{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Development.Shake.Rules.File(
    need, needBS, needed, neededBS, want,
    (*>), (**>), (?>), phony, (~>),
    newCache, newCacheIO
    ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import System.Directory
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS

import Development.Shake.Core
import General.Base
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.FilePattern
import Development.Shake.FileTime
import Development.Shake.Types
import Development.Shake.Errors

import Data.Maybe
import System.FilePath(takeDirectory) -- important that this is the system local filepath, or wrong slashes go wrong

infix 1 *>, ?>, **>, ~>

newtype FileQ = FileQ BSU
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show FileQ where show (FileQ x) = unpackU x

newtype FileA = FileA FileTime
    deriving (Typeable,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Eq FileA where FileA x == FileA y = x /= fileTimeNone && x == y

instance Show FileA where show (FileA x) = "FileTimeHash " ++ show x

instance Rule FileQ FileA where
    storedValue (FileQ x) = fmap (fmap FileA) $ getModTimeMaybe x

    observed act = do
        src <- getCurrentDirectory
        old <- listDir src
        res <- act
        new <- listDir src
        let obs = compareItems old new
            -- if we didn't find anything used, then most likely we aren't tracking access time close enough
            obs2 = obs{used = if used obs == Just [] then Nothing else (used obs)}
        return (obs2, res)

data Item = ItemDir [(String,Item)] -- sorted
          | ItemFile (Maybe FileTime) (Maybe FileTime) -- mod time, access time
            deriving Show

listDir :: FilePath -> IO Item
listDir root = do
    xs <- getDirectoryContents root
    xs <- return $ sort $ filter (not . all (== '.')) xs
    fmap ItemDir $ forM xs $ \x -> fmap ((,) x) $ do
        let s = root </> x
        b <- doesFileExist s
        if b then listFile s else listDir s

listFile :: FilePath -> IO Item
listFile x = do
    let f x = Control.Exception.catch (fmap Just x) $ \(_ :: SomeException) -> return Nothing
    mod <- f $ getModTime x
    acc <- f $ getAccTime x
    return $ ItemFile mod acc

compareItems :: Item -> Item -> Observed File
compareItems = f ""
        f path (ItemFile mod1 acc1) (ItemFile mod2 acc2) =
            Observed (Just [File path | mod1 /= mod2]) (Just [File path | acc1 /= acc2])
        f path (ItemDir xs) (ItemDir ys) = mconcat $ map g $ zips xs ys
            where g (name, Just x, Just y) = f (path </> name) x y
                  g (name, x, y) = Observed (Just $ concatMap (files path) $ catMaybes [x,y]) Nothing
        f path _ _ = Observed (Just [File path]) Nothing

        files path (ItemDir xs) = concat [files (path </> a) b | (a,b) <- xs]
        files path _ = [File path]

        zips :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)] -> [(a, Maybe b, Maybe b)]
        zips ((x1,x2):xs) ((y1,y2):ys)
            | x1 == y1  = (x1,Just x2,Just y2):zips xs ys
            | x1 <  y1  = (x1,Just x2,Nothing):zips xs ((y1,y2):ys)
            | otherwise = (y1,Nothing,Just y2):zips ((x1,x2):xs) ys
        zips xs ys = [(a,Just b,Nothing) | (a,b) <- xs] ++ [(a,Nothing,Just b) | (a,b) <- ys]

-- | This function is not actually exported, but Haddock is buggy. Please ignore.
defaultRuleFile :: Rules ()
defaultRuleFile = defaultRule $ \(FileQ x) -> Just $
    liftIO $ fmap FileA $ getModTimeError "Error, file does not exist and no rule available:" x

-- | Add a dependency on the file arguments, ensuring they are built before continuing.
--   The file arguments may be built in parallel, in any order. This function is particularly
--   necessary when calling 'Development.Shake.cmd' or 'Development.Shake.command'. As an example:
-- @
-- \"\/\/*.rot13\" '*>' \\out -> do
--     let src = 'Development.Shake.FilePath.dropExtension' out
--     'need' [src]
--     'Development.Shake.cmd' \"rot13\" [src] \"-o\" [out]
-- @
--   Usually @need [foo,bar]@ is preferable to @need [foo] >> need [bar]@ as the former allows greater
--   parallelism, while the latter requires @foo@ to finish building before starting to build @bar@.
need :: [FilePath] -> Action ()
need xs = (apply $ map (FileQ . packU) xs :: Action [FileA]) >> return ()

needBS :: [BS.ByteString] -> Action ()
needBS xs = (apply $ map (FileQ . packU_) xs :: Action [FileA]) >> return ()

-- | Like 'need', but if 'shakeLint' is set, check that the file does not rebuild.
--   Used for adding dependencies on files that have already been used in this rule.
needed :: [FilePath] -> Action ()
needed xs = do
    opts <- getShakeOptions
    if not $ shakeLint opts then need xs else neededCheck $ map packU xs

neededBS :: [BS.ByteString] -> Action ()
neededBS xs = do
    opts <- getShakeOptions
    if not $ shakeLint opts then needBS xs else neededCheck $ map packU_ xs

neededCheck :: [BSU] -> Action ()
neededCheck xs = do
    pre <- liftIO $ mapM getModTimeMaybe xs
    post <- apply $ map FileQ xs :: Action [FileA]
    let bad = [ (x, if isJust a then "File change" else "File created")
              | (x, a, FileA b) <- zip3 xs pre post, Just b /= a]
    case bad of
        [] -> return ()
        (file,msg):_ -> errorStructured
            "Lint checking error - 'needed' file required rebuilding"
            [("File", Just $ unpackU file)
            ,("Error",Just msg)]

