{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NoImplicitPrelude, PolyKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators                                #-}
-- | Size-parameterized vector types and functions.
module Data.Vector.Sized ( -- * Vectors and indices
                           Vector (..), Index,
                           -- ** Re-exports
                           module Data.Type.Ordinal,
                           -- * Conversion & Construction
                           replicate, replicate', singleton, uncons,
                           -- ** List
                           fromList, fromList', unsafeFromList, unsafeFromList', toList,
                           -- * Basic functions
                           append, head, last, tail, init, null, length, sLength,
                           -- * Vector transformations
                           map, reverse, intersperse, transpose,
                           -- * Reducing vectors (folds)
                           foldl, foldl', foldl1, foldl1', foldr, foldr1, ifoldl,
                           -- ** Special folds
                           concat, and, or, any, all, sum, product, maximum, minimum,
                           -- * Subvectors
                           -- ** Extracting subvectors
                           take, takeAtMost, drop, splitAt, splitAtMost, stripPrefix,
                           -- * Searching vectors
                           -- ** Searching by equality
                           elem, notElem,
                           -- ** Searching with a predicate
                           -- * Indexing vectors
                           (!!), (%!!), index, sIndex, elemIndex, sElemIndex
                         , findIndex, sFindIndex, findIndices, sFindIndices
                         , elemIndices, sElemIndices,
                           -- * Zipping vectors
                           zip, zipSame, zipWith, zipWithSame, unzip,
                           -- * Macros
                           sized, sized'
                         ) where
import           Control.Applicative        ((<$>))
import           Control.DeepSeq            (NFData (..))
import           Data.Hashable              (Hashable (..))
import           Data.Maybe                 (Maybe (..), fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import           Data.Singletons            (SingI, SingInstance (..), sing)
import           Data.Singletons            (singInstance)
import           Data.Type.Equality         (sym)
import           Data.Type.Monomorphic      (Monomorphic (..),
                                             Monomorphicable (..))
import           Data.Type.Natural          ((:*), (:+), (:-), (:-:), (:<<=),
import           Data.Type.Natural          (Nat (..), One, SNat, Sing (..),
import           Data.Type.Natural          (plusComm, plusSuccR, plusZR)
import           Data.Type.Natural          (sNatToInt, (%:*))
import           Data.Type.Ordinal          (Ordinal (..), ordToInt)
import           Language.Haskell.TH
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift (lift))
import           Prelude                    (Bool (..), Eq (..), Int, Num (..))
import           Prelude                    (Show (..), error, flip, fst,
import           Prelude                    (seq, snd, ($), (&&), (.), (||))
import qualified Prelude                    as P
import           Proof.Equational           (coerce, symmetry)

#if !(defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708)
import Data.Type.Natural (sS, sZ)
sZ :: SNat Z
sZ = SZ

sS :: SNat n -> SNat (S n)
sS = SS

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XTemplateHaskell

-- | Fixed-length list.
data Vector (a :: *) (n :: Nat)  where
  Nil  :: Vector a Z
  (:-) :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a (S n)

infixr 5 :-

-- | Type synonym for @Ordinal@.
type Index = Ordinal

-- | Monomorphic representation of 'Vector' @a n@ is @[a]@.
instance Monomorphicable (Vector a) where
  type MonomorphicRep (Vector a) = [a]
  demote (Monomorphic vec) = toList vec
  promote [] = Monomorphic Nil
  promote (x:xs) =
    case promote xs of
      Monomorphic vec -> Monomorphic $ x :- vec

deriving instance Show a => Show (Vector a n)
deriving instance P.Ord a => P.Ord (Vector a n)
instance (Eq a) => Eq (Vector a n) where
  Nil == Nil = True
  (x :- xs) == (y :- ys) = x == y && xs == ys
  _ == _ = error "impossible!"

-- Conversion & Construction

-- | 'replicate' @n x@ is a vector of length @n@ with @x@ the value of every element.
replicate :: SNat n -> a -> Vector a n
replicate SZ _ = Nil
replicate (SS n) a = a :- replicate n a

-- | 'replicate', with the length inferred.
replicate' :: forall n a. SingI n => a -> Vector a n
replicate' = replicate (sing :: SNat n)

-- | Construct a singleton vector.
singleton :: a -> Vector a (S Z)
singleton = (:- Nil)

-- | Uncons the non-empty list.
uncons :: Vector a (S n) -> (a, Vector a n)
uncons (a :- as) = (a, as)

-- | Convert a list into a vector.
-- If a given list is shorter than the length, it returns @Nothing@.
fromList :: SNat n -> [a] -> Maybe (Vector a n)
fromList SZ     _      = Just Nil
fromList (SS n) (x:xs) = (x :-) <$> fromList n xs
fromList _      _      = Nothing

