module Examples.Util(module Examples.Util) where import Development.Shake import Development.Shake.FilePath import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.List import System.Directory as IO import System.Environment import System.Random shaken :: (([String] -> IO ()) -> (String -> String) -> IO ()) -> ([String] -> (String -> String) -> Rules ()) -> IO () shaken test rules = do name:args <- getArgs putStrLn $ "## BUILD " ++ unwords (name:args) let out = "output/" ++ name ++ "/" createDirectoryIfMissing True out case args of "test":_ -> do putStrLn $ "## TESTING " ++ name test (\args -> withArgs (name:args) $ shaken test rules) (out++) putStrLn $ "## FINISHED TESTING " ++ name "clean":_ -> removeDirectoryRecursive out {- "lint":args -> do let dbfile = out ++ ".database" tempfile = "output/" ++ name ++ ".database" b <- IO.doesFileExist dbfile when b $ renameFile dbfile tempfile removeDirectoryRecursive out createDirectoryIfMissing True out when b $ renameFile tempfile dbfile shake shakeOptions{shakeFiles=out, shakeLint=True} $ rules args (out++) -} "perturb":args -> forever $ do del <- removeFilesRandom out threads <- randomRIO (1,4) putStrLn $ "## TESTING PERTURBATION (" ++ show del ++ " files, " ++ show threads ++ " threads)" shake shakeOptions{shakeFiles=out, shakeThreads=threads, shakeVerbosity=Quiet} $ rules args (out++) args -> do (flags,args) <- return $ partition ("-" `isPrefixOf`) args let f o x = let x2 = dropWhile (== '-') x in case lookup x2 flagList of Just op -> op o Nothing | "threads" `isPrefixOf` x2 -> o{shakeThreads=read $ drop 7 x2} | otherwise -> error $ "Don't know how to deal with flag: " ++ x let opts = foldl' f shakeOptions{shakeFiles=out, shakeReport=Just $ "output/" ++ name ++ "/report.html"} flags shake opts $ rules args (out++) flags :: [String] flags = "threads#" : map fst flagList flagList :: [(String, ShakeOptions -> ShakeOptions)] flagList = let (*) = (,) in ["no-dump" * \o -> o{shakeReport=Nothing} ,"silent" * \o -> o{shakeVerbosity=Silent} ,"quiet" * \o -> o{shakeVerbosity=Quiet} ,"normal" * \o -> o{shakeVerbosity=Normal} ,"loud" * \o -> o{shakeVerbosity=Loud} ,"diagnostic" * \o -> o{shakeVerbosity=Diagnostic} ,"staunch" * \o -> o{shakeStaunch=True} ,"lint" * \o -> o{shakeLint=True} ] unobj :: FilePath -> FilePath unobj = dropDirectory1 . dropDirectory1 assert :: Bool -> String -> IO () assert b msg = unless b $ error $ "ASSERTION FAILED: " ++ msg (===) :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> a -> IO () a === b = assert (a == b) $ "failed in ===\nLHS: " ++ show a ++ "\nRHS: " ++ show b assertContents :: FilePath -> String -> IO () assertContents file want = do got <- readFile file assert (want == got) $ "File contents are wrong: " ++ file ++ "\nWANT: " ++ want ++ "\nGOT: " ++ got noTest :: ([String] -> IO ()) -> (String -> String) -> IO () noTest build obj = do build [] build [] sleep :: Double -> IO () sleep x = threadDelay $ ceiling $ x * 1000000 -- | Sleep long enough for the modification time resolution to catch up sleepFileTime :: IO () sleepFileTime = sleep 1 removeFilesRandom :: FilePath -> IO Int removeFilesRandom x = do files <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive x n <- randomRIO (0,length files) rs <- replicateM (length files) (randomIO :: IO Double) mapM_ (removeFile . snd) $ sort $ zip rs files return n getDirectoryContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] getDirectoryContentsRecursive dir = do xs <- IO.getDirectoryContents dir (dirs,files) <- partitionM doesDirectoryExist [dir x | x <- xs, not $ isBadDir x] rest <- concatMapM getDirectoryContentsRecursive dirs return $ files++rest where isBadDir x = "." `isPrefixOf` x || "_" `isPrefixOf` x partitionM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m ([a], [a]) partitionM f [] = return ([], []) partitionM f (x:xs) = do res <- f x (as,bs) <- partitionM f xs return ([x|res]++as, [x|not res]++bs) concatMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b] concatMapM f = liftM concat . mapM f