-- | Register available actions and how they will be called
module Shaker.PluginConfig

import qualified Data.Map as M (fromList)
import Shaker.Type
import Shaker.Action.Test
import Shaker.Action.Compile
import Shaker.Action.Standard

-- | The default plugin map contains mapping for compile, help and exit action 
defaultPluginMap :: PluginMap
defaultPluginMap = M.fromList $ map (\(a,b) -> (a, runStartAction >> b >> runEndAction)) list
  where list = [
                (Compile,runCompile ),
                (FullCompile,runFullCompile ),
--                (Execute,runExecute),
                (TestFramework , runTestFramework),
                (IntelligentTestFramework , runIntelligentTestFramework),

defaultCommandMap :: CommandMap 
defaultCommandMap = M.fromList list
  where list = [
            ("help", Help),
--            ("Execute", Execute),
            ("test", TestFramework ),
            ("itest", IntelligentTestFramework ),