Metadata revisions for simple-effects-

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No. Time User SHA256
-r1 (simple-effects- 2018-11-19T23:36:48Z darwin226 357ba115eccff7f2b32a530b053366b18e974c2bf4b8703d1bc4f4468950ec97
  • Changed description from

    Some of the things you can do with this package:
    * Declare and check which side-effects your function uses
    * Dependency injection
    * Test effectful code
    * Avoid the \(n \times k\) instance problem
    * Define custom effects with very little programming overhead
    === Declare and check which side-effects your function uses
    The library provides a nice, declarative way of specifying exactly what your monadic function
    > getProductAndWriteToFile :: MonadEffects '[Database, FileSystem] m => ProductId -> FilePath -> m ()
    This way you can be sure that your @harmlessFunction@ doesn't do unexpected things behind your
    back. The compiler makes sure that all the effects are accounted for in the function's type.
    === Dependency injection
    Functions are not tied to any specific implementation of an effect meaning you can swap out
    different implementations without changing your code. Code like this
    > myFunction :: MonadEffects '[Time, Logging] m => m ()
    > myFunction = do
    >     t <- getCurrentTime
    >     log (show t)
    is effectively the same as
    > myFunction :: Monad m => m ZonedTime -> (String -> m ()) -> m ()
    > myFunction getCurrentTime log = do
    >     t <- getCurrentTime
    >     log (show t)
    but the library does all the parameter passing for you. And just like you'd be able to
    provide any implementation as @getCurrentTime@ and @log@ parameters you can do the same with
    simple effects.
    > myFunction
    >     & implement (TimeMethods someCurrentTimeImplementation)
    >     & implement (LoggingMethods someLoggingImplementation)
    === Test effectful code
    Easily provide dummy implementations of your effects to prevent missle-launching during testing.
    > myEffectfulFunction :: MonadEffects '[Database, Missiles] m => m Int
    > main = do
    >     conn <- connectToDb "connStr"
    >     myEffectfulFunction
    >         & implement (realDatabase conn)
    >         & implement (MissilesMethods (launchMissles "access codes"))
    > spec = do
    >     res <- myEffectfulFunction
    >         & implement (fakeDb Map.empty)
    >         & implement (MissilesMethods (print "Totally launching missiles"))
    >     when (res /= 42) (error "Test failed!")
    === Avoid the \(n \times k\) instance problem
    Any effect you define is automatically liftable through any transformer. Most @MonadX@ instances
    you'd write would look like @func a b c = lift (func a b c)@, so why would you have to write them
    yourself? @simple-effects@ does it for you using an overlappable instance.
    What about effects that aren't that simple? Each effect can specify a constraint on the transformers
    that it can be lifted through and a mechanism that does the lifting. So you get all the benefits
    of automatic lifting of simple effects and retain all of the flexibility of complex ones.
    === Define custom effects with very little programming overhead
    Lets say we need a way to get coordinates for some address. Here's how we'd declare that
    data Geolocation m = GeolocationMethods
    &#32;   &#x7b; _getLocation :: Address -> m Coordinates &#x7d;
    &#32;   deriving (Generic, Effect)
    getLocation :: MonadEffect Geolocation m => Address -> m Coordinates
    getLocation = _getLocation effect
    That's all you need to start using your effect in functions.
    > getUsersLocation :: (MonadEffect Geolocation m, MonadIO m) => m Coordinates
    > getUsersLocation = do
    >     liftIO $ putStrLn "Please enter your address:"
    >     addr <- liftIO readLn
    >     getLocation addr
    ==== <Tutorial-T1_Introduction.html Check out the tutorial modules for more details>
    Some of the things you can do with this package:
    * Declare and check which side-effects your function uses
    * Dependency injection
    * Test effectful code
    * Avoid the \(n \times k\) instance problem
    * Define custom effects with very little programming overhead
    === Declare and check which side-effects your function uses
    The library provides a nice, declarative way of specifying exactly what your monadic function
    > getProductAndWriteToFile :: MonadEffects '[Database, FileSystem] m => ProductId -> FilePath -> m ()
    This way you can be sure that your @harmlessFunction@ doesn't do unexpected things behind your
    back. The compiler makes sure that all the effects are accounted for in the function's type.
    === Dependency injection
    Functions are not tied to any specific implementation of an effect meaning you can swap out
    different implementations without changing your code. Code like this
    > myFunction :: MonadEffects '[Time, Logging] m => m ()
    > myFunction = do
    >     t <- getCurrentTime
    >     log (show t)
    is effectively the same as
    > myFunction :: Monad m => m ZonedTime -> (String -> m ()) -> m ()
    > myFunction getCurrentTime log = do
    >     t <- getCurrentTime
    >     log (show t)
    but the library does all the parameter passing for you. And just like you'd be able to
    provide any implementation as @getCurrentTime@ and @log@ parameters you can do the same with
    simple effects.
    > myFunction
    >     & implement (TimeMethods someCurrentTimeImplementation)
    >     & implement (LoggingMethods someLoggingImplementation)
    === Test effectful code
    Easily provide dummy implementations of your effects to prevent missle-launching during testing.
    > myEffectfulFunction :: MonadEffects '[Database, Missiles] m => m Int
    > main = do
    >     conn <- connectToDb "connStr"
    >     myEffectfulFunction
    >         & implement (realDatabase conn)
    >         & implement (MissilesMethods (launchMissles "access codes"))
    > spec = do
    >     res <- myEffectfulFunction
    >         & implement (fakeDb Map.empty)
    >         & implement (MissilesMethods (print "Totally launching missiles"))
    >     when (res /= 42) (error "Test failed!")
    === Avoid the \(n \times k\) instance problem
    Any effect you define is automatically liftable through any transformer. Most @MonadX@ instances
    you'd write would look like @func a b c = lift (func a b c)@, so why would you have to write them
    yourself? @simple-effects@ does it for you using an overlappable instance.
    What about effects that aren't that simple? Each effect can specify a constraint on the transformers
    that it can be lifted through and a mechanism that does the lifting. So you get all the benefits
    of automatic lifting of simple effects and retain all of the flexibility of complex ones.
    === Define custom effects with very little programming overhead
    Lets say we need a way to get coordinates for some address. Here's how we'd declare that
    data Geolocation m = GeolocationMethods
    &#32;   &#x7b; _getLocation :: Address -> m Coordinates &#x7d;
    &#32;   deriving (Generic, Effect)
    getLocation :: MonadEffect Geolocation m => Address -> m Coordinates
    getLocation = _getLocation effect
    That's all you need to start using your effect in functions.
    > getUsersLocation :: (MonadEffect Geolocation m, MonadIO m) => m Coordinates
    > getUsersLocation = do
    >     liftIO $ putStrLn "Please enter your address:"
    >     addr <- liftIO readLn
    >     getLocation addr
    ==== <docs/Tutorial-T1_Introduction.html Check out the tutorial modules for more details>

-r0 (simple-effects- 2018-11-19T23:20:24Z darwin226 b474c2f2202d3aca6c701324bcb68fa83b6ff8df6834563e8ab4706e52a8dd59