{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} module Text.Hamlet ( -- * Plain HTML Html , shamlet , shamletFile , xshamlet , xshamletFile -- * Hamlet , HtmlUrl , Render , hamlet , hamletFile , hamletFileReload , xhamlet , xhamletFile -- * I18N Hamlet , HtmlUrlI18n , Translate , ihamlet , ihamletFile , ihamletFileReload -- * Type classes , ToAttributes (..) -- * Internal, for making more , HamletSettings (..) , NewlineStyle (..) , hamletWithSettings , hamletFileWithSettings , defaultHamletSettings , xhtmlHamletSettings , Env (..) , HamletRules (..) , hamletRules , ihamletRules , htmlRules , CloseStyle (..) -- * Used by generated code , condH , maybeH , asHtmlUrl , attrsToHtml ) where import Text.Shakespeare.Base import Text.Hamlet.Parse #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (Module) #else import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax #endif import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote import Data.Char (isUpper, isDigit) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Text.Blaze.Html (Html, toHtml) import Text.Blaze.Internal (preEscapedText) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Control.Monad (mplus) import Data.Monoid (mempty, mappend, mconcat) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.IORef import qualified Data.Map as M import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import System.Directory (getModificationTime) import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Text.Blaze.Html (preEscapedToHtml) -- | Convert some value to a list of attribute pairs. class ToAttributes a where toAttributes :: a -> [(Text, Text)] instance ToAttributes (Text, Text) where toAttributes = return instance ToAttributes (String, String) where toAttributes (k, v) = [(pack k, pack v)] instance ToAttributes [(Text, Text)] where toAttributes = id instance ToAttributes [(String, String)] where toAttributes = map (pack *** pack) attrsToHtml :: [(Text, Text)] -> Html attrsToHtml = foldr go mempty where go (k, v) rest = toHtml " " `mappend` preEscapedText k `mappend` preEscapedText (pack "=\"") `mappend` toHtml v `mappend` preEscapedText (pack "\"") `mappend` rest type Render url = url -> [(Text, Text)] -> Text type Translate msg = msg -> Html -- | A function generating an 'Html' given a URL-rendering function. type HtmlUrl url = Render url -> Html -- | A function generating an 'Html' given a message translator and a URL rendering function. type HtmlUrlI18n msg url = Translate msg -> Render url -> Html docsToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> [Doc] -> Q Exp docsToExp env hr scope docs = do exps <- mapM (docToExp env hr scope) docs case exps of [] -> [|return ()|] [x] -> return x _ -> return $ DoE $ map NoBindS exps unIdent :: Ident -> String unIdent (Ident s) = s bindingPattern :: Binding -> Q (Pat, [(Ident, Exp)]) bindingPattern (BindAs i@(Ident s) b) = do name <- newName s (pattern, scope) <- bindingPattern b return (AsP name pattern, (i, VarE name):scope) bindingPattern (BindVar i@(Ident s)) | s == "_" = return (WildP, []) | all isDigit s = do return (LitP $ IntegerL $ read s, []) | otherwise = do name <- newName s return (VarP name, [(i, VarE name)]) bindingPattern (BindTuple is) = do (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is return (TupP patterns, concat scopes) bindingPattern (BindList is) = do (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is return (ListP patterns, concat scopes) bindingPattern (BindConstr con is) = do (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM bindingPattern is return (ConP (mkConName con) patterns, concat scopes) bindingPattern (BindRecord con fields wild) = do let f (Ident field,b) = do (p,s) <- bindingPattern b return ((mkName field,p),s) (patterns, scopes) <- fmap unzip $ mapM f fields (patterns1, scopes1) <- if wild then bindWildFields con $ map fst fields else return ([],[]) return (RecP (mkConName con) (patterns++patterns1), concat scopes ++ scopes1) mkConName :: DataConstr -> Name mkConName = mkName . conToStr conToStr :: DataConstr -> String conToStr (DCUnqualified (Ident x)) = x conToStr (DCQualified (Module xs) (Ident x)) = intercalate "." $ xs ++ [x] -- Wildcards bind all of the unbound fields to variables whose name -- matches the field name. -- -- For example: data R = C { f1, f2 :: Int } -- C {..