{- This file is part of settings.
 - Written in 2015 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@rel4tion.org>.
 - ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
 - The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
 - rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
 - distributed without any warranty.
 - You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
 - with this software. If not, see
 - <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.

-- | This top-level module contains just a tutorial, which you can read below.
-- It will help you figure out which of the sub-modules you need, and how to
-- use them.
-- = Tutorial
-- == Concepts
-- For a real usage example, see the /funbot/ package.
-- This library works with 2 components of your application state:
-- 1. Application settings value, of any type you like. Usually this is a
--    record of a type you define specifically for your application. It can be
--    a value just for settings, or, if modifiable settings are stored in
--    various parts of your state, it can be the state value itself.
-- 2. A settings tree, of type @Section@ (defined in "Data.Settings.Types").
--    This is a user interface component for accessing the settings values as a
--    tree with labeled nodes. If your settings tree never changes, you can use
--    a Haskell value directly for it. It if changes, add it to your
--    application state so that it can be modified as needed during run time.
-- The idea is that you freely use whatever you like for the settings values,
-- and the settings tree is a UI component added on top without interfering
-- with your program logic code. Persistence using simple periodic exports to
-- JSON is available in the @json-state@ package, but you can use any other
-- solution as needed, e.g. the acid-state package.
-- == Settings Tree Basics
-- In order to understand the layers of the API, we'll examine it bottom-up.
-- We'll start with the generic flexible parts and move towards the more
-- specific but simpler and more convenient ones. You'll likely need a bit of
-- both sides, so it's probably best to taste both.
-- Suppose we're writing a terminal based text editor, like /nano/ or /vim/.
-- The UI allows the user to enter commands like @get x.y.z@ or @set x.y.z val@
-- which manipulate the settings.
-- Let's define a type for settings. It may look like this:
-- > data Settings = Settings
-- >     { setsTabWidth    :: Int
-- >     , setsFont        :: String
-- >     , setsTextSize    :: Int
-- >     , setsColorScheme :: String
-- >     }
-- For simplicity, suppose the settings tree won't be changing, so all we need
-- in our application state is the settings. Let's use this:
-- > data AppState = AppState
-- >     { appOpenFiles :: [String]
-- >     , appUI        :: Widget
-- >     , appSettings  :: Settings
-- >     }
-- If we wanted to allow the settings tree structure to change, we'd have a
-- field for it too in the app state record.
-- This will be our monad:
-- > type App = StateT AppState IO
-- Now let's define a settings tree. A settings tree is the top-level /section/
-- of it. Each such section consists of two things: A set of settings options,
-- and a set of subsections. An empty tree looks like this:
-- > import Data.Settings.Section (empty)
-- >
-- > stree :: Section App
-- > stree = empty
-- Which is equivalent to:
-- > import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
-- >
-- > stree :: Section App
-- > stree = Section
-- >     { secOpts = M.empty
-- >     , secSubs = M.empty
-- >     }
-- The 'secOpts' field is a map between option names and 'Option' values. The
-- 'secSubs' field is a map between subsection names and 'Section' values. We
-- can then refer to a specific tree node using period-separated syntax. For
-- example, if we have a tree with a single top-level option @\"a\"@, we can
-- refer to it in the UI simply a @\"a\"@. If we have a tree with a subsection
-- @\"s\"@ and under it an option @\"a\"@, we refer to that section as @\"a\"@
-- and to the option under it as @\"s.a\"@. And so on, we can have arbitrarily
-- deep nesting of sections and options, e.g. @\"s.t.u.v.w.x.a\"@.
-- The low-level flexible way to define a settings tree is by using 'Option'
-- value contructors directly. Let's define a simple flat tree with 4 options
-- and no subsections.
-- The 'Option' fields are monadic actions in our application monad, @App@.
-- > import Control.Monad.Trans.State
-- > import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
-- > import Data.Settings.Types
-- > import Text.Read (readMaybe)
-- >
-- > -- Convenience wrappers to make the code shorter
-- > -- Perhaps a good chance to use lens?
-- > getS = gets appSettings
-- > putS sets = modify $ \ app -> app { appSettings = sets }
-- > modifyS f = modify $ \ app -> app { appSettings = f $ appSettings app }
-- >
-- > stree :: Section App
-- > stree = Section
-- >     { secOpts = M.fromList
-- >         [ ( "tab-width"
-- >           , Option
-- >               { optGet   = liftM (show . setsTabWidth) getS
-- >               , optSet   = \ val ->
-- >                     case readMaybe val of
-- >                         Just n -> do
-- >                             modifyS $ \ s -> s { setsTabWidth = n }
-- >                             return Nothing
-- >                         Nothing -> return $ Just $ InvalidValueForType val
-- >               , optReset = modifyS $ \ s -> s { setsTabWidth = 4 }
-- >               }
-- >           )
-- >         , ( "font"
-- >           , Option {- ... similar fashion ... -}
-- >           )
-- >         , ( "text-size"
-- >           , Option {- ... similar fashion ... -}
-- >           )
-- >         , ( "color-scheme"
-- >           , Option {- ... similar fashion ... -}
-- >           )
-- >         ]
-- >     , secSubs = M.empty
-- >     }
-- == Building a Settings UI
-- We'll see higher level alternatives later. Let's see how to contruct the
-- settings UI now. The "Data.Settings.Iterface" provides a set of high-level
-- functions you can use on your UI code. You just need to wrap them with UI
-- actions like error message (e.g. invalid value) and feedback for successful
-- operations.
