{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts #-}

-- | Both System.Directory and System.Environment wrappers
module Development.Shake.Rules.Directory(
    doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist,
    getDirectoryContents, getDirectoryFiles, getDirectoryDirs,
    getEnv, getEnvWithDefault,
    removeFiles, removeFilesAfter,
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception as C
import Control.Monad.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Binary
import Data.List
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified System.Directory as IO
import qualified System.Environment.Extra as IO

import Development.Shake.Core
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Development.Shake.FilePattern
import General.Extra
import Prelude

newtype DoesFileExistQ = DoesFileExistQ FilePath
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesFileExistQ where
    show (DoesFileExistQ a) = "doesFileExist " ++ showQuote a

newtype DoesFileExistA = DoesFileExistA Bool
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesFileExistA where
    show (DoesFileExistA a) = show a

newtype DoesDirectoryExistQ = DoesDirectoryExistQ FilePath
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesDirectoryExistQ where
    show (DoesDirectoryExistQ a) = "doesDirectoryExist " ++ showQuote a

newtype DoesDirectoryExistA = DoesDirectoryExistA Bool
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show DoesDirectoryExistA where
    show (DoesDirectoryExistA a) = show a

newtype GetEnvQ = GetEnvQ String
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show GetEnvQ where
    show (GetEnvQ a) = "getEnv " ++ showQuote a

newtype GetEnvA = GetEnvA (Maybe String)
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show GetEnvA where
    show (GetEnvA a) = maybe "<unset>" showQuote a

data GetDirectoryQ
    = GetDir {dir :: FilePath}
    | GetDirFiles {dir :: FilePath, pat :: [FilePattern]}
    | GetDirDirs {dir :: FilePath}
    deriving (Typeable,Eq)

newtype GetDirectoryA = GetDirectoryA [FilePath]
    deriving (Typeable,Eq,Hashable,Binary,NFData)

instance Show GetDirectoryQ where
    show (GetDir x) = "getDirectoryContents " ++ showQuote x
    show (GetDirFiles a b) = "getDirectoryFiles " ++ showQuote a ++ " [" ++ unwords (map showQuote b) ++ "]"
    show (GetDirDirs x) = "getDirectoryDirs " ++ showQuote x

instance Show GetDirectoryA where
    show (GetDirectoryA xs) = unwords $ map showQuote xs

instance NFData GetDirectoryQ where
    rnf (GetDir a) = rnf a
    rnf (GetDirFiles a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
    rnf (GetDirDirs a) = rnf a

instance Hashable GetDirectoryQ where
    hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . f
        where f (GetDir x) = (0 :: Int, x, [])
              f (GetDirFiles x y) = (1, x, y)
              f (GetDirDirs x) = (2, x, [])

instance Binary GetDirectoryQ where
    get = do
        i <- getWord8
        case i of
            0 -> GetDir <$> get
            1 -> GetDirFiles <$> get <*> get
            2 -> GetDirDirs <$> get

    put (GetDir x) = putWord8 0 >> put x
    put (GetDirFiles x y) = putWord8 1 >> put x >> put y
    put (GetDirDirs x) = putWord8 2 >> put x

instance Rule DoesFileExistQ DoesFileExistA where
    storedValue _ (DoesFileExistQ x) = (Just . DoesFileExistA) <$> IO.doesFileExist x

instance Rule DoesDirectoryExistQ DoesDirectoryExistA where
    storedValue _ (DoesDirectoryExistQ x) = (Just . DoesDirectoryExistA) <$> IO.doesDirectoryExist x

instance Rule GetEnvQ GetEnvA where
    storedValue _ (GetEnvQ x) = (Just . GetEnvA) <$> IO.lookupEnv x

instance Rule GetDirectoryQ GetDirectoryA where
    storedValue _ x = Just <$> getDir x

-- | This function is not actually exported, but Haddock is buggy. Please ignore.
defaultRuleDirectory :: Rules ()
defaultRuleDirectory = do
    rule $ \(DoesFileExistQ x) -> Just $
        liftIO $ DoesFileExistA <$> IO.doesFileExist x
    rule $ \(DoesDirectoryExistQ x) -> Just $
        liftIO $ DoesDirectoryExistA <$> IO.doesDirectoryExist x
    rule $ \(x :: GetDirectoryQ) -> Just $
        liftIO $ getDir x
    rule $ \(GetEnvQ x) -> Just $
        liftIO $ GetEnvA <$> IO.lookupEnv x

