module Shaker.Reflexivite (
  -- * Collect module information functions
  -- * Template haskell generator

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Shaker.Type 
import Shaker.Action.Compile
import Shaker.SourceHelper
import Shaker.Regex

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception as C

import Digraph
import Language.Haskell.TH
import GHC
import GHC.Paths
import DynFlags
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Outputable
import OccName (occNameString)
import Name (nameOccName)
import Var (varName)

-- | Mapping between module name (to import) and test to execute
data ModuleMapping = ModuleMapping {
  cfModuleName :: String -- ^ Complete name of the module 
  ,cfHunitAssertion :: [String] -- ^ Hunit assertions
  ,cfHunitTestCase :: [String] -- ^ Hunit test case to process for test-framework
  ,cfPropName :: [String] -- ^ QuickCheck test function names
 deriving (Show,Eq)

data RunnableFunction = RunnableFunction {
  cfModule :: [String]
  ,cfFunctionName :: String -- The function name. Should have IO() as signature
 deriving Show

-- | Collect all non-main modules with their test function associated
collectAllModulesForTest :: Shaker IO [ModuleMapping]
collectAllModulesForTest = do 
  cpIn <- getFullCompileCompileInput
  allModules <- lift $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do 
        _ <- ghcCompile cpIn
        collectAllModules' >>= mapM getModuleMapping 
  return . removeNonTestModule $ allModules
-- | Analyze all haskell modules of the project and 
-- output all module needing recompilation
collectChangedModulesForTest :: Shaker IO [ModuleMapping]
collectChangedModulesForTest = do 
  cpIn <- getFullCompileCompileInput
  modInfoFiles <- asks modifiedInfoFiles
  let modFilePaths = (map fileInfoFilePath modInfoFiles)
  changed_modules <- lift $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do 
           _ <- initializeGhc cpIn
           collectChangedModulesForTest' modFilePaths cpIn
  return . removeNonTestModule $ changed_modules

collectAllModules' :: GhcMonad m => m [ModSummary] 
collectAllModules' = do 
  mss <- depanal [] False
  let sort_mss = flattenSCCs $ topSortModuleGraph True mss Nothing
  return sort_mss
collectChangedModulesForTest' :: GhcMonad m => [FilePath] -> CompileInput -> m [ModuleMapping] 
collectChangedModulesForTest' modFilePaths cpIn = do 
    changedModules <- collectAllModules' >>= filterM (isModuleNeedCompilation modFilePaths) 
    _ <- ghcCompile cpIn
    allModules <- collectAllModules' 
    let res = intersectBy ( \a b -> nameMod a == nameMod b ) allModules changedModules
    mapM getModuleMapping res
  where nameMod = moduleNameString . moduleName . ms_mod

-- | Compile, load and run the given function
runFunction :: RunnableFunction -> Shaker IO()
runFunction (RunnableFunction importModuleList fun) = do
  cpIn <- getFullCompileCompileInput
  dynFun <- lift $ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
         dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
         _ <- setSessionDynFlags (addShakerLibraryAsImport (dopt_set dflags Opt_HideAllPackages))
         _ <- ghcCompile cpIn 
         configureContext importModuleList
         value <- compileExpr fun
         do let value' = unsafeCoerce value :: a
            return value'
  _ <- lift $ handleActionInterrupt dynFun
  return ()
        configureContext [] = getModuleGraph >>= \mGraph ->  setContext [] $ map ms_mod mGraph
        configureContext imports = mapM (\a -> findModule (mkModuleName a)  Nothing ) imports >>= \m -> setContext [] m

addShakerLibraryAsImport :: DynFlags -> DynFlags
addShakerLibraryAsImport dflags = dflags {
    packageFlags = nub $ (map ExposePackage  ["QuickCheck","HUnit","test-framework-hunit","test-framework","test-framework-quickcheck2","shaker"]) ++ oldPackageFlags
  where oldPackageFlags = packageFlags dflags

handleActionInterrupt :: IO() -> IO()
handleActionInterrupt =  C.handle catchAll
  where catchAll :: C.SomeException -> IO ()
        catchAll e = putStrLn ("Shaker caught " ++ show e ) >>  return () 

-- | Collect module name and tests name for the given module
getModuleMapping :: (GhcMonad m) => ModSummary -> m ModuleMapping
getModuleMapping  modSum = do 
  mayModuleInfo <- getModuleInfo $  ms_mod modSum
  let props = getQuickCheckFunction mayModuleInfo
  let hunits = getHunitAssertions mayModuleInfo
  let testCases = getHunitTestCase mayModuleInfo
  return $ ModuleMapping modName hunits testCases props
  where modName = (moduleNameString . moduleName . ms_mod) modSum        
getQuickCheckFunction :: Maybe ModuleInfo -> [String]
getQuickCheckFunction = getFunctionNameWithPredicate ("prop_" `isPrefixOf`) 

getHunitAssertions :: Maybe ModuleInfo -> [String]
getHunitAssertions = getFunctionTypeWithPredicate (== "Test.HUnit.Lang.Assertion") 