} is equivalent to C {f1=f1, f2=f2} -- C {f1 = a, ..} is equivalent to C {f1=a, f2=f2} -- C {f2 = a, ..} is equivalent to C {f1=f1, f2=a} bindWildFields :: DataConstr -> [Ident] -> Q ([(Name, Pat)], [(Ident, Exp)]) bindWildFields conName fields = do fieldNames <- recordToFieldNames conName let available n = nameBase n `notElem` map unIdent fields let remainingFields = filter available fieldNames let mkPat n = do e <- newName (nameBase n) return ((n,VarP e), (Ident (nameBase n), VarE e)) fmap unzip $ mapM mkPat remainingFields -- Important note! reify will fail if the record type is defined in the -- same module as the reify is used. This means quasi-quoted Hamlet -- literals will not be able to use wildcards to match record types -- defined in the same module. recordToFieldNames :: DataConstr -> Q [Name] recordToFieldNames conStr = do -- use 'lookupValueName' instead of just using 'mkName' so we reify the -- data constructor and not the type constructor if their names match. Just conName <- lookupValueName $ conToStr conStr DataConI _ _ typeName _ <- reify conName TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cons _) <- reify typeName [fields] <- return [fields | RecC name fields <- cons, name == conName] return [fieldName | (fieldName, _, _) <- fields] docToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> Doc -> Q Exp docToExp env hr scope (DocForall list idents inside) = do let list' = derefToExp scope list (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents let scope' = extraScope ++ scope mh <- [|F.mapM_|] inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside let lam = LamE [pat] inside' return $ mh `AppE` lam `AppE` list' docToExp env hr scope (DocWith [] inside) = do inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope inside return $ inside' docToExp env hr scope (DocWith ((deref, idents):dis) inside) = do let deref' = derefToExp scope deref (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents let scope' = extraScope ++ scope inside' <- docToExp env hr scope' (DocWith dis inside) let lam = LamE [pat] inside' return $ lam `AppE` deref' docToExp env hr scope (DocMaybe val idents inside mno) = do let val' = derefToExp scope val (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents let scope' = extraScope ++ scope inside' <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside let inside'' = LamE [pat] inside' ninside' <- case mno of Nothing -> [|Nothing|] Just no -> do no' <- docsToExp env hr scope no j <- [|Just|] return $ j `AppE` no' mh <- [|maybeH|] return $ mh `AppE` val' `AppE` inside'' `AppE` ninside' docToExp env hr scope (DocCond conds final) = do conds' <- mapM go conds final' <- case final of Nothing -> [|Nothing|] Just f -> do f' <- docsToExp env hr scope f j <- [|Just|] return $ j `AppE` f' ch <- [|condH|] return $ ch `AppE` ListE conds' `AppE` final' where go :: (Deref, [Doc]) -> Q Exp go (d, docs) = do let d' = derefToExp ((specialOrIdent, VarE 'or):scope) d docs' <- docsToExp env hr scope docs return $ TupE [d', docs'] docToExp env hr scope (DocCase deref cases) = do let exp_ = derefToExp scope deref matches <- mapM toMatch cases return $ CaseE exp_ matches where toMatch :: (Binding, [Doc]) -> Q Match toMatch (idents, inside) = do (pat, extraScope) <- bindingPattern idents let scope' = extraScope ++ scope insideExp <- docsToExp env hr scope' inside return $ Match pat (NormalB insideExp) [] docToExp env hr v (DocContent c) = contentToExp env hr v c contentToExp :: Env -> HamletRules -> Scope -> Content -> Q Exp contentToExp _ hr _ (ContentRaw s) = do os <- [|preEscapedText . pack|] let s' = LitE $ StringL s return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (os `AppE` s') contentToExp _ hr scope (ContentVar d) = do str <- [|toHtml|] return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (str `AppE` derefToExp scope d) contentToExp env hr scope (ContentUrl hasParams d) = case urlRender env of Nothing -> error "URL interpolation used, but no URL renderer provided" Just wrender -> wrender $ \render -> do let render' = return render ou <- if hasParams then [|\(u, p) -> $(render') u p|] else [|\u -> $(render') u []|] let d' = derefToExp scope d pet <- [|toHtml|] return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (pet `AppE` (ou `AppE` d')) contentToExp env hr scope (ContentEmbed