-- | Code for ensuring cleanup actions are run. module General.Cleanup( Cleanup, withCleanup, addCleanup, addCleanup_ ) where import Control.Exception import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Control.Monad import Data.IORef.Extra import Data.List.Extra data S = S {unique :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, items :: !(Map.HashMap Int (IO ()))} newtype Cleanup = Cleanup (IORef S) -- | Run with some cleanup scope. Regardless of exceptions/threads, all 'addCleanup' actions -- will be run by the time it exits. The 'addCleanup' actions will be run in reverse order. withCleanup :: (Cleanup -> IO a) -> IO a withCleanup act = do ref <- newIORef $ S 0 Map.empty act (Cleanup ref) `finally` runCleanup (Cleanup ref) -- | Run all the cleanup actions immediately. Done automatically by withCleanup runCleanup :: Cleanup -> IO () runCleanup (Cleanup ref) = do items <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \s -> (s{items=Map.empty}, items s) mapM_ snd $ sortOn (negate . fst) $ Map.toList items -- | Add a cleanup action to a 'Cleanup' scope, returning a way to remove (but not perform) that action. -- If not removed by the time 'withCleanup' terminates then the cleanup action will be run then. addCleanup :: Cleanup -> IO () -> IO (IO ()) addCleanup (Cleanup ref) act = atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \s -> let i = unique s in (,) (S (unique s + 1) (Map.insert i act $ items s)) $ atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \s -> (s{items = Map.delete i $ items s}, ()) addCleanup_ :: Cleanup -> IO () -> IO () -- we could avoid inserting into the Map, but we need to store the pairs anyway -- to unregister them in order, so might as well keep it simple addCleanup_ c act = void $ addCleanup c act