module Simplex.Config ( verbs, knownLengths, knownSymbols, knownCommands, specialCommands, specialSymbols, Config (..), config, defaultConfig, documentClasses ) where import Simplex.Parser import Simplex.Commands (Command (..)) import qualified Simplex.Commands as C import Simplex.ConfigData import Simplex.Util import Data.List config cfg (Document blocks props) = conf cfg blocks conf c (BCommand "tableofcontents" [] : xs) = conf (c { doNumberSections = True }) xs conf c (x : xs) = conf c xs conf c _ = c documentClasses = ["article", "book", "report", "slides", "scrartcl"] -- chars that introduce an inline verbatim verbs = "#!@" knownLengths = [("baselineskip", (Nothing, "The normal vertical distance between lines in a paragraph")), ("baselinestretch", (Nothing, "Multiplies @baselineskip")), ("columnsep", (Just "20pt", "The distance between columns")), ("columnwidth", (Nothing, "The width of the column")), ("evensidemargin", (Nothing, "The margin for 'even' pages (think of a printed 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"\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{H}}"), ("I", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{I}}"), ("J", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{J}}"), ("K", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{K}}"), ("L", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{L}}"), ("M", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{M}}"), ("N", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{N}}"), ("O", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{O}}"), ("P", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{P}}"), ("Q", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{Q}}"), ("R", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{R}}"), ("S", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{S}}"), ("T", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{T}}"), ("U", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{U}}"), ("V", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{V}}"), ("W", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{W}}"), ("X", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{X}}"), ("Y", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{Y}}"), ("Z", "\\ensuremath{\\mathbb{Z}}"), ("Af", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{A}}"), ("Bf", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{B}}"), ("Cf", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{C}}"), ("Df", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{D}}"), ("Ef", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{E}}"), ("Ff", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{F}}"), ("Gf", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{G}}"), ("Hf", "\\ensuremath{\\mathfrak{H}}"), ("If", 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