-- | Returns 'True' if the file exists. The existence of the file is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if the file is created or deleted the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   You should not call 'doesFileExist' on files which can be created by the build system.
doesFileExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool
doesFileExist file = do
    DoesFileExistA res <- apply1 $ DoesFileExistQ $ toStandard file
    return res

-- | Returns 'True' if the directory exists. The existence of the directory is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if the directory is created or delete the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   You should not call 'doesDirectoryExist' on directories which can be created by the build system.
doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> Action Bool
doesDirectoryExist file = do
    DoesDirectoryExistA res <- apply1 $ DoesDirectoryExistQ $ toStandard file
    return res

-- | Return 'Just' the value of the environment variable, or 'Nothing'
--   if the variable is not set. The environment variable is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   This function is a tracked version of 'getEnv'/'lookupEnv' from the base library.
-- @
-- flags <- getEnv \"CFLAGS\"
-- 'cmd' \"gcc -c\" [out] (maybe [] words flags)
-- @
getEnv :: String -> Action (Maybe String)
getEnv var = do
    GetEnvA res <- apply1 $ GetEnvQ var
    return res

-- | Return the value of the environment variable (second argument), or the
--   default value (first argument) if it is not set. Similar to 'getEnv'.
-- @
-- flags <- getEnvWithDefault \"-Wall\" \"CFLAGS\"
-- 'cmd' \"gcc -c\" [out] flags
-- @
getEnvWithDefault :: String -> String -> Action String
getEnvWithDefault def var = fromMaybe def <$> getEnv var

-- | Get the contents of a directory. The result will be sorted, and will not contain
--   the entries @.@ or @..@ (unlike the standard Haskell version). The resulting paths will be relative
--   to the first argument. The result is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   It is usually simpler to call either 'getDirectoryFiles' or 'getDirectoryDirs'.
getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]
getDirectoryContents x = getDirAction $ GetDir x

-- | Get the files anywhere under a directory that match any of a set of patterns.
--   For the interpretation of the patterns see '?=='. All results will be
--   relative to the directory argument. The result is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
--   Some examples:
-- > getDirectoryFiles "Config" ["//*.xml"]
-- >     -- All .xml files anywhere under the Config directory
-- >     -- If Config/foo/bar.xml exists it will return ["foo/bar.xml"]
-- > getDirectoryFiles "Modules" ["*.hs","*.lhs"]
-- >     -- All .hs or .lhs in the Modules directory
-- >     -- If Modules/foo.hs and Modules/foo.lhs exist, it will return ["foo.hs","foo.lhs"]
--   If you require a qualified file name it is often easier to use @\"\"@ as the 'FilePath' argument,
--   for example the following two expressions are equivalent:
-- > fmap (map ("Config" </>)) (getDirectoryFiles "Config" ["//*.xml"])
-- > getDirectoryFiles "" ["Config//*.xml"]
--   If the first argument directory does not exist it will raise an error.
--   If @foo@ does not exist, then the first of these error, but the second will not.
-- > getDirectoryFiles "foo" ["//*"] -- error
-- > getDirectoryFiles "" ["foo//*"] -- returns []
--   This function is tracked and serves as a dependency. If a rule calls
--   @getDirectoryFiles \"\" [\"*.c\"]@ and someone adds @foo.c@ to the
--   directory, that rule will rebuild. If someone changes one of the @.c@ files,
--   but the /list/ of @.c@ files doesn't change, then it will not rebuild.
--   As a consequence of being tracked, if the contents change during the build
--   (e.g. you are generating @.c@ files in this directory) then the build not reach
--   a stable point, which is an error - detected by running with @--lint@.
--   You should only call this function returning source files.
--   For an untracked variant see 'getDirectoryFilesIO'.
getDirectoryFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action [FilePath]
getDirectoryFiles x f = getDirAction $ GetDirFiles x f

