-- | Command line parsing flags.
module Development.Shake.Args(shakeOptDescrs, shakeWithArgs) where

import Paths_shake
import Development.Shake.Types
import Development.Shake.Core
import Development.Shake.File
import Development.Shake.Progress
import Development.Shake.Shake

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit

-- | Run a build system using command line arguments for configuration.
--   Requires a way of cleaning the build objects (triggered by @clean@ as a target),
--   a base set of options that may be overriden by command line flags, and the set of build rules.
--   The function 'removeFiles' is often useful for producing a cleaning action.
--   The available command line options are those from 'shakeOptDescrs', along with a few additional
--   @make@ compatible flags that are not represented in 'ShakeOptions', such as @--print-directory@.
shakeWithArgs :: IO () -> ShakeOptions -> Rules () -> IO ()
shakeWithArgs clean baseOpts rules = do
    args <- getArgs
    let (flags,files,errs) = getOpt Permute opts args
        (flagsError,flag1) = partitionEithers flags
        (flagsExtra,flagsShake) = first concat $ unzip flag1
        assumeNew = [x | AssumeNew x <- flagsExtra]
        assumeOld = [x | AssumeOld x <- flagsExtra]
        changeDirectory = listToMaybe [x | ChangeDirectory x <- flagsExtra]
        printDirectory = last $ False : [x | PrintDirectory x <- flagsExtra]
        shakeOpts = foldl (flip ($)) baseOpts flagsShake

    -- error if you pass some clean and some dirty with specific flags
    errs <- return $ errs ++ flagsError ++ ["cannot mix " ++ a ++ " and " ++ b | a:b:_ <-
        [["`--assume-new'" | assumeNew/=[] ] ++ ["`--assume-old'" | assumeOld/=[] ] ++ ["explicit targets" | files/=[]]]]

    when (errs /= []) $ do
        putStr $ unlines $ map ("shake: " ++) $ filter (not . null) $ lines $ unlines errs

    if Help `elem` flagsExtra then do
     else if Version `elem` flagsExtra then
        putStrLn $ "Shake build system, version " ++ show version
     else if "clean" `elem` files then
     else do
        when (Clean `elem` flagsExtra) clean
        when (Sleep `elem` flagsExtra) $ threadDelay 1000000
        start <- getCurrentTime
        curdir <- getCurrentDirectory
        let redir = case changeDirectory of
                Nothing -> id
                Just d -> bracket_ (setCurrentDirectory d) (setCurrentDirectory curdir)
        res <- redir $ do
            when printDirectory $ putStrLn $ "shake: In directory `" ++ curdir ++ "'"
            try $ shake shakeOpts $ if null files then rules else want files >> withoutActions rules

        if shakeVerbosity shakeOpts < Normal then
            either throwIO return res
            let esc code = if Color `elem` flagsExtra then escape code else id
            in case res of
                Left err -> do
                    putStrLn $ esc "31" $ show (err :: SomeException)
                Right () -> do
                    stop <- getCurrentTime
                    let tot = diffUTCTime stop start
                        (mins,secs) = divMod (ceiling tot) (60 :: Int)
                        time = show mins ++ ":" ++ ['0' | secs < 10] ++ show secs
                    putStrLn $ esc "32" $ "Build completed in " ++ time ++ "m"
        opts = map snd shakeOptsEx
        showHelp = putStr $ unlines $ "Usage: shake [options] [target] ..." : "Options:" : showOptDescr opts

showOptDescr :: [OptDescr a] -> [String]
showOptDescr xs = concat
    [ if nargs <= 26 then ["  " ++ args ++ replicate (28 - nargs) ' ' ++ desc]
                     else ["  " ++ args, replicate 30 ' ' ++ desc]
    | Option s l arg desc <- xs
    , let args = intercalate ", " $ map (short arg) s ++ map (long arg) l
    , let nargs = length args]
    where short NoArg{} x = "-" ++ [x]
          short (ReqArg _ b) x = "-" ++ [x] ++ " " ++ b
          short (OptArg _ b) x = "-" ++ [x] ++ "[=" ++ b ++ "]"
          long NoArg{} x = "--" ++ x
          long (ReqArg _ b) x = "--" ++ x ++ "=" ++ b
          long (OptArg _ b) x = "--" ++ x ++ "[=" ++ b ++ "]"

fmapOptDescr :: (a -> b) -> OptDescr a -> OptDescr b
fmapOptDescr f (Option a b c d) = Option a b (g c) d
    where g (NoArg a) = NoArg $ f a
          g (ReqArg a b) = ReqArg (f . a) b
          g (OptArg a b) = OptArg (f . a) b

-- | A list of command line options that can be used to modify 'ShakeOptions'. Each option returns
--   either an error message (invalid argument to the flag) or a function that changes some fields
--   in 'ShakeOptions'. The command line flags are @make@ compatible where possbile, but additional
--   flags have been added for the extra options Shake supports.
shakeOptDescrs :: [OptDescr (Either String (ShakeOptions -> ShakeOptions))]
shakeOptDescrs = [fmapOptDescr (either Left (Right . snd)) o | (True, o) <- shakeOptsEx]

data Extra = ChangeDirectory FilePath
           | Version
           | AssumeNew FilePath
           | AssumeOld FilePath
           | PrintDirectory Bool
           | Color
           | Help
           | Clean
           | Sleep
             deriving Eq

unescape :: String -> String
unescape ('\ESC':'[':xs) = unescape $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (not . isAlpha) xs
unescape (x:xs) = x : unescape xs
unescape [] = []

escape :: String -> String -> String
escape code x = "\ESC[" ++ code ++ "m" ++ x ++ "\ESC[0m"

