name: sexpr version: 0.2.1 cabal-version: >= 1.2 synopsis: S-expression printer and parser description: Parser and printer for S-expressions, including Ron Rivest's Canonical S-expressions. These are used in SDSI and SPKI, and are generally useful for cryptographic operations over structured data. category: Codec license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Brian Sniffen maintainer: build-type: Simple flag testing description: build test executable default: False library if flag(testing) ghc-options: -Wall Build-Depends: base, base64-string, pretty, bytestring, binary Exposed-modules: Codec.Sexpr executable sexpr-test if !flag(testing) buildable: False ghc-options: -Wall main-is: Codec/Sexpr/Tests.hs other-modules: Codec.Sexpr Codec.Sexpr.Parser Codec.Sexpr.Printer Codec.Sexpr.Internal build-depends: QuickCheck, random