-- | Require that the argument files are built by the rules, used to specify the target.
-- @
-- main = 'Development.Shake.shake' 'shakeOptions' $ do
--    'want' [\"Main.exe\"]
--    ...
-- @
--   This program will build @Main.exe@, given sufficient rules. All arguments to all 'want' calls
--   may be built in parallel, in any order.
--   This function is defined in terms of 'action' and 'need', use 'action' if you need more complex
--   targets than 'want' allows.
want :: [FilePath] -> Rules ()
want = action . need

root :: String -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
root help test act = rule $ \(FileQ x_) -> let x = unpackU x_ in
    if not $ test x then Nothing else Just $ do
        liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory x
        act x
        liftIO $ fmap FileA $ getModTimeError ("Error, rule " ++ help ++ " failed to build file:") x_

-- | Declare a phony action -- an action that does not produce a file, and will be rerun
--   in every execution that requires it. You can demand 'phony' rules using 'want' \/ 'need'.
--   Phony actions are never executed more than once in a single build run.
--   Phony actions are intended to define command-line abbreviations. If you 'need' a phony action
--   in a rule then every execution where that rule is required will rerun both the rule and the phony
--   action.
phony :: String -> Action () -> Rules ()
phony name act = rule $ \(FileQ x_) -> let x = unpackU x_ in
    if name /= x then Nothing else Just $ do
        return $ FileA fileTimeNone

-- | Infix operator alias for 'phony', for sake of consistency with normal
--   rules.
(~>) :: String -> Action () -> Rules ()
(~>) = phony 

-- | Define a rule to build files. If the first argument returns 'True' for a given file,
--   the second argument will be used to build it. Usually '*>' is sufficient, but '?>' gives
--   additional power. For any file used by the build system, only one rule should return 'True'.
--   This function will create the directory for the result file, if necessary.
-- @
-- (all isUpper . 'Development.Shake.FilePath.takeBaseName') '?>' \\out -> do
--     let src = 'Development.Shake.FilePath.replaceBaseName' out $ map toLower $ takeBaseName out
--     'Development.Shake.writeFile'' out . map toUpper =<< 'Development.Shake.readFile'' src
-- @
(?>) :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
(?>) = root "with ?>"

-- | Define a set of patterns, and if any of them match, run the associated rule. See '*>'.
(**>) :: [FilePattern] -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
-- Should probably have been called |*>, since it's an or (||) of *>
(**>) test = root "with **>" (\x -> any (?== x) test)

-- | Define a rule that matches a 'FilePattern'. No file required by the system must be
--   matched by more than one pattern. For the pattern rules, see '?=='.
--   This function will create the directory for the result file, if necessary.
-- @
-- \"*.asm.o\" '*>' \\out -> do
--     let src = 'Development.Shake.FilePath.dropExtension' out
--     'need' [src]
--     'Development.Shake.cmd' \"as\" [src] \"-o\" [out]
-- @
--   To define a build system for multiple compiled languages, we recommend using @.asm.o@,
--   @.cpp.o@, @.hs.o@, to indicate which language produces an object file.
--   I.e., the file @foo.cpp@ produces object file @foo.cpp.o@.
--   Note that matching is case-sensitive, even on Windows.
(*>) :: FilePattern -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules ()
(*>) test = root (show test) (test ?==)

-- | A version of 'newCache' that runs in IO, and can be called before calling 'Development.Shake.shake'.
--   Most people should use 'newCache' instead.
newCacheIO :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO (FilePath -> Action a)
newCacheIO act = do
    var <- newVar Map.empty -- Var (Map FilePath (Barrier (Either SomeException a)))
    let run = either (\e -> throwIO (e :: SomeException)) return
    return $ \file -> do
        need [file]
        liftIO $ join $ modifyVar var $ \mp -> case Map.lookup file mp of
            Just v -> return (mp, run =<< waitBarrier v)
            Nothing -> do
                v <- newBarrier
                return $ (,) (Map.insert file v mp) $ do
                    res <- try $ act file
                    signalBarrier v res
                    run res

-- | Given a way of loading information from a file, produce a cached version that will load each file at most once.
--   Using the cached function will still result in a dependency on the original file.
--   The argument function should not access any files other than the one passed as its argument.
--   Each call to 'newCache' creates a separate cache that is independent of all other calls to 'newCache'.
--   This function is useful when creating files that store intermediate values,
--   to avoid the overhead of repeatedly reading from disk, particularly if the file requires expensive parsing.
--   As an example:
-- @
-- digits \<- 'newCache' $ \\file -> do
--     src \<- readFile file
--     return $ length $ filter isDigit src
-- \"*.digits\" '*>' \\x -> do
--     v1 \<- digits ('dropExtension' x)
--     v2 \<- digits ('dropExtension' x)
--     'Development.Shake.writeFile'' x $ show (v1,v2)
-- @
--   To create the result @MyFile.txt.digits@ the file @MyFile.txt@ will be read and counted, but only at most
--   once per execution.
newCache :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> Rules (FilePath -> Action a)
newCache = rulesIO . newCacheIO