{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | Both System.Directory and System.Environment wrappers
module Development.Shake.Rules.Directory(
    doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist,
    getDirectoryContents, getDirectoryFiles, getDirectoryDirs,
    getEnv, getEnvWithDefault,
    removeFiles, removeFilesAfter,
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Binary
import Data.List
import qualified System.Directory as IO

import Development.Shake.Core
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Development.Shake.FilePattern
import General.Base

newtype DoesFileExistQ = DoesFileExistQ FilePath
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesFileExistQ where
    show (DoesFileExistQ a) = "doesFileExist " ++ showQuote a

newtype DoesFileExistA = DoesFileExistA Bool
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesFileExistA where
    show (DoesFileExistA a) = show a

newtype DoesDirectoryExistQ = DoesDirectoryExistQ FilePath
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesDirectoryExistQ where
    show (DoesDirectoryExistQ a) = "doesDirectoryExist " ++ showQuote a

newtype DoesDirectoryExistA = DoesDirectoryExistA Bool
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesDirectoryExistA where
    show (DoesDirectoryExistA a) = show a

newtype GetEnvQ = GetEnvQ String
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show GetEnvQ where
    show (GetEnvQ a) = "getEnv " ++ showQuote a

newtype GetEnvA = GetEnvA (Maybe String)
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show GetEnvA where
    show (GetEnvA a) = maybe "<unset>" showQuote a

data GetDirectoryQ
    = GetDir {dir :: FilePath}
    | GetDirFiles {dir :: FilePath, pat :: [FilePattern]}
    | GetDirDirs {dir :: FilePath}
    deriving (Typeable,Eq)

newtype GetDirectoryA = GetDirectoryA [FilePath]
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show GetDirectoryQ where
    show (GetDir x) = "getDirectoryContents " ++ showQuote x
    show (GetDirFiles a b) = "getDirectoryFiles " ++ showQuote a ++ " [" ++ unwords (map showQuote b) ++ "]"
    show (GetDirDirs x) = "getDirectoryDirs " ++ showQuote x

instance Show GetDirectoryA where
    show (GetDirectoryA xs) = unwords $ map showQuote xs

instance NFData GetDirectoryQ where
    rnf (GetDir a) = rnf a
    rnf (GetDirFiles a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
    rnf (GetDirDirs a) = rnf a

instance Hashable GetDirectoryQ where
    hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . f
        where f (GetDir x) = (0 :: Int, x, [])
              f (GetDirFiles x y) = (1, x, y)
              f (GetDirDirs x) = (2, x, [])

instance Binary GetDirectoryQ where
    get = do
        i <- getWord8
        case i of
            0 -> liftM  GetDir get
            1 -> liftM2 GetDirFiles get get
            2 -> liftM  GetDirDirs get

    put (GetDir x) = putWord8 0 >> put x
    put (GetDirFiles x y) = putWord8 1 >> put x >> put y
    put (GetDirDirs x) = putWord8 2 >> put x

instance Rule DoesFileExistQ DoesFileExistA where
    storedValue _ (DoesFileExistQ x) = fmap (Just . DoesFileExistA) $ IO.doesFileExist x

instance Rule DoesDirectoryExistQ DoesDirectoryExistA where
    storedValue _ (DoesDirectoryExistQ x) = fmap (Just . DoesDirectoryExistA) $ IO.doesDirectoryExist x

instance Rule GetEnvQ GetEnvA where
    storedValue _ (GetEnvQ x) = fmap (Just . GetEnvA) $ getEnvMaybe x

instance Rule GetDirectoryQ GetDirectoryA where
    storedValue _ x = fmap Just $ getDir x

-- | This function is not actually exported, but Haddock is buggy. Please ignore.
defaultRuleDirectory :: Rules ()
defaultRuleDirectory = do
    rule $ \(DoesFileExistQ x) -> Just $
        liftIO $ fmap DoesFileExistA $ IO.doesFileExist x
    rule $ \(DoesDirectoryExistQ x) -> Just $
        liftIO $ fmap DoesDirectoryExistA $ IO.doesDirectoryExist x
    rule $ \(x :: GetDirectoryQ) -> Just $
        liftIO $ getDir x
    rule $ \(GetEnvQ x) -> Just $
        liftIO $ fmap GetEnvA $ getEnvMaybe x

-- | Returns 'True' if the file exists. The existence of the file is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if the file is created or deleted the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   You should not call 'doesFileExist' on files which can be created by the build system.
doesFileExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool
doesFileExist file = do
    DoesFileExistA res <- apply1 $ DoesFileExistQ file
    return res

-- | Returns 'True' if the directory exists. The existence of the directory is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if the directory is created or delete the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   You should not call 'doesDirectoryExist' on directories which can be created by the build system.
doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool
doesDirectoryExist file = do
    DoesDirectoryExistA res <- apply1 $ DoesDirectoryExistQ file
    return res

-- | Return 'Just' the value of the environment variable, or 'Nothing'
--   if the variable is not set. The environment variable is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
getEnv :: String -> Action (Maybe String)
getEnv var = do
    GetEnvA res <- apply1 $ GetEnvQ var
    return res

