Name: sink Version: Synopsis: An alternative to lazy I/O that doesn't conflate execution with evaluation Description: Lazy I/O conflates evaluation with execution; a value obtained from 'unsafeInterleaveIO' can perform side-effects during the evaluation of pure code. Like lazy I/O, a 'Sink' provides a way to obtain the value of the result of an 'IO' action before the action has been executed, but unlike lazy I/O, it does not enable pure code to perform side-effects. Instead, the value is explicitly assigned by a later 'IO' action. License: MIT License-file: LICENSE Author: Jake McArthur Maintainer: Jake McArthur Category: Control, Data, System Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >=1.6 Library Build-depends: base == 4.3.* Extensions: DeriveDataTypeable Exposed-modules: Data.Sink GHC-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs Source-repository head Type: darcs Location: source-repository this type: darcs location: tag: v0.1.0.0