{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module Development.Shake.Database( Time, startTime, Duration, duration, Trace, Database, withDatabase, Ops(..), build, Depends, Stack, emptyStack, showStack, showJSON, checkValid, ) where import Development.Shake.Binary import Development.Shake.Pool import Development.Shake.Value import Development.Shake.Locks import Development.Shake.Storage import Development.Shake.Intern as Intern import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Hashable import Data.Typeable import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Data.Time.Clock type Map = Map.HashMap --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UTILITY TYPES newtype Step = Step Word32 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Binary,NFData,Hashable,Typeable) incStep (Step i) = Step $ i + 1 type Duration = Double -- duration in seconds duration :: IO a -> IO (Duration, a) duration act = do start <- getCurrentTime res <- act end <- getCurrentTime return (fromRational $ toRational $ end `diffUTCTime` start, res) type Time = Double -- how far you are through this run, in seconds -- | Call once at the start, then call repeatedly to get Time values out startTime :: IO (IO Time) startTime = do start <- getCurrentTime return $ do end <- getCurrentTime return $ fromRational $ toRational $ end `diffUTCTime` start whenJust :: Monad m => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m () whenJust (Just a) f = f a whenJust Nothing f = return () --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CALL STACK newtype Stack = Stack [Id] showStack :: Database -> Stack -> IO [String] showStack Database{..} (Stack xs) = do status <- withLock lock $ readIORef status return $ reverse $ map (maybe "" (show . fst) . flip Map.lookup status) xs addStack :: Id -> Stack -> Stack addStack x (Stack xs) = Stack $ x : xs checkStack :: [Id] -> Stack -> Maybe Id checkStack new (Stack old) | bad:_ <- old `intersect` new = Just bad | otherwise = Nothing emptyStack :: Stack emptyStack = Stack [] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CENTRAL TYPES type Trace = (String, Time, Time) -- | Invariant: The database does not have any cycles when a Key depends on itself data Database = Database {lock :: Lock ,intern :: IORef (Intern Key) ,status :: IORef (Map Id (Key, Status)) ,step :: Step ,journal :: Id -> (Key, Status {- Loaded or Missing -}) -> IO () ,logger :: String -> IO () -- logging function } data Status = Ready Result -- I have a value | Error SomeException -- I have been run and raised an error | Loaded Result -- Loaded from the database | Waiting Pending (Maybe Result) -- Currently checking if I am valid or building | Missing -- I am only here because I got into the Intern table deriving Show -- FIXME: Probably want Step's to be strict and unpacked? Benchmark on a large example data Result = Result {result :: Value -- the result associated with the Key ,built :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Step -- when it was actually run ,changed :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Step -- the step for deciding if it's valid ,depends :: [[Id]] -- dependencies ,execution :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Duration -- how long it took when it was last run (seconds) ,traces :: [Trace] -- a trace of the expensive operations (start/end in seconds since beginning of run) } deriving Show newtype Pending = Pending (IORef (IO ())) -- you must run this action when you finish, while holding DB lock -- after you have set the result to Error or Ready instance Show Pending where show _ = "Pending" isError Error{} = True; isError _ = False isWaiting Waiting{} = True; isWaiting _ = False isReady Ready{} = True; isReady _ = False -- All the waiting operations are only valid when isWaiting type Waiting = Status afterWaiting :: Waiting -> IO () -> IO () afterWaiting (Waiting (Pending p) _) act = modifyIORef p (>> act) newWaiting :: Maybe Result -> IO Waiting newWaiting r = do ref <- newIORef $ return (); return $ Waiting (Pending ref) r runWaiting :: Waiting -> IO () runWaiting (Waiting (Pending p) _) = join $ readIORef p -- Wait for a set of actions to complete -- If the action returns True, the function will not be called again -- If the first argument is True, the thing is ended waitFor :: [(a, Waiting)] -> (Bool -> a -> IO Bool) -> IO () waitFor ws@(_:_) act = do todo <- newIORef $ length ws forM_ ws $ \(k,w) -> afterWaiting w $ do t <- readIORef todo when (t /= 0) $ do b <- act (t == 1) k writeIORef todo $ if b then 0 else t - 1 getResult :: Status -> Maybe Result getResult (Ready r) = Just r getResult (Loaded r) = Just r getResult (Waiting _ r) = r getResult _ = Nothing --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- OPERATIONS newtype Depends = Depends {fromDepends :: [Id]} deriving (NFData) data Ops = Ops {valid :: Key -> Value -> IO Bool -- ^ Given a Key and a Value from the database, check it still matches the value stored on disk ,exec :: Stack -> Key -> IO (Either SomeException (Value, [Depends], Duration, [Trace])) -- ^ Given a chunk of stack (bottom element first), and a key, either raise an exception or successfully build it } -- | Return either an exception (crash), or (how much time you spent waiting, the value) build :: Pool -> Database -> Ops -> Stack -> [Key] -> IO (Either SomeException (Duration,Depends,[Value])) build pool Database{..