-- | Thread pool implementation. The three names correspond to the following -- priority levels (highest to lowest): -- -- * 'addPoolException' - things that probably result in a build error, -- so kick them off quickly. -- -- * 'addPoolResume' - things that started, blocked, and may have open -- resources in their closure. -- -- * 'addPoolStart' - rules that haven't yet started. -- -- * 'addPoolBatch' - rules that might batch if other rules start first. module Development.Shake.Internal.Core.Pool( Pool, runPool, addPoolException, addPoolResume, addPoolStart, addPoolBatch, increasePool ) where import Control.Concurrent.Extra import System.Time.Extra import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Extra import General.Timing import General.Extra import qualified General.Bag as Bag import qualified Data.HashSet as Set --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UNFAIR/RANDOM QUEUE data Queue a = Queue {queueException :: Bag.Bag a ,queueResume :: Bag.Bag a ,queueStart :: Bag.Bag a ,queueBatch :: Bag.Bag a } lensException = (queueException, \x v -> x{queueException=v}) lensResume = (queueResume, \x v -> x{queueResume=v}) lensStart = (queueStart, \x v -> x{queueStart=v}) lensBatch = (queueBatch, \x v -> x{queueBatch=v}) lenses = [lensException, lensResume, lensStart, lensBatch] newQueue :: Bool -> Queue a newQueue deterministic = Queue b b b b where b = if deterministic then Bag.emptyPure else Bag.emptyRandom dequeue :: Queue a -> Bag.Randomly (Maybe (a, Queue a)) dequeue q = firstJustM f lenses where f (sel, upd) | Just x <- Bag.remove $ sel q = do (x,b) <- x; return $ Just (x, upd q b) f _ = return Nothing --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- THREAD POOL {- Must keep a list of active threads, so can raise exceptions in a timely manner If any worker throws an exception, must signal to all the other workers -} data Pool = Pool !(Var (Maybe S)) -- Current state, 'Nothing' to say we are aborting !(Barrier (Either SomeException S)) -- Barrier to signal that we are finished data S = S {threads :: !(Set.HashSet ThreadId) -- IMPORTANT: Must be strict or we leak thread stacks ,threadsLimit :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- user supplied thread limit, Set.size threads <= threadsLimit ,threadsMax :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- high water mark of Set.size threads (accounting only) ,threadsSum :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- number of threads we have been through (accounting only) ,todo :: !(Queue (IO ())) -- operations waiting a thread } emptyS :: Int -> Bool -> S emptyS n deterministic = S Set.empty n 0 0 $ newQueue deterministic worker :: Pool -> IO () worker pool@(Pool var done) = do let onVar act = modifyVar var $ maybe (return (Nothing, return ())) act join $ onVar $ \s -> do res <- dequeue $ todo s case res of Nothing -> return (Just s, return ()) Just (now, todo2) -> return (Just s{todo = todo2}, now >> worker pool) -- | Given a pool, and a function that breaks the S invariants, restore them -- They are only allowed to touch threadsLimit or todo step :: Pool -> (S -> Bag.Randomly S) -> IO () step pool@(Pool var done) op = do let onVar act = modifyVar_ var $ maybe (return Nothing) act onVar $ \s -> do s <- op s res <- dequeue $ todo s case res of Just (now, todo2) | Set.size (threads s) < threadsLimit s -> do -- spawn a new worker t <- forkFinallyUnmasked (now >> worker pool) $ \res -> case res of Left e -> onVar $ \s -> do t <- myThreadId mapM_ killThread $ Set.toList $ Set.delete t $ threads s signalBarrier done $ Left e return Nothing Right _ -> do t <- myThreadId step pool $ \s -> return s{threads = Set.delete t $ threads s} let threads2 = Set.insert t $ threads s return $ Just s{todo = todo2, threads = threads2 ,threadsSum = threadsSum s + 1, threadsMax = threadsMax s `max` Set.size threads2} Nothing | Set.null $ threads s -> do signalBarrier done $ Right s return Nothing _ -> return $ Just s addPool (sel, upd) pool act = step pool $ \s -> return s{todo = upd (todo s) $ Bag.insert (void act) $ sel $ todo s} -- | Add a new task to the pool. See the top of the module for the relative ordering -- and semantics. addPoolException, addPoolResume, addPoolStart :: Pool -> IO a -> IO () addPoolException = addPool lensException addPoolResume = addPool lensResume addPoolStart = addPool lensStart addPoolBatch = addPool lensBatch -- | Temporarily increase the pool by 1 thread. Call the cleanup action to restore the value. -- After calling cleanup you should requeue onto a new thread. increasePool :: Pool -> IO (IO ()) increasePool pool = do step pool $ \s -> return s{threadsLimit = threadsLimit s + 1} return $ step pool $ \s -> return s{threadsLimit = threadsLimit s - 1} -- | Run all the tasks in the pool on the given number of works. -- If any thread throws an exception, the exception will be reraised. -- When it completes all threads have either finished, or have had 'killThread' -- called on them (but may not have actually died yet). runPool :: Bool -> Int -> (Pool -> IO ()) -> IO () -- run all tasks in the pool runPool deterministic n act = do s <- newVar $ Just $ emptyS n deterministic done <- newBarrier let cleanup = modifyVar_ s $ \s -> do -- if someone kills our thread, make sure we kill our child threads case s of Just s -> mapM_ killThread $ Set.toList $ threads s Nothing -> return () return Nothing let ghc10793 = do -- if this thread dies because it is blocked on an MVar there's a chance we have -- a better error in the done barrier, and GHC raised the exception wrongly, see: -- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10793 sleep 1 -- give it a little bit of time for the finally to run -- no big deal, since the blocked indefinitely takes a while to fire anyway res <- waitBarrierMaybe done case res of Just (Left e) -> throwIO e _ -> throwIO BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar handle (\BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar -> ghc10793) $ flip onException cleanup $ do let pool = Pool s done addPoolStart pool $ act pool res <- waitBarrier done case res of Left e -> throwIO e Right s -> addTiming $ "Pool finished (" ++ show (threadsSum s) ++ " threads, " ++ show (threadsMax s) ++ " max)"