{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module Test.Docs(main) where import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.FilePath import Test.Type import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe import System.Directory import System.Exit reps from to = map (\x -> if x == from then to else x) main = shaken noTest $ \args obj -> do let index = "dist/doc/html/shake/index.html" want [obj "Success.txt"] want $ map (\x -> fromMaybe (obj x) $ stripPrefix "!" x) args let needSource = need =<< getDirectoryFiles "." ["src/Development/Shake.hs","src/Development/Shake//*.hs","src/Development/Ninja/*.hs","src/General//*.hs"] index %> \_ -> do needSource need ["shake.cabal"] trackAllow ["dist//*"] res <- liftIO $ findExecutable "cabal" if isJust res then cmd "cabal haddock" else do Exit exit <- cmd "runhaskell Setup.hs haddock" when (exit /= ExitSuccess) $ do () <- cmd "runhaskell Setup.hs configure" cmd "runhaskell Setup.hs haddock" obj "Paths_shake.hs" %> \out -> do copyFile' "src/Paths.hs" out obj "Part_*.hs" %> \out -> do need ["src/Test/Docs.hs"] -- so much of the generator is in this module let noR = filter (/= '\r') src <- if "_md" `isSuffixOf` takeBaseName out then fmap (findCodeMarkdown . lines . noR) $ readFile' $ "docs/" ++ drop 5 (reverse (drop 3 $ reverse $ takeBaseName out)) ++ ".md" else fmap (findCodeHaddock . noR) $ readFile' $ "dist/doc/html/shake/" ++ reps '_' '-' (drop 5 $ takeBaseName out) ++ ".html" let f i (Stmt x) | whitelist $ head x = [] | otherwise = restmt i $ map undefDots $ trims x f i (Expr x) | takeWhile (not . isSpace) x `elem` types = ["type Expr_" ++ show i ++ " = " ++ x] | "import " `isPrefixOf` x = [x] | otherwise = ["expr_" ++ show i ++ " = (" ++ undefDots x2 ++ ")" | let x2 = trim $ dropComment x, not $ whitelist x2] code = concat $ zipWith f [1..] (nub src) (imports,rest) = partition ("import " `isPrefixOf`) code writeFileLines out $ ["{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ExtendedDefaultRules, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}" ,"{-# OPTIONS_GHC -w #-}" ,"module " ++ takeBaseName out ++ "() where" ,"import Control.Concurrent" ,"import Control.Monad" ,"import Data.Char" ,"import Data.Data" ,"import Data.List" ,"import Data.Maybe" ,"import Data.Monoid" ,"import Development.Shake" ,"import Development.Shake.Classes" ,"import Development.Shake.Rule" ,"import Development.Shake.Util" ,"import Development.Shake.FilePath" ,"import System.Console.GetOpt" ,"import System.Directory(setCurrentDirectory)" ,"import System.Exit" ,"import System.IO"] ++ ["import " ++ reps '_' '.' (drop 5 $ takeBaseName out) | not $ "_md.hs" `isSuffixOf` out] ++ imports ++ ["(==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool" ,"(==>) = undefined" ,"(<==) = ()" ,"infix 1 ==>" ,"forAll f = f undefined" ,"remaining = 1.1" ,"done = 1.1" ,"time_elapsed = 1.1" ,"old = \"\"" ,"new = \"\"" ,"myfile = \"\"" ,"inputs = [\"\"]" ,"files = [\"\"]" ,"input = \"\"" ,"output = \"\"" ,"opts = shakeOptions" ,"result = undefined :: IO (Maybe (Rules ()))" ,"launchMissiles = undefined :: Bool -> IO ()" ,"myVariable = ()" ,"instance Eq (OptDescr a)" ,"(foo,bar,baz) = undefined" ,"str1 = \"\"" ,"str2 = \"\"" ,"str = \"\""] ++ rest obj "Files.lst" %> \out -> do need ["src/Test/Docs.hs"] -- so much of the generator is in this module need [index,obj "Paths_shake.hs"] filesHs <- getDirectoryFiles "dist/doc/html/shake" ["Development-*.html"] filesMd <- getDirectoryFiles "docs" ["*.md"] writeFileChanged out $ unlines $ ["Part_" ++ reps '-' '_' (takeBaseName x) | x <- filesHs, not $ "-Classes.html" `isSuffixOf` x] ++ ["Part_" ++ takeBaseName x ++ "_md" | x <- filesMd, takeBaseName x `notElem` ["Developing","Model"]] let needModules = do mods <- readFileLines $ obj "Files.lst"; need [obj m <.> "hs" | m <- mods]; return mods obj "Main.hs" %> \out -> do mods <- needModules writeFileLines out $ ["module Main(main) where"] ++ ["import " ++ m | m <- mods] ++ ["main = return ()"] obj "Success.txt" %> \out -> do needModules need [obj "Main.hs", obj "Paths_shake.hs"] needSource () <- cmd "runhaskell -ignore-package=hashmap " ["-i" ++ obj "","-isrc",obj "Main.hs"] writeFile' out "" data Code = Stmt [String] | Expr String deriving (Show,Eq) findCodeHaddock :: String -> [Code] findCodeHaddock x | Just x <- stripPrefix "
" x = f (Stmt . shift . lines . strip) "
" x | Just x <- stripPrefix "" x = f (Expr . strip) "" x where f ctor end x | Just x <- stripPrefix end x = ctor "" : findCodeHaddock x f ctor end (x:xs) = f (ctor . (x:)) end xs findCodeHaddock (x:xs) = findCodeHaddock xs findCodeHaddock [] = [] findCodeMarkdown :: [String] -> [Code] findCodeMarkdown (x:xs) | indented x && not (blank x) = let (a,b) = span (\x -> indented x || blank x) (x:xs) in Stmt (map (drop 4) a) : findCodeMarkdown b where indented x = length (takeWhile isSpace x) >= 4 blank x = all isSpace x findCodeMarkdown (x:xs) = f x ++ findCodeMarkdown xs where f ('`':xs) = let (a,b) = break (== '`') xs in Expr a : f (drop 1 b) f (x:xs) = f xs f [] = [] findCodeMarkdown [] = [] trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace trims = reverse . dropWhile (all isSpace) . reverse . dropWhile (all isSpace) restmt i ("":xs) = restmt i xs restmt i (x:xs) | " ?== " `isInfixOf` x || " == " `isInfixOf` x = zipWith (\j x -> "hack_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ show j ++ " = " ++ x) [1..] (x:xs) restmt i (x:xs) | not ("let" `isPrefixOf` x) && not ("[" `isPrefixOf` x) && (" = " `isInfixOf` x || " | " `isInfixOf` x) || "import " `isPrefixOf` x || "infix" `isPrefixOf` x || "instance " `isPrefixOf` x = map f $ x:xs where f x = if takeWhile (not . isSpace) x `elem` dupes then "_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ x else x restmt i xs = ("stmt_" ++ show i ++ " = do") : map (" " ++) xs ++ [" undefined" | length xs == 1 && ("let" `isPrefixOf` (head xs) || "<-" `isInfixOf` (head xs))] shift :: [String] -> [String] shift xs | all null xs = xs | all (\x -> null x || " " `isPrefixOf` x) xs = shift $ map (drop 1) xs | otherwise = xs dropComment ('-':'-':_) = [] dropComment xs = onTail dropComment xs undefDots o = f o where f ('.':'.':'.':xs) = (if any (`elem` words o) ["cmd","Development.Shake.cmd"] then "[\"\"]" else "undefined") ++ (if "..." `isSuffixOf` xs then "" else undefDots xs) f xs = onTail f xs strip :: String -> String strip x | Just x <- stripPrefix "" x , (a,b) <- break (== '<') x , not $ ("" `isPrefixOf` b) && a `elem` italics = error $ "Unexpected italics