module General.Timing(resetTimings, addTiming, printTimings) where import Data.IORef import Data.Time import System.IO.Unsafe import General.Base {-# NOINLINE timings #-} timings :: IORef [(UTCTime, String)] -- number of times called, newest first timings = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef [] resetTimings :: IO () resetTimings = do now <- getCurrentTime writeIORef timings [(now, "Start")] -- | Print all withTiming information and clear the information. printTimings :: IO () printTimings = do now <- getCurrentTime old <- atomicModifyIORef timings $ \ts -> ([(now, "Start")], ts) putStr $ unlines $ showTimings now $ reverse old addTiming :: String -> IO () addTiming msg = do now <- getCurrentTime atomicModifyIORef timings $ \ts -> ((now,msg):ts, ()) showTimings :: UTCTime -> [(UTCTime, String)] -> [String] showTimings _ [] = [] showTimings stop times = showGap $ [(a ++ " ", showDP 3 b ++ "s " ++ showPerc b ++ " " ++ progress b) | (a,b) <- xs] ++ [("Total", showDP 3 sm ++ "s " ++ showPerc sm ++ " " ++ replicate 25 ' ')] where a // b = if b == 0 then 0 else a / b showPerc x = let s = show $ floor $ x * 100 // sm in replicate (3 - length s) ' ' ++ s ++ "%" progress x = let i = floor $ x * 25 // mx in replicate i '=' ++ replicate (25-i) ' ' mx = maximum $ map snd xs sm = sum $ map snd xs xs = [ (name, fromRational $ toRational $ stop `diffUTCTime` start) | ((start, name), stop) <- zip times $ map fst (drop 1 times) ++ [stop]] showGap :: [(String,String)] -> [String] showGap xs = [a ++ replicate (n - length a - length b) ' ' ++ b | (a,b) <- xs] where n = maximum [length a + length b | (a,b) <- xs]