-- | True if it has a potential effect on ShakeOptions
shakeOptsEx :: [(Bool, OptDescr (Either String ([Extra], ShakeOptions -> ShakeOptions)))]
shakeOptsEx =
    [yes $ Option "a" ["abbrev"] (pairArg "abbrev" "FULL=SHORT" $ \a s -> s{shakeAbbreviations=shakeAbbreviations s ++ [a]}) "Use abbreviation in status messages."
    ,yes $ Option "B" ["always-make"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeAssume=Just AssumeDirty}) "Unconditionally make all targets."
    ,no  $ Option "c" ["clean"] (NoArg $ Right ([Clean],id)) "Clean before building."
    ,no  $ Option "C" ["directory"] (ReqArg (\x -> Right ([ChangeDirectory x],id)) "DIRECTORY") "Change to DIRECTORY before doing anything."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["color","colour"] (NoArg $ Right ([Color], \s -> s{shakeOutput=outputColor (shakeOutput s)})) "Colorize the output."
    ,yes $ Option "d" ["debug"] (OptArg (\x -> Right ([], \s -> s{shakeVerbosity=Diagnostic, shakeOutput=outputDebug (shakeOutput s) x})) "FILE") "Print lots of debugging information."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["deterministic"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeDeterministic=True}) "Build rules in a fixed order."
    ,yes $ Option "f" ["flush"] (intArg "flush" "N" (\i s -> s{shakeFlush=Just i})) "Flush metadata every N seconds."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["never-flush"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeFlush=Nothing}) "Never explicitly flush metadata."
    ,no  $ Option "h" ["help"] (NoArg $ Right ([Help],id)) "Print this message and exit."
    ,yes $ Option "j" ["jobs"] (intArg "jobs" "N" $ \i s -> s{shakeThreads=i}) "Allow N jobs/threads at once."
    ,yes $ Option "k" ["keep-going"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeStaunch=True}) "Keep going when some targets can't be made."
    ,yes $ Option "l" ["lint"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeLint=True}) "Perform limited validation after the run."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["no-lint"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeLint=False}) "Turn off --lint."
    ,yes $ Option "m" ["metadata"] (reqArg "PREFIX" $ \x s -> s{shakeFiles=x}) "Prefix for storing metadata files."
    ,no  $ Option "o" ["old-file","assume-old"] (ReqArg (\x -> Right ([AssumeOld x],id)) "FILE") "Consider FILE to be very old and don't remake it."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["old-all"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeAssume=Just AssumeClean}) "Don't remake any files."
    ,yes $ Option "r" ["report"] (OptArg (\x -> Right ([], \s -> s{shakeReport=Just $ fromMaybe "report.html" x})) "FILE") "Write out profiling information [to report.html]."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["no-report"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeReport=Nothing}) "Turn off --report."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["rule-version"] (reqArg "VERSION" $ \x s -> s{shakeVersion=x}) "Version of the build rules."
    ,yes $ Option "s" ["silent"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeVerbosity=Silent}) "Don't print anything."
    ,no  $ Option ""  ["sleep"] (NoArg $ Right ([Sleep],id)) "Sleep for a second before building."
    ,yes $ Option "S" ["no-keep-going","stop"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeStaunch=False}) "Turns off -k."
    ,yes $ Option ""  ["storage"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeStorageLog=True}) "Write a storage log."
    ,yes $ Option "p" ["progress"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeProgress=progressSimple}) "Show progress messages."
    ,yes $ Option "q" ["quiet"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeVerbosity=Quiet}) "Don't print much."
    ,yes $ Option "t" ["touch"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeAssume=Just AssumeClean}) "Assume targets are clean."
    ,yes $ Option "V" ["verbose","trace"] (noArg $ \s -> s{shakeVerbosity=Loud}) "Print tracing information."
    ,no  $ Option "v" ["version"] (NoArg $ Right ([Version],id)) "Print the version number and exit."
    ,no  $ Option "w" ["print-directory"] (NoArg $ Right ([PrintDirectory True],id)) "Print the current directory."
    ,no  $ Option ""  ["no-print-directory"] (NoArg $ Right ([PrintDirectory False],id)) "Turn off -w, even if it was turned on implicitly."
    ,no  $ Option "W" ["what-if","new-file","assume-new"] (ReqArg (\x -> Right ([AssumeNew x],id)) "FILE") "Consider FILE to be infinitely new."
        yes = (,) True
        no  = (,) False

        noArg f = NoArg $ Right ([], f)
        reqArg a f = ReqArg (\x -> Right ([], f x)) a
        intArg flag a f = flip ReqArg a $ \x -> case reads x of
            [(i,"")] | i >= 1 -> Right ([],f i)
            _ -> Left $ "the `--" ++ flag ++ "' option requires a positive integral argument"
        pairArg flag a f = flip ReqArg a $ \x -> case break (== '=') x of
            (a,'=':b) -> Right ([],f (a,b))
            _ -> Left $ "the `--" ++ flag ++ "' option requires an = in the argument"

        outputDebug output Nothing = output
        outputDebug output (Just file) = \v msg -> do
            when (v /= Diagnostic) $ output v msg
            appendFile file $ unescape msg

        outputColor output v msg = output v $ escape "34" msg