend
    = InterleavedChain $
      \p mp -> do { let stToSend = mapLookup mp chToSend
                        stOnWhichToSend = mapLookup mp chOnWhichToSend
                  ; ((), stOnWhichToSend') <- runSessionChain (ssend stToSend) stOnWhichToSend
                  ; let mp' = mapUpdate mp chOnWhichToSend stOnWhichToSend'
                        mp'' = mapDelete mp' chToSend
                  ; return ((), mp'', p)

recvChannel :: ( MapLookup (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' ((Cons (Recv (SessionState prog'' prog''' (current', outgoing', incoming'))) nxt), outgoing, (Cons (SessionState prog'' prog''' (current', outgoing', incoming')) nxt')))
               , MapUpdate (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) idx (SessionState prog prog' (nxt, outgoing, nxt')) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue')
               , MapSize (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx'
               , MapInsert (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue') idx' (SessionState prog'' prog''' (current', outgoing', incoming')) (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue'')
               ) =>
    idx -> InterleavedChain (InternalPid pidProg pidProg' invertedSessions sessionsToIdx idxsToPairStructs) (TyMap keyToIdx idxToValue) (TyMap keyToIdx' idxToValue'') idx'
recvChannel idx
    = InterleavedChain f
      f p mp = do { let stOnWhichToRecv = mapLookup mp idx
                  ; (stToRecv, stOnWhichToRecv') <- runSessionChain srecv stOnWhichToRecv
                  ; let mp' = mapUpdate mp idx stOnWhichToRecv'
                        idx' = mapSize mp'
                        mp'' = mapInsert idx' stToRecv mp'
                  ; return (idx', mp'', p)