{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} import Control.Distributed.Session (evalSessionEq, sessionRemoteTable, spawnChannel, call, spawn) import Control.Distributed.Process (Process, NodeId, RemoteTable, liftIO, getSelfPid, sendChan, expect) import Control.Distributed.Process.Node import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure import Network.Transport.TCP import Test.Hspec import Test.Program.Closure main :: IO () main = do n <- newNode 10010 runProcess n $ do let nid = localNodeId n x1 <- test_call nid x2 <- test_spawn nid x3 <- test_spawnChannel nid liftIO $ do hspec $ do describe "call" $ do it "spawns a `Session` on a remote node and waits for its result" $ x1 `shouldBe` 5 describe "spawn" $ do it "spawns a `Session` on a remote node" $ x2 `shouldBe` 5 describe "spawnChannel" $ do it "spawns a `Session` on a remote node together with a typed channel" $ x3 `shouldBe` 6 myRemoteTable :: RemoteTable myRemoteTable = Test.Program.Closure.__remoteTable $ sessionRemoteTable initRemoteTable newNode p = do Right t <- createTransport "" (show p) (\sn -> ("", sn)) defaultTCPParameters newLocalNode t myRemoteTable test_call :: NodeId -> Process Int test_call nid = evalSessionEq $ call $(mkStatic 'sdictInt) nid $(mkStaticClosure 'sessWrap) test_spawn :: NodeId -> Process Int test_spawn nid = do pid <- getSelfPid evalSessionEq $ spawn nid ($(mkClosure 'sessSpawnWrap) pid) expect test_spawnChannel :: NodeId -> Process Int test_spawnChannel nid = do pid <- getSelfPid sp <- evalSessionEq $ spawnChannel $(mkStatic 'sdictInt) nid ($(mkClosure 'spawnChWrap) pid) sendChan sp 6 expect