d) = hrEmbed hr env $ derefToExp scope d contentToExp env hr scope (ContentMsg d) = case msgRender env of Nothing -> error "Message interpolation used, but no message renderer provided" Just wrender -> wrender $ \render -> return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (render `AppE` derefToExp scope d) contentToExp _ hr scope (ContentAttrs d) = do html <- [|attrsToHtml . toAttributes|] return $ hrFromHtml hr `AppE` (html `AppE` derefToExp scope d) -- | "Simple Hamlet" quasi-quoter. May only be used to generate expressions. -- -- Generated expressions have type 'Html'. -- -- @ -- >>> 'putStrLn' ('Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.renderHtml' ['shamlet'|\Hello, world!|]) -- \Hello, world!\ -- @ shamlet :: QuasiQuoter shamlet = hamletWithSettings htmlRules defaultHamletSettings -- | Like 'shamlet', but produces XHTML. xshamlet :: QuasiQuoter xshamlet = hamletWithSettings htmlRules xhtmlHamletSettings htmlRules :: Q HamletRules htmlRules = do i <- [|id|] return $ HamletRules i ($ (Env Nothing Nothing)) (\_ b -> return b) -- | Hamlet quasi-quoter. May only be used to generate expressions. -- -- Generated expression have type @'HtmlUrl' url@, for some @url@. -- -- @ -- data MyRoute = Home -- -- render :: 'Render' MyRoute -- render Home _ = \"/home\" -- -- >>> 'putStrLn' ('Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String.renderHtml' (['hamlet'|\Home|] render)) -- \Home\<\/a\> -- @ hamlet :: QuasiQuoter hamlet = hamletWithSettings hamletRules defaultHamletSettings -- | Like 'hamlet', but produces XHTML. xhamlet :: QuasiQuoter xhamlet = hamletWithSettings hamletRules xhtmlHamletSettings asHtmlUrl :: HtmlUrl url -> HtmlUrl url asHtmlUrl = id hamletRules :: Q HamletRules hamletRules = do i <- [|id|] let ur f = do r <- newName "_render" let env = Env { urlRender = Just ($ (VarE r)) , msgRender = Nothing } h <- f env return $ LamE [VarP r] h return $ HamletRules i ur em where em (Env (Just urender) Nothing) e = do asHtmlUrl' <- [|asHtmlUrl|] urender $ \ur' -> return ((asHtmlUrl' `AppE` e) `AppE` ur') em _ _ = error "bad Env" -- | Hamlet quasi-quoter with internationalization. May only be used to generate -- expressions. -- -- Generated expressions have type @'HtmlUrlI18n' msg url@, for some @msg@ and -- @url@. -- -- @ -- data MyMsg = Hi | Bye -- -- data MyRoute = Home -- -- renderEnglish :: 'Translate' MyMsg -- renderEnglish Hi = \"hi\" -- renderEnglish Bye = \"bye\" -- -- renderUrl :: 'Render' MyRoute -- renderUrl Home _ = \"/home\" -- -- >>> 'putStrLn' ('Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.renderHtml' (['ihamlet'|@{Home} _{Hi} _{Bye}|] renderEnglish renderUrl)) -- \/home hi bye \ -- @ ihamlet :: QuasiQuoter ihamlet = hamletWithSettings ihamletRules defaultHamletSettings ihamletRules :: Q HamletRules ihamletRules = do i <- [|id|] let ur f = do u <- newName "_urender" m <- newName "_mrender" let env = Env { urlRender = Just ($ (VarE u)) , msgRender = Just ($ (VarE m)) } h <- f env return $ LamE [VarP m, VarP u] h return $ HamletRules i ur em where em (Env (Just urender) (Just mrender)) e = urender $ \ur' -> mrender $ \mr -> return (e `AppE` mr `AppE` ur') em _ _ = error "bad Env" hamletWithSettings :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> QuasiQuoter hamletWithSettings hr set = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = hamletFromString hr set } data HamletRules = HamletRules { hrFromHtml :: Exp , hrWithEnv :: (Env -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp , hrEmbed :: Env -> Exp -> Q Exp } data Env = Env { urlRender :: Maybe ((Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp) , msgRender :: Maybe ((Exp -> Q Exp) -> Q Exp) } hamletFromString :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> String -> Q Exp hamletFromString qhr set s = do hr <- qhr hrWithEnv hr $ \env -> docsToExp env hr [] $ docFromString set s docFromString :: HamletSettings -> String -> [Doc] docFromString set s = case parseDoc set s of Error s' -> error s' Ok (_, d) -> d hamletFileWithSettings :: Q HamletRules -> HamletSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp hamletFileWithSettings qhr set fp = do #ifdef GHC_7_4 qAddDependentFile fp #endif contents <- fmap TL.unpack $ qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp hamletFromString qhr set contents -- | Like 