getHunitTestCase :: Maybe ModuleInfo -> [String]
getHunitTestCase = getFunctionTypeWithPredicate (== "Test.HUnit.Base.Test") 

getFunctionTypeWithPredicate :: (String -> Bool) -> Maybe ModuleInfo -> [String]
getFunctionTypeWithPredicate _ Nothing = []
getFunctionTypeWithPredicate predicat (Just modInfo) = map snd $ filter ( predicat . fst)  typeList
   where idList = getIdList modInfo
         typeList = map ((showPpr . idType) &&& getFunctionNameFromId ) idList 

getFunctionNameWithPredicate :: (String -> Bool) -> Maybe ModuleInfo -> [String]
getFunctionNameWithPredicate _ Nothing = []
getFunctionNameWithPredicate predicat (Just modInfo) = 
  filter predicat nameList
   where idList = getIdList modInfo
         nameList = map getFunctionNameFromId idList 

getFunctionNameFromId :: Id -> String
getFunctionNameFromId = occNameString . nameOccName . varName

getIdList :: ModuleInfo -> [Id]
getIdList modInfo = mapMaybe tyThingToId $ modInfoTyThings modInfo

tyThingToId :: TyThing -> Maybe Id
tyThingToId (AnId tyId) = Just tyId
tyThingToId _ = Nothing

-- | List all test group of the project.
-- see "Shaker.TestTH" 
listAllTestFrameworkGroupList :: ShakerInput -> ExpQ
listAllTestFrameworkGroupList shIn = runIO (runReaderT collectAllModulesForTest shIn) >>= listTestFrameworkGroupList . removeNonTestModule

-- | List all test group for test-framework from the list of modules
listTestFrameworkGroupList :: [ModuleMapping] -> ExpQ
listTestFrameworkGroupList = return . ListE . map getSingleTestFrameworkGroup

-- | Remove all modules which does not contain test
removeNonTestModule :: [ModuleMapping] -> [ModuleMapping]
removeNonTestModule = filter (\modMap -> notEmpty (cfHunitAssertion modMap) || notEmpty (cfPropName modMap) || notEmpty (cfHunitTestCase modMap) )
  where notEmpty = not.null

-- * Test framework integration 

-- | Generate a test group for a given module
getSingleTestFrameworkGroup :: ModuleMapping -> Exp
getSingleTestFrameworkGroup modMap = foldl1 AppE [process_to_group_exp, test_case_tuple_list, list_assertion, list_prop]
  where process_to_group_exp = AppE (VarE .mkName $ "processToTestGroup") (LitE (StringL $ cfModuleName modMap))
        list_prop = ListE $ map getSingleFrameworkQuickCheck $ cfPropName modMap
        list_assertion = ListE $ map getSingleFrameworkHunit $ cfHunitAssertion modMap
        test_case_tuple_list = convertHunitTestCaseToTuples (cfHunitTestCase modMap)

convertHunitTestCaseToTuples :: [String] -> Exp
convertHunitTestCaseToTuples = ListE . map convertToTuple 
  where convertToTuple name = TupE [LitE (StringL name), VarE $ mkName name ]

-- | Generate an expression for a single hunit test
getSingleFrameworkHunit :: String -> Exp 
getSingleFrameworkHunit hunitName = AppE testcase_with_name_exp assertion_exp
  where testcase_with_name_exp = AppE ( VarE $ mkName "testCase") (LitE $ StringL hunitName)
        assertion_exp = VarE . mkName $ hunitName

-- | Generate an expression for a single quickcheck property
getSingleFrameworkQuickCheck :: String -> Exp
getSingleFrameworkQuickCheck propName = AppE testproperty_with_name_exp property_exp 
  where canonical_name = tail . dropWhile (/= '_') $ propName 
        testproperty_with_name_exp = AppE ( VarE $ mkName "testProperty") (LitE $ StringL canonical_name)
        property_exp = VarE . mkName $ propName

-- * utility functions 

-- | Include only module matching the given pattern
filterModulesWithPattern :: [ModuleMapping]-> String -> [ModuleMapping]
filterModulesWithPattern mod_map pattern = filter (\a -> cfModuleName a `elem` filtered_mod_list) mod_map
  where mod_list = map cfModuleName mod_map
        filtered_mod_list = processListWithRegexp mod_list [] [pattern]

filterFunctionsWithPatterns :: [ModuleMapping] -> [String] -> [ModuleMapping]
filterFunctionsWithPatterns mod_map patterns = map (`filterFunctionsWithPatterns'` patterns) mod_map

filterFunctionsWithPatterns' :: ModuleMapping -> [String] -> ModuleMapping
filterFunctionsWithPatterns' (ModuleMapping name hunitAssertions hunitTestCases properties) patterns = 
    cfModuleName = name
    ,cfHunitAssertion = processListWithRegexp hunitAssertions [] patterns
    ,cfHunitTestCase = processListWithRegexp hunitTestCases [] patterns
    ,cfPropName = processListWithRegexp properties [] patterns