} Ops{..} stack ks = do join $ withLock lock $ do is <- forM ks $ \k -> do is <- readIORef intern case Intern.lookup k is of Just i -> return i Nothing -> do (is, i) <- return $ Intern.add k is writeIORef intern is modifyIORef status $ Map.insert i (k,Missing) return i whenJust (checkStack is stack) $ \bad -> do status <- readIORef status error $ "Invalid rules, recursion detected when trying to build: " ++ maybe "" (show . fst) (Map.lookup bad status) vs <- mapM (reduce stack) is let errs = [e | Error e <- vs] if all isReady vs then return $ return $ Right (0, Depends is, [result r | Ready r <- vs]) else if not $ null errs then return $ return $ Left $ head errs else do wait <- newBarrier waitFor (filter (isWaiting . snd) $ zip is vs) $ \finish i -> do s <- readIORef status let done x = do signalBarrier wait x; return True case Map.lookup i s of Just (_, Error e) -> done (True, Left e) -- on error make sure we immediately kick off our parent Just (_, Ready{}) | finish -> done (False, Right [result r | i <- is, let Ready r = snd $ fromJust $ Map.lookup i s]) | otherwise -> return False return $ do (dur,res) <- duration $ blockPool pool $ waitBarrier wait return $ case res of Left e -> Left e Right v -> Right (dur,Depends is,v) where (#=) :: Id -> (Key, Status) -> IO Status i #= (k,v) = do s <- readIORef status writeIORef status $ Map.insert i (k,v) s let shw = head . words . show logger $ maybe "Missing" (shw . snd) (Map.lookup i s) ++ " -> " ++ shw v ++ ", " ++ maybe "" (show . fst) (Map.lookup i s) return v atom x = let s = show x in if ' ' `elem` s then "(" ++ s ++ ")" else s -- Rules for each eval* function -- * Must NOT lock -- * Must have an equal return to what is stored in the db at that point -- * Must not return Loaded reduce :: Stack -> Id -> IO Status reduce stack i = do s <- readIORef status case Map.lookup i s of Nothing -> error $ "Shake internal error: interned value " ++ show i ++ " is missing from the database" Just (k, Missing) -> run stack i k Nothing Just (k, Loaded r) -> do b <- valid k $ result r logger $ "valid " ++ show b ++ " for " ++ atom k ++ " " ++ atom (result r) if not b then run stack i k $ Just r else check stack i k r (depends r) Just (k, res) -> return res run :: Stack -> Id -> Key -> Maybe Result -> IO Waiting run stack i k r = do w <- newWaiting r addPool pool $ do res <- exec (addStack i stack) k ans <- withLock lock $ do ans <- i #= (k, case res of Left err -> Error err Right (v,deps,execution,traces) -> let c | Just r <- r, result r == v = changed r | otherwise = step in Ready Result{result=v,changed=c,built=step,depends=map fromDepends deps,..}) runWaiting w return ans case ans of Ready r -> do logger $ "result " ++ atom k ++ " = " ++ atom (result r) journal i (k, Loaded r) -- leave the DB lock before appending Error _ -> do logger $ "result " ++ atom k ++ " = error" journal i (k, Missing) _ -> return () i #= (k, w) check :: Stack -> Id -> Key -> Result -> [[Id]] -> IO Status check stack i k r [] = i #= (k, Ready r) check stack i k r (ds:rest) = do vs <- mapM (reduce (addStack i stack)) ds let ws = filter (isWaiting . snd) $ zip ds vs if any isError vs || any (> built r) [changed | Ready Result{..} <- vs] then run stack i k $ Just r else if null ws then check stack i k r rest else do self <- newWaiting $ Just r waitFor ws $ \finish d -> do s <- readIORef status let buildIt = do b <- run stack i k $ Just r afterWaiting b $ runWaiting self return True case Map.lookup d s of Just (_, Error{}) -> buildIt Just (_, Ready r2) | changed r2 > built r -> buildIt | finish -> do res <- check stack i k r rest if not $ isWaiting res then runWaiting self else afterWaiting res $ runWaiting self return True | otherwise -> return False i #= (k, self) --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- QUERY DATABASE -- | Given a map of representing a dependency order (with a show for error messages), find an ordering for the items such -- that no item points to an item before itself. -- Raise an error if you end up with a cycle. dependencyOrder :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => (a -> String) -> Map a [a] -> [a] -- Algorithm: -- Divide everyone up into those who have no dependencies [Id] -- And those who depend on a particular Id, Dep :-> Maybe [(Key,[Dep])] -- Where d :-> Just (k, ds), k depends on firstly d, then remaining on ds -- For each with no dependencies, add to list, then take its dep hole and -- promote them either to Nothing (if ds == []) or into a new slot. -- k :-> Nothing means the key has already been freed dependencyOrder shw status = f (map fst noDeps) $ Map.map Just $ Map.fromListWith (++) [(d, [(k,ds)]) | (k,d:ds) <- hasDeps] where (noDeps, hasDeps) = partition (null . snd) $ Map.toList status f [] mp | null bad = [] | otherwise = error $ unlines $ "Internal invariant broken, database seems to be cyclic" : map (" " ++) bad ++ ["... plus " ++ show (length badOverflow) ++ " more ..." | not $ null badOverflow] where (bad,badOverflow) = splitAt 10 $ [shw i | (i, Just _) <- Map.toList mp] f (x:xs) mp = x : f (now++xs) later where Just free = Map.lookupDefault (Just []) x mp (now,later) = foldl' g ([], Map.insert x Nothing mp) free g (free, mp) (k, []) = (k:free, mp) g (free, mp) (k, d:ds) = case Map.lookupDefault (Just []) d mp of Nothing -> g (free, mp) (k, ds) Just todo -> (free, Map.insert d (Just $ (k,ds) : todo) mp) -- | Eliminate all errors from the database, pretending they don't exist resultsOnly :: Map Id (Key, Status) -> Map Id (Key, Result) resultsOnly mp = Map.map (\(k, v) -> (k, let Just r = getResult v in r{depends = map (filter (isJust . flip Map.lookup keep)) $ depends r})) keep where keep = Map.filter (isJust . getResult . snd) mp showJSON :: Database -> IO String showJSON Database{..} = do status <- fmap resultsOnly $ readIORef status let order = let shw i = maybe "" (show . fst) $ Map.lookup i status in dependencyOrder shw $ Map.map (concat . depends . snd) status ids = Map.fromList $ zip order [0..] steps = let xs = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ concat [[changed, built] | (_,Result{..}) <- Map.elems status] in Map.fromList $ zip (reverse $ sort xs) [0..] f (k, Result{..}) = let xs = ["name:" ++ show (show k) ,"built:" ++ showStep built ,"changed:" ++ showStep changed ,"depends:" ++ show (mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` ids) (concat depends)) ,"execution:" ++ show execution] ++ ["traces:[" ++ intercalate "," (map showTrace traces) ++ "]" | traces /= []] showStep i = show $ fromJust $ Map.lookup i steps showTrace (a,b,c) = "{start:" ++ show b ++ ",stop:" ++ show c ++ ",command:" ++ show a ++ "}" in ["{" ++ intercalate ", " xs ++ "}"] return $ "[" ++ intercalate "\n," (concat [maybe (error "Internal error in showJSON") f $ Map.lookup i status | i <- order]) ++ "\n]" checkValid :: Database -> (Key -> Value -> IO Bool) -> IO () checkValid Database{..} valid = do status <- readIORef status logger "Starting validity/lint checking" bad <- fmap concat $ forM (Map.toList status) $ \(i,v) -> case v of (key, Ready Result{..}) -> do good <- valid key result logger $ "Checking if " ++ show key ++ " is " ++ show result ++ ", " ++ if good then "passed" else "FAILED" return [show key ++ " is no longer " ++ show result | not good && not (special key)] _ -> return [] if null bad then logger "Validity/lint check passed" else error $ unlines $ "Error: Dependencies have changed since being built:" : bad where -- special case for these things, since the purpose is to break the invariant special k = s == "AlwaysRun" || "Oracle " `isPrefixOf` s where s = show k --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- STORAGE -- To simplify journaling etc we smuggle the Step in the database, with a special StepKey newtype StepKey = StepKey () deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable,Hashable,Binary,NFData) stepKey :: Key stepKey = newKey $ StepKey () toStepResult :: Step -> Result toStepResult i = Result (newValue i) i i [] 0 [] fromStepResult :: Result -> Step fromStepResult = fromValue . result withDatabase :: (String -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> Int -> (Database -> IO a) -> IO a withDatabase logger filename version act = do registerWitness $ StepKey () registerWitness $ Step 0 witness <- currentWitness withStorage logger filename version witness $ \mp2 journal -> do let mp1 = Intern.fromList [(k, i) | (i, (k,_)) <- Map.toList mp2] (mp1, stepId) <- case Intern.lookup stepKey mp1 of Just stepId -> return (mp1, stepId) Nothing -> do (mp1, stepId) <- return $ Intern.add stepKey mp1 return (mp1, stepId) intern <- newIORef mp1 status <- newIORef mp2 let step = case Map.lookup stepId mp2 of Just (_, Loaded r) -> incStep $ fromStepResult r _ -> Step 1 journal stepId $ (stepKey, Loaded $ toStepResult step) lock <- newLock act Database{..} instance BinaryWith Witness Step where putWith _ x = put x getWith _ = get instance BinaryWith Witness Result where putWith ws (Result x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) = putWith ws x1 >> put x2 >> put x3 >> put x4 >> put x5 >> put x6 getWith ws = do x1 <- getWith ws; x2 <- get; x3 <- get; x4 <- get; x5 <- get; x6 <- get; return $ Result x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 instance BinaryWith Witness Status where putWith ctx Missing = putWord8 0 putWith ctx (Loaded x) = putWord8 1 >> putWith ctx x putWith ctx x = error $ "putWith: Cannot write Status with constructor " ++ head (words $ show x) getWith ctx = do i <- getWord8; if i == 0 then return Missing else fmap Loaded $ getWith ctx