-- | Unsafe version of 'fromList'.
-- If a given list is shorter than the length, it aborts.
unsafeFromList :: SNat n -> [a] -> Vector a n
unsafeFromList len = fromMaybe (error "Length too short") . fromList len

-- | Convert a list into vector, with length inferred.
fromList' :: SingI n => [a] -> Maybe (Vector a n)
fromList' = fromList sing

-- | Unsafe version of 'unsafeFromList'.
unsafeFromList' :: SingI n => [a] -> Vector a n
unsafeFromList' = unsafeFromList sing

-- | Convert a vector into a list.
toList :: Vector a n -> [a]
toList = foldr (:) []

-- Basic Functions

-- | Append two @Vector@s.
append :: Vector a n -> Vector a m -> Vector a (n :+ m)
append (x :- xs) ys = x :- append xs ys
append Nil       ys = ys

-- | Extract the first element of a non-empty vector.
head :: Vector a (S n) -> a
head (x :- _) = x

-- | Extract the last element of a non-empty vector.
last :: Vector a (S n) -> a
last (x :- Nil) = x
last (_ :- xs@(_ :- _)) = last xs

-- | Extract the elements after the head of a non-empty list.
tail :: Vector a (S n) -> Vector a n
tail (_ :- xs) = xs

-- | Extract the elements before the last of a non-empty list.
-- Since
init :: Vector a (S n) -> Vector a n
init (a :- as) =
  case as of
    Nil    -> Nil
    _ :- _ -> a :- init as

-- | Test whether a @Vector@ is empty, though it's clear from the type parameter.
null :: Vector a n -> Bool
null Nil = True
null _   = False

-- | 'length' returns the length of a finite list as an 'Int'.
length :: Vector a n -> Int
length = sNatToInt . sLength

-- | 'sLength' returns the length of a finite list as a 'SNat' @n@.
sLength :: Vector a n -> SNat n
sLength Nil       = sZ
sLength (_ :- xs) = sS $ sLength xs

-- Vector transformations

-- | 'map' @f xs@ is the vector obtained by applying @f@ to each element of xs.
map :: (a -> b) -> Vector a n -> Vector b n
map _ Nil       = Nil
map f (x :- xs) = f x :- map f xs

-- | 'reverse' @xs@ returns the elements of xs in reverse order. @xs@ must be finite.
reverse :: forall a n. Vector a n -> Vector a n
reverse xs0 = coerce (plusZR (sLength xs0)) $ go Nil xs0
    go :: Vector a m -> Vector a k -> Vector a (k :+ m)
    go acc Nil = acc
    go acc (x :- xs) = coerce (plusSuccR (sLength xs) (sLength acc)) $ go (x:- acc) xs

-- | The 'intersperse' function takes an element and a vector and
-- \`intersperses\' that element between the elements of the vector.
intersperse :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a ((Two :* n) :- One)
intersperse _ Nil = Nil
intersperse a (x :- xs) =
  coerce (sym $ plusSuccR (sLength xs) (sLength xs)) $ x :- prependToAll a xs

prependToAll :: a -> Vector a n -> Vector a (Two :* n)
prependToAll _ Nil = Nil
prependToAll a (x :- xs) =
  x :- (coerce (sym $ plusSuccR (sLength xs) (sLength xs)) $ a :- prependToAll a xs)

-- | The 'transpose' function transposes the rows and columns of its argument.
transpose :: SingI n => Vector (Vector a n) m -> Vector (Vector a m) n
transpose Nil = replicate' Nil
transpose (Nil :- _) = Nil
transpose ((x :- xs) :- xss) =
    case singInstance (sLength xs) of
      SingInstance -> (x :- map head xss) :- transpose (xs :- map tail xss)

-- Reducing vectors (folds)

-- | Left fold.
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b n -> a
foldl _ a Nil       = a
foldl f a (b :- bs) = foldl f (f a b) bs

-- | A strict version of 'foldl'.
foldl' :: forall a b n. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b n -> a
foldl' f z0 xs0 = lgo z0 xs0
    lgo :: a -> Vector b m -> a
    lgo z Nil = z
    lgo z (x :- xs) = let z' = f z x in z' `seq` lgo z' xs

-- | Left fold for non-empty vector.
foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Vector a (S n) -> a
foldl1 f (a :- as) = foldl f a as

-- | A strict version of 'foldl1'.
foldl1' :: (a -> a -> a) -> Vector a (S n) -> a
foldl1' f (a :- as) = foldl' f a as

-- | Right fold.
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector a n -> b
foldr _ b Nil       = b
foldr f a (x :- xs) = f x (foldr f a xs)

-- | Right fold for non-empty vector.
foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Vector a (S n) -> a
foldr1 _ (x :- Nil) = x
foldr1 f (x :- xs@(_ :- _)) = f x (foldr1 f xs)

