module Network.Shpider.Forms 
   ( module Network.Shpider.Pairs 
   , Form (..)
   , Method (..)
   , gatherForms
   , fillOutForm
   , allForms
   , toForm
   , mkForm

import Data.Maybe

import qualified Data.Map as M

import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Parsec

import Network.Shpider.TextUtils
import Network.Shpider.Pairs

-- | Either GET or POST.
data Method =
   deriving Show

-- | Plain old form: Method, action and inputs.
data Form = 
   Form { method :: Method
        , action :: String 
        , inputs :: M.Map String String
   deriving Show

-- | Takes a form and fills out the inputs with the given [ ( String , String ) ].
-- It is convienent to use the `pairs` syntax here.
-- @
-- f : _ <- `getFormsByAction` \"http:\/\/\"
-- `sendForm` $ `fillOutForm` f $ `pairs` $ do
--    \"author\" =: \"Johnny\"
--    \"message\" =: \"Nice syntax dewd.\"
-- @
fillOutForm :: Form -> [ ( String , String ) ] -> Form
fillOutForm f is =
   foldl ( \ form ( n , v ) -> form { inputs = M.insert n v $ inputs form } )

-- | The first argument is the action attribute of the form, the second is the method attribute, and the third are the inputs.
mkForm :: String -> Method -> [ ( String , String ) ] -> Form
mkForm a m ps =
   Form { action = a
        , method = m
        , inputs = M.fromList ps

-- | Gets all forms from a list of tags.
gatherForms :: [ Tag ] -> [ Form ]
gatherForms =
   tParse allForms

-- | The `TagParser` which parses all forms.
allForms :: TagParser [ Form ]
allForms = do
   fs <- allWholeTags "form"
   return $ mapMaybe toForm fs

toForm :: WholeTag -> Maybe Form
toForm ( TagOpen _ attrs , innerTags , _ ) = do
   m <- methodLookup attrs
   a <- attrLookup "action" attrs
   let is = tParse ( allOpenTags "input" ) innerTags
       tas = tParse ( allWholeTags "textarea" ) innerTags
   Just $ Form { inputs = M.fromList $ mapMaybe inputNameValue is ++ mapMaybe textAreaNameValue tas
               , action = a
               , method = m

methodLookup attrs = do
   m <- attrLookup "method" attrs
   case lowercase m of
      "get" ->
         Just GET
      "post" ->
         Just POST
      otherwise ->

inputNameValue ( TagOpen _ attrs ) = do
   v <- case attrLookup "value" attrs of
           Nothing ->
              Just ""
           j@(Just _ ) ->
   n <- attrLookup "name" attrs
   Just ( n , v )

textAreaNameValue ( TagOpen _ attrs , inner , _ ) = do
   let v = innerText inner
   n <- attrLookup "name" attrs
   Just ( n , v )