-- | Get the directories in a directory, not including @.@ or @..@.
--   All directories are relative to the argument directory. The result is tracked as a
--   dependency, and if it changes the rule will rerun in subsequent builds.
-- > getDirectoryDirs "/Users"
-- >    -- Return all directories in the /Users directory
-- >    -- e.g. ["Emily","Henry","Neil"]
getDirectoryDirs :: FilePath -> Action [FilePath]
getDirectoryDirs x = getDirAction $ GetDirDirs x

getDirAction x = do GetDirectoryA y <- apply1 x; return y

contents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-- getDirectoryContents "" is equivalent to getDirectoryContents "." on Windows,
-- but raises an error on Linux. We smooth out the difference.
contents x = fmap (filter $ not . all (== '.')) $ IO.getDirectoryContents $ if x == "" then "." else x

answer :: [FilePath] -> GetDirectoryA
answer = GetDirectoryA . sort

getDir :: GetDirectoryQ -> IO GetDirectoryA
getDir GetDir{..} = answer <$> contents dir

getDir GetDirDirs{..} = fmap answer $ filterM f =<< contents dir
    where f x = IO.doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> x

getDir GetDirFiles{..} = answer <$> getDirectoryFilesIO dir pat

-- | A version of 'getDirectoryFiles' that is in IO, and thus untracked.
getDirectoryFilesIO :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> IO [FilePath]
-- Known infelicity: on Windows, if you search for "foo", but have the file "FOO",
-- it will match if on its own, or not if it is paired with "*", since that forces
-- a full directory scan, and then it uses Haskell equality (case sensitive)
getDirectoryFilesIO root pat = f "" $ snd $ walk pat
        -- Even after we know they are there because we called contents, we still have to check they are directories/files
        -- as required
        f dir (Walk op) = f dir . WalkTo . op =<< contents (root </> dir)
        f dir (WalkTo (files, dirs)) = do
            files <- filterM (IO.doesFileExist . (root </>)) $ map (dir </>) files
            dirs <- concatMapM (uncurry f) =<< filterM (IO.doesDirectoryExist . (root </>) . fst) (map (first (dir </>)) dirs)
            return $ files ++ dirs

-- | Remove all files and directories that match any of the patterns within a directory.
--   Some examples:
-- @
-- 'removeFiles' \"output\" [\"\/\/*\"]        -- delete everything inside \'output\'
-- 'removeFiles' \"output\" [\"\/\/\"]         -- delete \'output\' itself
-- 'removeFiles' \".\" [\"\/\/*.hi\",\"\/\/*.o\"] -- delete all \'.hi\' and \'.o\' files
-- @
--   If the argument directory is missing no error is raised.
--   This function will follow symlinks, so should be used with care.
--   This function is often useful when writing a @clean@ action for your build system,
--   often as a 'phony' rule.
removeFiles :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> IO ()
removeFiles dir pat =
    whenM (IO.doesDirectoryExist dir) $ do
        let (b,w) = walk pat
        if b then removeDir dir else f dir w
        f dir (Walk op) = f dir . WalkTo . op =<< contents dir
        f dir (WalkTo (files, dirs)) = do
            forM_ files $ \fil ->
                try $ removeItem $ dir </> fil :: IO (Either IOException ())
            let done = Set.fromList files
            forM_ (filter (not . flip Set.member done . fst) dirs) $ \(d,w) -> do
                let dir2 = dir </> d
                whenM (IO.doesDirectoryExist dir2) $ f dir2 w

        removeItem :: FilePath -> IO ()
        removeItem x = IO.removeFile x `C.catch` \(_ :: IOException) -> removeDir x

        -- In newer GHC's removeDirectoryRecursive is probably better, but doesn't follow
        -- symlinks, so it's got different behaviour
        removeDir :: FilePath -> IO ()
        removeDir x = do
            mapM_ (removeItem . (x </>)) =<< contents x
            IO.removeDirectory x

-- | Remove files, like 'removeFiles', but executed after the build completes successfully.
--   Useful for implementing @clean@ actions that delete files Shake may have open for building.
removeFilesAfter :: FilePath -> [FilePattern] -> Action ()
removeFilesAfter a b = do
    putLoud $ "Will remove " ++ unwords b ++ " from " ++ a
    runAfter $ removeFiles a b