-- | The function 'concat' concatenates all vectors in th vector.
concat :: Vector (Vector a n) m -> Vector a (m :* n)
concat Nil = Nil
concat (xs :- xss) =
  let n = sLength xs
      n0 = sLength xss
  in coerce (plusComm n (n0 %:* n)) $ xs `append` concat xss

and, or :: Vector Bool m -> Bool
-- | 'and' returns the conjunction of a Boolean vector.
and = foldr (&&) True

-- | 'or' returns the disjunction of a Boolean vector.
or  = foldr (||) False

any, all :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a n -> Bool
-- | Applied to a predicate and a list, 'any' determines if any element of the vector satisfies the predicate.
any p = or . map p
-- | Applied to a predicate and a list, 'all' determines if all element of the vector satisfies the predicate.
all p = and . map p

sum, product :: P.Num a => Vector a n -> a
-- | 'sum' takes the sum of the numbers contained in a sized vector.
sum = foldr (+) 0
-- | 'product' takes the product of the numbers contained in a sized vector.
product = foldr (*) 1

maximum, minimum :: P.Ord a => Vector a (S n) -> a
-- | Maximum element of a (statically) non-empty vector.
maximum = foldr1 P.max
-- | Minimum element of a (statically) non-empty vector.
minimum = foldr1 P.min

-- Subvectors

-- | 'take' @n xs@ returns the prefix of @xs@ of length @n@,
-- with @n@ less than or equal to the length of @xs@.
take :: (n :<<= m) ~ True => SNat n -> Vector a m -> Vector a n
take SZ     _         = Nil
take (SS n) (x :- xs) = x :- take n xs
take _ _ = error "imposible!"

-- | A variant of @take@ which returns entire @xs@ if @n@ is greater than the length of @xs@.
takeAtMost :: SNat n -> Vector a m -> Vector a (Min n m)
takeAtMost = (fst .) . splitAtMost

-- | 'drop' @n xs@ returns the suffix of @xs@ after the first @n@ elements,
-- with @n@ less than or equal to the length of @xs@.
drop :: (n :<<= m) ~ True => SNat n -> Vector a m -> Vector a (m :-: n)
drop n = snd . splitAt n

-- | 'splitAt' @n xs@ returns a tuple where first element is @xs@ prefix of length @n@
-- and second element is the remainder of the list. @n@ should be less than or equal to the length of @xs@.
splitAt :: (n :<<= m) ~ True => SNat n -> Vector a m -> (Vector a n, Vector a (m :-: n))
splitAt SZ     xs        = (Nil, xs)
splitAt (SS n) (x :- xs) =
  case splitAt n xs of
    (xs', ys') -> (x :- xs', ys')
splitAt _ _ = error "could not happen!"

-- | A varian of 'splitAt' which allows @n@ to be greater than the length of @xs@.
splitAtMost :: SNat n -> Vector a m -> (Vector a (Min n m), Vector a (m :-: n))
splitAtMost SZ Nil = (Nil, Nil)
splitAtMost SZ (x :- xs) = (Nil, x :- xs)
splitAtMost (SS _) Nil = (Nil, Nil)
splitAtMost (SS n) (x :- xs) =
  case splitAtMost n xs of
    (ys, zs) -> (x :- ys, zs)

-- | The 'stripPrefix' function drops the given prefix from a vector.
-- It returns @Nothing@ if the vector did not start with the prefix given or shorter than the prefix,
-- or Just the vector after the prefix, if it does.
stripPrefix :: Eq a => Vector a n -> Vector a m -> Maybe (Vector a (m :- n))
stripPrefix Nil ys = Just ys
stripPrefix (_ :- _) Nil = Nothing
stripPrefix (x :- xs) (y :- ys)
    | x == y    = stripPrefix xs ys
    | otherwise = Nothing

-- Searching vectors

elem, notElem :: Eq a => a -> Vector a n -> Bool
-- | Test if the element occurs in the vector?
elem a = any (== a)
-- | Negation of 'elem'.
notElem a = all (/= a)

-- | Find the first element which satisfies the given predicate.
--   If there are no element satisfying the predicate, returns 'Nothing'.
find :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a n -> Maybe a
find _ Nil = Nothing
find p (x :- xs)
    | p x       = Just x
    | otherwise = find p xs

-- Indexing vectors

-- | List index (subscript) operator, starting from @sZero@.
(!!) ::  ((n :<<= m) ~ True) => Vector a (S m) -> SNat n -> a
(!!) = flip index

-- | A 'Index' version of '!!'.
(%!!) :: Vector a n -> Index n -> a
(%!!) = flip sIndex

-- | Flipped version of '!!'.
index :: ((n :<<= m) ~ True) => SNat n -> Vector a (S m) -> a
index SZ     (a :- _)  = a
index (SS n) (_ :- (a :- as)) = index n (a :- as)