'hamlet', but reads an external file at compile time. -- -- @ -- $('hamletFile' \"foo.hamlet\") :: 'HtmlUrl' MyRoute -- @ hamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp hamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings hamletRules defaultHamletSettings -- | Like 'hamletFile', but the external file is parsed at runtime. Allows for -- more rapid development, but should not be used in production. hamletFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp hamletFileReload = hamletFileReloadWithSettings runtimeRules defaultHamletSettings where runtimeRules = HamletRuntimeRules { hrrI18n = False } -- | Like 'ihamletFile', but the external file is parsed at runtime. Allows for -- more rapid development, but should not be used in production. ihamletFileReload :: FilePath -> Q Exp ihamletFileReload = hamletFileReloadWithSettings runtimeRules defaultHamletSettings where runtimeRules = HamletRuntimeRules { hrrI18n = True } -- | Like 'hamletFile', but produces XHTML. xhamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp xhamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings hamletRules xhtmlHamletSettings -- | Like 'shamlet', but reads an external file at compile time. -- -- @ -- $('shamletFile' \"foo.hamlet\") :: 'Html' -- @ shamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp shamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings htmlRules defaultHamletSettings -- | Like 'shamletFile', but produces XHTML. xshamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp xshamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings htmlRules xhtmlHamletSettings -- | Like 'ihamlet', but reads an external file at compile time. -- -- @ -- $('ihamletFile' \"foo.hamlet\") :: 'HtmlUrlI18n' MyMsg MyRoute -- @ ihamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp ihamletFile = hamletFileWithSettings ihamletRules defaultHamletSettings varName :: Scope -> String -> Exp varName _ "" = error "Illegal empty varName" varName scope v@(_:_) = fromMaybe (strToExp v) $ lookup (Ident v) scope strToExp :: String -> Exp strToExp s@(c:_) | all isDigit s = LitE $ IntegerL $ read s | isUpper c = ConE $ mkName s | otherwise = VarE $ mkName s strToExp "" = error "strToExp on empty string" -- | Checks for truth in the left value in each pair in the first argument. If -- a true exists, then the corresponding right action is performed. Only the -- first is performed. In there are no true values, then the second argument is -- performed, if supplied. condH :: Monad m => [(Bool, m ())] -> Maybe (m ()) -> m () condH bms mm = fromMaybe (return ()) $ lookup True bms `mplus` mm -- | Runs the second argument with the value in the first, if available. -- Otherwise, runs the third argument, if available. maybeH :: Monad m => Maybe v -> (v -> m ()) -> Maybe (m ()) -> m () maybeH mv f mm = fromMaybe (return ()) $ fmap f mv `mplus` mm type MTime = UTCTime data VarType = VTPlain | VTUrl | VTUrlParam | VTMixin | VTMsg | VTAttrs type QueryParameters = [(Text, Text)] type RenderUrl url = (url -> QueryParameters -> Text) type Shakespeare url = RenderUrl url -> Html data VarExp msg url = EPlain Html | EUrl url | EUrlParam (url, QueryParameters) | EMixin (HtmlUrl url) | EMixinI18n (HtmlUrlI18n msg url) | EMsg msg instance Show (VarExp msg url) where show (EPlain html) = "EPlain" show (EUrl url) = "EUrl" show (EUrlParam url) = "EUrlParam" show (EMixin url) = "EMixin" show (EMixinI18n msg_url) = "EMixinI18n" show (EMsg msg) = "EMsg" getVars :: Content -> [(Deref, VarType)] getVars ContentRaw{} = [] getVars (ContentVar d) = [(d, VTPlain)] getVars (ContentUrl False d) = [(d, VTUrl)] getVars (ContentUrl True d) = [(d, VTUrlParam)] getVars (ContentEmbed d) = [(d, VTMixin)] getVars (ContentMsg d) = [(d, VTMsg)] getVars (ContentAttrs d) = [(d, VTAttrs)] hamletUsedIdentifiers :: HamletSettings -> String -> [(Deref, VarType)] hamletUsedIdentifiers settings = concatMap getVars . contentFromString settings data HamletRuntimeRules = HamletRuntimeRules { hrrI18n :: Bool } hamletFileReloadWithSettings :: HamletRuntimeRules -> HamletSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp hamletFileReloadWithSettings hrr settings fp = do s <- readFileQ fp let b = hamletUsedIdentifiers settings s c <- mapM vtToExp b rt <- if hrrI18n hrr then [|hamletRuntimeMsg settings fp|] else [|hamletRuntime