-- | A module for useful utility functions for Shake build systems. module Development.Shake.Util( parseMakefile, needMakefileDependencies, neededMakefileDependencies, shakeArgsAccumulate ) where import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.Rules.File import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Development.Shake.ByteString as BS import Control.Arrow import Data.List import System.Console.GetOpt -- | Given the text of a Makefile, extract the list of targets and dependencies. Assumes a -- small subset of Makefile syntax, mostly that generated by @gcc -MM@. -- -- > parseMakefile "a: b c\nd : e" == [("a",["b","c"]),("d",["e"])] parseMakefile :: String -> [(FilePath, [FilePath])] parseMakefile = map (BS.unpack *** map BS.unpack) . BS.parseMakefile . BS.pack -- | Depend on the dependencies listed in a Makefile. Does not depend on the Makefile itself. -- -- > needMakefileDependencies file = need . concatMap snd . parseMakefile =<< liftIO (readFile file) needMakefileDependencies :: FilePath -> Action () needMakefileDependencies file = needBS . concatMap snd . BS.parseMakefile =<< liftIO (BS.readFile file) -- | Depend on the dependencies listed in a Makefile. Does not depend on the Makefile itself. -- Use this function to indicate that you have /already/ used the files in question. -- -- > neededMakefileDependencies file = needed . concatMap snd . parseMakefile =<< liftIO (readFile file) neededMakefileDependencies :: FilePath -> Action () neededMakefileDependencies file = neededBS . concatMap snd . BS.parseMakefile =<< liftIO (BS.readFile file) -- | Like `shakeArgsWith`, but instead of accumulating a list of flags, apply functions to a default value. -- Usually used to populate a record structure. As an example of a build system that can use either @gcc@ or @distcc@ for compiling: -- -- @ --import System.Console.GetOpt -- --data Flags = Flags {distCC :: Bool} deriving Eq --flags = [Option \"\" [\"distcc\"] (NoArg $ Right $ \\x -> x{distCC=True}) \"Run distributed.\"] -- --main = 'shakeArgsAccumulate' 'shakeOptions' flags (Flags False) $ \\flags targets -> return $ Just $ do -- if null targets then 'want' [\"result.exe\"] else 'want' targets -- let compiler = if distCC flags then \"distcc\" else \"gcc\" -- \"*.o\" '*>' \\out -> do -- 'need' ... -- 'cmd' compiler ... -- ... -- @ -- -- Now you can pass @--distcc@ to use the @distcc@ compiler. shakeArgsAccumulate :: ShakeOptions -> [OptDescr (Either String (a -> a))] -> a -> (a -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (Rules ()))) -> IO () shakeArgsAccumulate opts flags def f = shakeArgsWith opts flags $ \flags targets -> f (foldl' (flip ($)) def flags) targets