#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell {- shelltestrunner - a handy tool for testing command-line programs. See shelltestrunner.cabal. (c) Simon Michael 2009, released under GNU GPLv3 -} module Main where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import Control.Monad (liftM,when) import Data.List (partition) import Data.Maybe (fromJust,isJust,maybe) import qualified Test.HUnit (Test) import System.Console.ParseArgs hiding (args) import System.Environment (withArgs) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..),exitWith) import System.IO (Handle, hGetContents, hPutStr, stderr) import System.Process (runInteractiveCommand, waitForProcess) import Test.Framework (defaultMain) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (hUnitTestToTests) import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.RegexPR import Debug.Trace strace :: Show a => a -> a strace a = trace (show a) a version :: String version = "0.4" -- keep synced with .cabal data ArgId = HelpFlag | VersionFlag | DebugFlag | ImplicitTestsFlag | ExecutableArg deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) argspec :: [Arg ArgId] argspec = [ Arg {argIndex = HelpFlag, argName = Just "help", argAbbr = Just 'h', argData = Nothing, argDesc = "show help" } ,Arg {argIndex = VersionFlag, argName = Just "version", argAbbr = Just 'V', argData = Nothing, argDesc = "show version" } ,Arg {argIndex = DebugFlag, argName = Just "debug", argAbbr = Just 'd', argData = Nothing, argDesc = "show verbose debugging output" } ,Arg {argIndex = ImplicitTestsFlag, argName = Just "implicit-tests", argAbbr = Just 'i', argData = Nothing, argDesc = "provide implicit tests for all omitted fields" } ,Arg {argIndex = ExecutableArg, argName = Nothing, argAbbr = Nothing, argData = argDataRequired "executable" ArgtypeString, argDesc = "executable program or shell command to test" } ] data ShellTest = ShellTest { testname :: String ,commandargs :: String ,stdin :: Maybe String ,stdoutExpected :: Maybe Matcher ,stderrExpected :: Maybe Matcher ,exitCodeExpected :: Maybe Matcher } deriving (Show) type Regex = String data Matcher = Exact String | Numeric String | PositiveRegex Regex | NegativeRegex Regex deriving (Show) main :: IO () main = do args <- parseArgsIO ArgsTrailing argspec -- parseargs issue: exits at first gotArg if there's no exe argument when (args `gotArg` VersionFlag) printVersion when (args `gotArg` HelpFlag) $ printHelp args let (unprocessedopts, testfiles) = partition ((=="-").take 1) $ argsRest args when (args `gotArg` DebugFlag) $ do putStrLn $ "testing executable: " ++ (show $ fromJust $ getArgString args ExecutableArg) putStrLn $ "unprocessed options: " ++ show unprocessedopts putStrLn $ "test files: " ++ show testfiles shelltests <- mapM (parseShellTest args) testfiles withArgs unprocessedopts $ defaultMain $ concatMap (hUnitTestToTests.shellTestToHUnitTest args) shelltests printVersion :: IO () printVersion = putStrLn version >> exitWith ExitSuccess printHelp :: Args ArgId -> IO () printHelp args = putStrLn (argsUsage args) >> exitWith ExitSuccess -- parsing parseShellTest :: Args ArgId -> FilePath -> IO ShellTest parseShellTest args f = do t <- liftM (either (error.show) id) $ parseFromFile shelltestp f when (args `gotArg` DebugFlag) $ do putStrLn $ "parsing file: " ++ f putStrLn $ "parsed test: " ++ show t return t shelltestp :: Parser ShellTest shelltestp = do st <- getParserState let f = sourceName $ statePos st many commentlinep c <- commandargsp i <- optionMaybe inputp o <- optionMaybe expectedoutputp e <- optionMaybe expectederrorp x <- optionMaybe expectedexitcodep return ShellTest{testname=f,commandargs=c,stdin=i,stdoutExpected=o,stderrExpected=e,exitCodeExpected=x} linep,commentlinep,commandargsp,delimiterp,inputp,whitespacep :: Parser String linep = anyChar `manyTill` newline commentlinep = char '#' >> anyChar `manyTill` newline commandargsp = linep delimiterp = choice [try $ string "<<<", try $ string ">>>", (eof >> return "")] inputp = string "<<<\n" >> (liftM unlines) (linep `manyTill` (lookAhead delimiterp)) expectedoutputp :: Parser Matcher expectedoutputp = try $ do string ">>>" >> optional (char '1') whitespacep choice [positiveregexmatcherp, negativeregexmatcherp, datalinesp] expectederrorp :: Parser Matcher expectederrorp = try $ do string ">>>2" whitespacep choice [positiveregexmatcherp, negativeregexmatcherp, datalinesp] expectedexitcodep :: Parser Matcher expectedexitcodep = do string ">>>=" whitespacep choice [positiveregexmatcherp, negativeregexmatcherp, numericdatalinesp] negativeregexmatcherp :: Parser Matcher negativeregexmatcherp = do char '!' PositiveRegex r <- positiveregexmatcherp return $ NegativeRegex r positiveregexmatcherp :: Parser Matcher positiveregexmatcherp = do char '/' r <- many $ noneOf "/" char '/' whitespacep newline return $ PositiveRegex r datalinesp :: Parser Matcher datalinesp = do whitespacep newline (liftM $ Exact . unlines) (linep `manyTill` (lookAhead delimiterp)) numericdatalinesp :: Parser Matcher numericdatalinesp = do whitespacep newline whitespacep s <- many1 $ oneOf "0123456789" newline return $ Numeric s whitespacep = many $ oneOf " \t" -- running shellTestToHUnitTest :: Args ArgId -> ShellTest -> Test.HUnit.Test shellTestToHUnitTest args t = testname t ~: do {r <- runShellTest args t; assertBool "" r} runShellTest :: Args ArgId -> ShellTest -> IO Bool runShellTest args ShellTest{testname=n,commandargs=c,stdin=i,stdoutExpected=o_expected, stderrExpected=e_expected,exitCodeExpected=x_expected} = do let exe = fromJust $ getArgString args ExecutableArg cmd = unwords [exe,c] (o_expected',e_expected',x_expected') = case (args `gotArg` ImplicitTestsFlag) of True -> (case o_expected of Just m -> Just m _ -> Just $ Exact "" ,case e_expected of Just m -> Just m _ -> Just $ Exact "" ,case x_expected of Just m -> Just m _ -> Just $ Numeric "0") False -> (o_expected,e_expected,x_expected) when (args `gotArg` DebugFlag) $ do putStrLn $ "running test: " ++ n putStrLn $ "running command: " ++ cmd -- run the command, passing it the stdin if any, and reading the -- stdout/stderr/exit code. This has to be done carefully. (ih,oh,eh,ph) <- runInteractiveCommand cmd when (isJust i) $ forkIO (hPutStr ih $ fromJust i) >> return () o <- newEmptyMVar e <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ oh `hGetContentsStrictlyAnd` putMVar o forkIO $ eh `hGetContentsStrictlyAnd` putMVar e x_actual <- waitForProcess ph o_actual <- takeMVar o e_actual <- takeMVar e let o_ok = maybe True (o_actual `matches`) o_expected' let e_ok = maybe True (e_actual `matches`) e_expected' let x_ok = maybe True ((show $ fromExitCode x_actual) `matches`) x_expected' if o_ok && e_ok && x_ok then do return True else do when (not o_ok) $ printExpectedActual "stdout" (fromJust o_expected') o_actual when (not e_ok) $ printExpectedActual "stderr" (fromJust e_expected') e_actual when (not x_ok) $ printExpectedActual "exit code" (fromJust x_expected') (show $ fromExitCode x_actual) return False hGetContentsStrictlyAnd :: Handle -> (String -> IO b) -> IO b hGetContentsStrictlyAnd h f = hGetContents h >>= \c -> length c `seq` f c matches :: String -> Matcher -> Bool matches s (PositiveRegex r) = s `containsRegex` r matches s (NegativeRegex r) = not $ s `containsRegex` r matches s (Numeric p) = s == p matches s (Exact p) = s == p showMatcher :: Matcher -> String showMatcher (PositiveRegex r) = " /"++r++"/\n" showMatcher (NegativeRegex r) = " !/"++r++"/\n" showMatcher (Numeric s) = "\n"++s showMatcher (Exact s) = "\n"++s printExpectedActual :: String -> Matcher -> String -> IO () printExpectedActual f e a = hPutStr stderr $ printf "**Expected %s:%s**Got %s:\n%s" f (showMatcher e) f a -- utils -- toExitCode :: Int -> ExitCode -- toExitCode 0 = ExitSuccess -- toExitCode n = ExitFailure n fromExitCode :: ExitCode -> Int fromExitCode ExitSuccess = 0 fromExitCode (ExitFailure n) = n strip,lstrip,rstrip,dropws :: String -> String strip = lstrip . rstrip lstrip = dropws rstrip = reverse . dropws . reverse dropws = dropWhile (`elem` " \t") containsRegex :: String -> String -> Bool containsRegex s r = case matchRegexPR (""++r) s of Just _ -> True _ -> False