-- | Return the value of the environment variable, or the default value if it
--   not set. Similar to 'getEnv'.
getEnvWithDefault :: String -> String -> Action String
getEnvWithDefault def var = fromMaybe def <$> getEnv var

-- | Get the contents of a directory. The result will be sorted, and will not contain
--   the entries @.@ or @..@ (unlike the standard Haskell version). The resulting paths will be relative
--   to the first argument. The result is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   It is usually simpler to call either 'getDirectoryFiles' or 'getDirectoryDirs'.
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]
getDirectoryContents x = getDirAction $ GetDir x

-- | Get the files anywhere under a directory that match any of a set of patterns.
--   For the interpretation of the patterns see '?=='. All results will be
--   relative to the 'FilePath' argument. The result is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   Some examples:
-- > getDirectoryFiles "Config" ["//*.xml"]
-- >     -- All .xml files anywhere under the Config directory
-- >     -- If Config/foo/bar.xml exists it will return ["foo/bar.xml"]
-- > getDirectoryFiles "Modules" ["*.hs","*.lhs"]
-- >     -- All .hs or .lhs in the Modules directory
-- >     -- If Modules/foo.hs and Modules/foo.lhs exist, it will return ["foo.hs","foo.lhs"]
--   If you require a qualified file name it is often easier to use @\"\"@ as 'FilePath' argument,
--   for example the following two expressions are equivalent:
-- > fmap (map ("Config" </>)) (getDirectoryFiles "Config" ["//*.xml"])
-- > getDirectoryFiles "" ["Config//*.xml"]
getDirectoryFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action [FilePath]
getDirectoryFiles x f = getDirAction $ GetDirFiles x f

-- | Get the directories in a directory, not including @.@ or @..@.
--   All directories are relative to the argument directory. The result is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
-- > getDirectoryDirs "/Users"
-- >    -- Return all directories in the /Users directory
-- >    -- e.g. ["Emily","Henry","Neil"]
getDirectoryDirs :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]
getDirectoryDirs x = getDirAction $ GetDirDirs x

getDirAction x = do GetDirectoryA y <- apply1 x; return y

contents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-- getDirectoryContents "" is equivalent to getDirectoryContents "." on Windows,
-- but raises an error on Linux. We smooth out the difference.
contents x = fmap (filter $ not . all (== '.')) $ IO.getDirectoryContents $ if x == "" then "." else x

answer :: [FilePath] -> GetDirectoryA
answer = GetDirectoryA . sort

getDir :: GetDirectoryQ -> IO GetDirectoryA
getDir GetDir{..} = fmap answer $ contents dir

getDir GetDirDirs{..} = fmap answer $ filterM f =<< contents dir
    where f x = IO.doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> x

getDir GetDirFiles{..} = fmap answer $ concatMapM f $ directories pat
        test = let ps = map (?==) pat in \x -> any ($ x) ps

        f (dir2,False) = do
            xs <- fmap (map (dir2 </>)) $ contents $ dir </> dir2
            flip filterM xs $ \x -> if not $ test x then return False else fmap not $ IO.doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> x

        f (dir2,True) = do
            xs <- fmap (map (dir2 </>)) $ contents $ dir </> dir2
            (dirs,files) <- partitionM (\x -> IO.doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> x) xs
            rest <- concatMapM (\d -> f (d, True)) dirs
            return $ filter test files ++ rest

-- | Remove all files and directories that match any of the patterns within a directory.
--   Some examples:
-- @
-- 'removeFiles' \"output\" [\"\/\/*\"]
-- 'removeFiles' \".\" [\"\/\/*.hi\",\"\/\/*.o\"]
-- @
--   Any directories that become empty after deleting items from within them will themselves be deleted,
--   up to (and including) the containing directory.
--   This function is often useful when writing a @clean@ action for your build system,
--   often as a 'phony' rule.
removeFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> IO ()
removeFiles dir pat = void $ f ""
        -- because it is generate and match anything like ../ will be ignored, since we never generate ..
        -- therefore we can safely know we never escape the containing directory
        test = let ps = map (?==) pat in \x -> any ($ x) ps

        -- dir </> dir2 is the part to operate on, return True if you deleted the directory
        f :: FilePath -> IO Bool
        f dir2 | test dir2 = do
            IO.removeDirectoryRecursive $ dir </> dir2
            return True
        f dir2 = do
            xs <- fmap (map (dir2 </>)) $ contents $ dir </> dir2
            (dirs,files) <- partitionM (\x -> IO.doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> x) xs
            noDirs <- fmap and $ mapM f dirs
            let (del,keep) = partition test files
            forM del $ \d -> IO.removeFile $ dir </> d
            let die = noDirs && null keep && not (null xs)
            when die $ IO.removeDirectory $ dir </> dir2
            return die

-- | Remove files, like 'removeFiles', but executed after the build completes successfully.
--   Useful for implementing @clean@ actions that delete files Shake may have open for building.
removeFilesAfter :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action ()
removeFilesAfter a b = do
    putLoud $ "Will remove " ++ unwords b ++ " from " ++ a
    runAfter $ removeFiles a b