settings fp|] return $ rt `AppE` ListE c where vtToExp :: (Deref, VarType) -> Q Exp vtToExp (d, vt) = do d' <- lift d c' <- toExp vt return $ TupE [d', c' `AppE` derefToExp [] d] where toExp = c where c :: VarType -> Q Exp c VTAttrs = [|EPlain . attrsToHtml . toAttributes|] c VTPlain = [|EPlain . toHtml|] c VTUrl = [|EUrl|] c VTUrlParam = [|EUrlParam|] c VTMixin = [|\r -> EMixin $ \c -> r c|] c VTMsg = [|EMsg|] -- move to Shakespeare.Base? readFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> IO String readFileUtf8 fp = fmap TL.unpack $ readUtf8File fp -- move to Shakespeare.Base? readFileQ :: FilePath -> Q String readFileQ fp = qRunIO $ readFileUtf8 fp {-# NOINLINE reloadMapRef #-} reloadMapRef :: IORef (M.Map FilePath (MTime, [Content])) reloadMapRef = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef M.empty lookupReloadMap :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (MTime, [Content])) lookupReloadMap fp = do reloads <- readIORef reloadMapRef return $ M.lookup fp reloads insertReloadMap :: FilePath -> (MTime, [Content]) -> IO [Content] insertReloadMap fp (mt, content) = atomicModifyIORef reloadMapRef (\reloadMap -> (M.insert fp (mt, content) reloadMap, content)) contentFromString :: HamletSettings -> String -> [Content] contentFromString set = map justContent . docFromString set where unsupported msg = error $ "hamletFileReload does not support " ++ msg justContent :: Doc -> Content justContent (DocContent c) = c justContent DocForall{} = unsupported "$forall" justContent DocWith{} = unsupported "$with" justContent DocMaybe{} = unsupported "$maybe" justContent DocCase{} = unsupported "$case" justContent DocCond{} = unsupported "attribute conditionals" hamletRuntime :: HamletSettings -> FilePath -> [(Deref, VarExp msg url)] -> Shakespeare url hamletRuntime settings fp cd render = unsafePerformIO $ do mtime <- qRunIO $ getModificationTime fp mdata <- lookupReloadMap fp case mdata of Just (lastMtime, lastContents) -> if mtime == lastMtime then return $ go' lastContents else fmap go' $ newContent mtime Nothing -> fmap go' $ newContent mtime where newContent mtime = do s <- readFileUtf8 fp insertReloadMap fp (mtime, contentFromString settings s) go' = mconcat . map (runtimeContentToHtml cd render (error "I18n embed IMPOSSIBLE") handleMsgEx) handleMsgEx _ = error "i18n _{} encountered, but did not use ihamlet" type RuntimeVars msg url = [(Deref, VarExp msg url)] hamletRuntimeMsg :: HamletSettings -> FilePath -> RuntimeVars msg url -> HtmlUrlI18n msg url hamletRuntimeMsg settings fp cd i18nRender render = unsafePerformIO $ do mtime <- qRunIO $ getModificationTime fp mdata <- lookupReloadMap fp case mdata of Just (lastMtime, lastContents) -> if mtime == lastMtime then return $ go' lastContents else fmap go' $ newContent mtime Nothing -> fmap go' $ newContent mtime where newContent mtime = do s <- readFileUtf8 fp insertReloadMap fp (mtime, contentFromString settings s) go' = mconcat . map (runtimeContentToHtml cd render i18nRender handleMsg) handleMsg d = case lookup d cd of Just (EMsg s) -> i18nRender s _ -> nothingError "EMsg for ContentMsg" d nothingError :: Show a => String -> a -> b nothingError expected d = error $ "expected " ++ expected ++ " but got Nothing for: " ++ show d runtimeContentToHtml :: RuntimeVars msg url -> Render url -> Translate msg -> (Deref -> Html) -> Content -> Html runtimeContentToHtml cd render i18nRender handleMsg = go where go :: Content -> Html go (ContentMsg d) = handleMsg d go (ContentRaw s) = preEscapedToHtml s go (ContentAttrs d) = case lookup d cd of Just (EPlain s) -> s _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected EPlain for ContentAttrs" go (ContentVar d) = case lookup d cd of Just (EPlain s) -> s _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected EPlain for ContentVar" go (ContentUrl False d) = case lookup d cd of Just (EUrl u) -> toHtml $ render u [] Just wrong -> error $ "expected EUrl but got: " ++ show wrong ++ "\nfor: " ++ show d _ -> nothingError "EUrl" d go (ContentUrl True d) = case lookup d cd of Just (EUrlParam (u, p)) -> toHtml $ render u p _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected EUrlParam" go (ContentEmbed d) = case lookup d cd of Just (EMixin m) -> m render Just (EMixinI18n m) -> m i18nRender render _ -> error $ show d ++ ": expected EMixin"