-- Before we can use those functions, we need to make our application monad an
-- instance of the 'MonadSettings' (multi-parameter) typeclass:
-- > instance MonadSettings App Settings where
-- >     getSettings = getS
-- >     putSettings = putS
-- >     modifySettings = modifyS
-- >     getSTree = return stree
-- Now, suppose the user enters the command @get x.y.z@ in our text editor's
-- command input line. This should return a friendly result. If @x.y.z@ is a
-- valid path in our settings tree leading to an option value, display that
-- value. If it's a section, display a list of the options and subsections it
-- contains. If it's neither, i.e. the path is invalid, report the error.
-- Such a UI can easily be constructed using functions in
-- "Data.Settings.Interface", e.g. see the 'Data.Settings.Interface.query'
-- function. Using the values it returns, you can construct UI strings to
-- display on the screen.
-- For example, in our case we'd want @get@ to display the top-level tree
-- contents, @get tab-width@ to display a number (4 by default) and @get foo@
-- to display an error /no such option or section/.
-- == Settings Tree Definition Tools
-- Let's go back to defining the settings tree. Some things we could improve:
-- * We defined @getS@ and related small functions, and used them when we
--   defined the 'MonadSettings' instance. Instead, we can first define the
--   instance and then just use its methods in our settings free definition if
--   needed.
-- * The usage of @readMaybe@ and @show@ allowed us to easily and quickly wrap
--   the tab width, an 'Int' value, by the string-based interface. But with
--   larger settings records and more value types, we'd want something more
--   robust and appropriate for UI. For example, if we did this for a 'Bool'
--   field, the user would have to type in @set x.y.z True@ while
--   @set x.y.z yes@ wouldn't work. Why tie the UI to the way booleans are
--   written in Haskell? We can have /true, TRUE, True, yes, Yes, 1/ etc. all
--   mean 'True'. Be flexible and user friendly.
-- * Once we write the 'MonadSettings' instance, instead of using its methods
--   directly (like we used @getS@ etc.) we can have wrappers do it for us, so
--   that we only need to write functions operating over the @Settings@ type
--   directly, making our code simple and readable and easy to tweak.
-- Let's start with the second point, wrapping typed settings values with UI,
-- e.g. like the example given for booleans above. The "Data.Settings.Option"
-- module provides the @mkOptionV@ function. This function wraps the type
-- details for us, if we supply instances of the @OptionValue@ class. Let's
-- define an instance for 'Int', which is the type of 2 out of the 4 fields in
-- our @Settings@ type. Generally, you'd want to define instances for all the
-- relevant field types in your settings type, e.g. perhaps also 'Bool' and
-- 'Float' and custom enum tyes and so on, depending on your requirements and
-- UI designs.
-- > instace OptionValue Int where
-- >     readOption = readMaybe
-- >     showOption = show
-- >     typeName = const "Integer"
-- And here's an instance for 'Bool':
-- > instace OptionValue Bool where
-- >     readOption s
-- >         | sl `elem` ["true, "yes", "on", "1"]   = Just True
-- >         | sl `elem` ["false", "no", "off", "0"] = Just False
-- >         | otherwise                             = Nothing
-- >         where sl = map toLower s
-- >     showOption = show
-- >     typeName = const "Boolean"
-- Now, using @mkOptionV@, and this time also using the @MonadSettings@
-- functions, we can redefine the tab width option like this:
-- > mkOptionV
-- >     (liftM setsTabWidth getSettings)
-- >     (\ n -> do
-- >         modifySettings $ \ s -> s { setsTabWidth = n }
-- >         return True
-- >     )
-- >     (modifySettings $ \ s -> s { setsTabWidth = 4 })
-- Now let's improve further. This will be the highest level of the API. Given
-- a @MonadSettings@ instance, the repetitive parts of the code can be cleaned
-- further, by using the @mkOptionS@ function.
-- > mkOptionS
-- >     setsTabWidth
-- >     (\ n s -> Just s { setsTabWidth = n })
-- >     (\ s -> (Just 4, s { setsTabWidth = 4 }))
-- >     (const $ return ())
-- Perhaps a bit cleaner form removing duplication is this:
-- > mkOptionS
-- >     setsTabWidth
-- >     (\ n s -> Just $ set n s)
-- >     (\ s -> (Just defval, set defval s))
-- >     (const $ return ())
-- >     where
-- >     set n s = s { setsTabWidth = n }
-- >     defval = 4
-- The last argument is a callback action to be run when a successful set or
-- reset of the value occurs.
-- == Settings Tree Dynamic Modification
-- Modification simply requires holding the tree as application state, and
-- changing as needed. Removing sections, adding options and so on. There is an
-- API in "Data.Settings.Section" for working with the settings tree, and since
-- unordered maps are being used, you may also find "Data.HashMap.Lazy" useful
-- (from unordered-containers package).
module Data.Settings where