module Examples.Test.Progress(main) where import Development.Shake.Progress import Examples.Util import Data.IORef import Data.Monoid import Data.Char main = shaken test $ \args obj -> return () -- | Given a list of todo times, get out a list of how long is predicted prog = progEx 10000000000000000 progEx :: Double -> [Double] -> IO [Double] progEx mxDone todo = do let scale = 100 -- Use scale so we can run the test faster let resolution = 10000 -- Use resolution to get extra detail on the numbers let done = scanl (+) 0 $ map (min mxDone . max 0) $ zipWith (-) todo (tail todo) pile <- newIORef $ zipWith (\t d -> mempty{timeBuilt=d,timeTodo=(t*scale*resolution,0)}) todo done let get = do a <- readIORef pile case a of [] -> return mempty{isRunning=False} x:xs -> do writeIORef pile xs; return x out <- newIORef [] let put x = do let (mins,secs) = break (== ':') $ takeWhile (/= '(') x let f x = let y = filter isDigit x in if null y then 0/0 else read y modifyIORef out (++ [(f mins * 60 + f secs) / resolution]) progressDisplay (1/scale) put get fmap (take $ length todo) $ readIORef out test build obj = do -- perfect functions should match perfectly xs <- prog [10,9..1] drop 2 xs === [8,7..1] xs <- prog $ map (*5) [10,9..1] drop 2 xs === [8,7..1] xs <- prog $ map (*0.2) [10,9..1] let dp3 x = fromIntegral (round $ x * 1000 :: Int) / 1000 map dp3 (drop 2 xs) === [8,7..1] -- The properties below this line could be weakened -- increasing functions can't match xs <- prog [5,6,7] last xs === 700 -- because of the scale issues -- the first value must be plausible, or missing xs <- prog [187] assert (isNaN $ head xs) "No first value" -- desirable properties, could be weakened xs <- progEx 2 $ 100:map (*2) [10,9..1] drop 5 xs === [6,5..1] xs <- progEx 1 $ [10,9,100,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] assert (all (<= 1.5) $ map abs $ zipWith (-) (drop 5 xs) [6,5..1]) "Close"