name: shaker version: 0.2.1 cabal-version: >= 1.8 build-type: Custom license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 Anthonin Bonnefoy author: Anthonin Bonnefoy maintainer: homepage: bug-reports: Stability:alpha Tested-With:GHC == 6.12.1 category: Development synopsis: simple and interactive command-line build tool description: Shaker is a build tool which allow to compile an haskell project with some features like continuous action similar to SBT. . For the moment, all configuration are made via cabal. Shaker will read cabal configuration to discover source directories, compilation options and targets to compile. . /Usage/ . The cabal configuration file should be generated beforehand with /runhaskell Setup.hs configure/. If you change your cabal configuration, you need to recreate the configuration file. . /Execution/ . In the root of your haskell project, launch shaker. An interactive prompt will allow you to execute differents action. . /Action execution/ . [@Simple Execution@] An action can be launched normally, by entering the action name . [@Multiple action execution@] You can specify multiple action to execute simply by separating action by spaces. . [@Continuous Action@] A continuous action will execute the action when a changement on files has been detected. Every action are elligible to continuous action, you simply need to prefix them with '~' . /Available actions/ . [@Compile@] Compile the project. Targets of the compilation are main file (in case of executable) or exposed modules (in case of library). . [@FullCompile@] Compile all hs files found in source directory. It is usefull to compile test sources. . [@Clean@] Clean the directory containing .o and .hi files. . [@Quit@] Exit the application. . /Examples/ . [@% Compile@] Simply compile the project . [@% Clean Compile@] Clean and compile the project . [@% ~Compile@] Switch to continuous mode and will compile the project when sources are modified. . [@% ~Clean Compile@] Switch to continuous mode and will clean and compile the project when sources are modified. extra-source-files: README TODO testsuite/tests/resources/invalidMain/dist/setup-config testsuite/tests/resources/invalidMain/src/Main.hs testsuite/tests/resources/invalidMain/tests/Dummy.hs testsuite/tests/resources/invalidMain/invalidMain.cabal testsuite/tests/resources/cabalTest/dist/setup-config testsuite/tests/resources/cabalTest/cabalTest.cabal testsuite/tests/resources/cabalTest/src/Main.hs testsuite/tests/resources/cabalTest/src/CabalTest.hs testsuite/tests/resources/noSourceConfig/noHsSource.hs testsuite/tests/resources/noSourceConfig/noHsSource.cabal testsuite/tests/resources/noSourceConfig/dist/setup-config source-repository head type: git location: git:// source-repository this type: git location: git:// tag: 0.2.1 Executable shaker Main-Is: Shaker.hs ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans hs-source-dirs: src other-modules: Shaker.Parser Shaker.Action.Clean Shaker.Action.Standard Shaker.Action.Quickcheck Shaker.Action.Compile Shaker.Conductor Shaker.Config Shaker.TestTH Shaker.PluginConfig Shaker.Reflexivite Shaker.Regex Shaker.Cli Shaker.Io Shaker.SourceHelper Shaker.Cabal.CabalInfo Shaker.Type Shaker.Listener build-depends: base >= 4.1 && < 5 , Cabal >=, containers >= 0.3, haskeline >= ,directory >=, filepath >= 1.1, ghc >= 6, ghc-paths >= 0.1, haskell98 >= 1.0, mtl >= 1.0, parsec >= 3.0, regex-posix >= 0.94.1, old-time >= 1.0.0 ,bytestring >= flag test description: Build test program. default: False Executable test hs-source-dirs: src, testsuite/tests main-is: RunTest.hs ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans other-modules: RunTestTH Shaker.RegexTest Shaker.Properties Shaker.Action.CompileTest Shaker.IoTest Shaker.CliTest Shaker.CommonTest Shaker.ParserTest Shaker.Cabal.CabalInfoTest Shaker.ListenerTest Shaker.ReflexiviteTest Shaker.ConductorTest build-depends: base >= 4.1, Cabal >=, containers >= 0.3, haskeline >= ,directory >=, filepath >= 1.1, ghc >= 6, ghc-paths >= 0.1, haskell98 >= 1.0, mtl >= 1.0, parsec >= 3.0, regex-posix >= 0.94.1, old-time >= 1.0.0 ,bytestring >= ,HUnit >= ,QuickCheck >= if !flag(test) buildable: False