in code block: " ++ a ++ take 5 b ++ "..." strip ('<':xs) = strip $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '>') xs strip ('&':xs) | Just xs <- stripPrefix "quot;" xs = '\"' : strip xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "lt;" xs = '<' : strip xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "gt;" xs = '>' : strip xs | Just xs <- stripPrefix "amp;" xs = '&' : strip xs strip xs = onTail strip xs onTail f (x:xs) = x : f xs onTail f [] = [] italics :: [String] italics = words "extension command-name file-name" whitelist :: String -> Bool whitelist x | all (not . isSpace) x && takeExtension x `elem` words ".txt .hi .hs .o .exe .tar .cpp .cfg .dep .deps .h .c .html .zip" = True whitelist x | elem x $ words $ "newtype do MyFile.txt.digits excel a q m c x value key gcc cl os make contents tar ghc cabal clean _make distcc ghc " ++ ".. /./ /.. /../ ./ // \\ ../ //*.c //*.txt //* dir/*/* dir " ++ "ConstraintKinds GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving DeriveDataTypeable SetConsoleTitle " ++ "Data.List System.Directory Development.Shake.FilePath main.m run .rot13 " ++ "NoProgress Error src rot13 .js .json .trace about://tracing " ++ ".make/i586-linux-gcc/output _make/.database foo/.. file.src file.out build " ++ "/usr/special /usr/special/userbinary $CFLAGS %PATH% -O2 -j8 -j -j1 " ++ "-threaded -rtsopts -I0 Function extension $OUT $C_LINK_FLAGS $PATH xterm $TERM main opts result flagValues argValues " ++ "HEADERS_DIR /path/to/dir CFLAGS let -showincludes -MMD gcc.version linkFlags temp pwd touch code out err " ++ "_metadata/.database _shake _shake/build ./build.sh build.sh build.bat [out] manual " ++ "docs/manual _build _build/run ninja depfile build.ninja " ++ "Rule CmdResult ShakeValue Monoid Monad Eq Typeable Data " ++ -- work only with constraint kinds "@ndm_haskell " = True whitelist x | "foo/" `isPrefixOf` x -- path examples = True whitelist x = x `elem` ["[Foo.hi, Foo.o]" ,"shake-progress" ,"main -j6" ,"main clean" ,"1m25s (15%)" ,"3m12s (82%)" ,"getPkgVersion $ GhcPkgVersion \"shake\"" ,"# command-name (for file-name)" ,"ghc --make MyBuildSystem -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-I0" ,"-with-rtsopts" ,"-qg -qb" ,"gcc -MM" ,"# This is my Config file" ,"-g -I/path/to/dir -O2" ,"main _make/henry.txt" ,"build rules" ,"actions" ,"() <- cmd ..." ,"x <- inputs" ,"shakeFiles=\"_build/\"" ,"#include \"" ,"pattern %> actions = (pattern ?==) ?> actions" -- because it overlaps ,"buildDir = \"_build\"" ,"-MMD -MF" ,"#!/bin/sh" ,"build _build/main.o" ,"build clean" ,"build -j8" ,"cabal update && cabal install shake" ,"shake-build-system" ,"runhaskell _build/run" ,"runhaskell _build/run clean" ,"gcc -c main.c -o main.o -MMD -MF main.m" ,"\"_build\" x -<.> \"o\"" ,"cmd \"gcc -o\" [out] os" ,"rot13 file.txt -o file.rot13" ,"file.rot13" ,"out -<.> \"txt\"" ,"[item1,item2,item2]" ,"runhaskell Build.hs" ,"cabal update" ,"cabal install shake" ,"shake -j4" ,"cmd \"gcc -o _make/run _build/main.o _build/constants.o\"" ] types = words $ "MVar IO String FilePath Maybe [String] Char ExitCode Change " ++ "Action Resource Assume FilePattern Development.Shake.FilePattern " ++ "Lint Verbosity Rules CmdOption Int Double" dupes = words "main progressSimple rules"