-- | A 'Index' version of 'index'.
sIndex :: Index n -> Vector a n -> a
sIndex OZ (x :- _) = x
sIndex (OS n) (_ :- xs) = sIndex n xs

-- | The 'elemIndex' function returns the index (as 'Int') of the first element in the given list
-- which is equal (by '==') to the query element, or Nothing if there is no such element.
elemIndex :: Eq a => a -> Vector a n -> Maybe Int
elemIndex a = findIndex (== a)

-- | 'Index' version of 'elemIndex'.
sElemIndex :: Eq a => a -> Vector a n -> Maybe (Index n)
sElemIndex a = sFindIndex (== a)

-- | The 'elemIndices' function extends 'elemIndex', by returning the indices of all elements equal to the query element,
-- in ascending order.
elemIndices :: Eq a => a -> Vector a n -> [Int]
elemIndices a = findIndices (== a)

-- | 'Index' version of 'elemIndices'.
sElemIndices :: Eq a => a -> Vector a n -> [Index n]
sElemIndices a = sFindIndices (== a)

-- | The findIndex function takes a predicate and a vector
-- and returns the index of the first element in the vector
-- satisfying the predicate, or Nothing if there is no such element.
findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a n -> Maybe Int
findIndex p = listToMaybe . findIndices p

-- | 'Index' version of 'findIndex'.
sFindIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a n -> Maybe (Index n)
sFindIndex p = listToMaybe . sFindIndices p

-- | The 'findIndices' function extends 'findIndex', by returning the indices of all elements satisfying the predicate,
--  in ascending order.
findIndices :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a n -> [Int]
findIndices p = P.map ordToInt . sFindIndices p

-- | 'Index' version of 'findIndices'.
sFindIndices :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a n -> [Index n]
sFindIndices _ Nil = []
sFindIndices p (x :- xs)
  | p x       = OZ : P.map OS (sFindIndices p xs)
  | otherwise = P.map OS $ sFindIndices p xs

-- Zipping vectors

-- | 'zip' takes two vectors and returns a vector of corresponding pairs.
--  If one input list is short, excess elements of the longer list are discarded.
zip :: Vector a n -> Vector b m  -> Vector (a, b) (Min n m)
zip = zipWith (,)

-- | Same as 'zip', but the given vectors must have the same length.
zipSame :: Vector a n -> Vector b n -> Vector (a, b) n
zipSame = zipWithSame (,)

-- | 'zipWith' generalises 'zip' by zipping with the function given as the first argument, instead of a tupling function.
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a n -> Vector b m -> Vector c (Min n m)
zipWith _ Nil Nil             = Nil
zipWith _ Nil (_ :- _)        = Nil
zipWith _ (_ :- _) Nil        = Nil
zipWith f (x :- xs) (y :- ys) = f x y :- zipWith f xs ys

-- | Same as 'zipWith', but the given vectors must have the same length.
zipWithSame :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a n -> Vector b n -> Vector c n
zipWithSame _ Nil Nil = Nil
zipWithSame f (x :- xs) (y :- ys) = f x y :- zipWithSame f xs ys
zipWithSame _ _ _ = error "cannot happen"

-- | Inverse of 'zipSame'.
unzip :: Vector (a, b) n -> (Vector a n, Vector b n)
unzip Nil = (Nil, Nil)
unzip ((a, b) :- ps) =
  let (as, bs) = unzip ps
  in (a :- as, b :- bs)

instance NFData a => NFData (Vector a n) where
  rnf = rnfVector

rnfVector :: NFData a => Vector a n -> ()
rnfVector Nil = Nil `seq` ()
rnfVector (x :- xs) = rnf x `seq` rnf xs `seq` ()

vecHashWithSalt :: Hashable a => Int -> Vector a n -> Int
vecHashWithSalt salt Nil = salt `hashWithSalt` (0 :: Int)
vecHashWithSalt salt xs  = foldl hashWithSalt salt xs

instance Hashable a => Hashable (Vector a n) where
  hash Nil = 0
  hash (a :- as) = foldl hashWithSalt (hash a) as
  hashWithSalt   = vecHashWithSalt

ordinalVecs :: SNat n -> Vector (Ordinal n) n
ordinalVecs SZ      = Nil
ordinalVecs (SS sn) = OZ :- map OS (ordinalVecs sn)

-- | Indexed version of 'foldl'.
-- Since
ifoldl :: (a -> Index n -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b n -> a
ifoldl fun a0 vs = foldl (\a (b, c) -> fun a b c) a0 $ zipSame (ordinalVecs $ sLength vs) vs

-- | Utility Template Haskell macro to @lift@ plain lists upto sized vectors.
-- Since
-- >>> $(sized [1,2,3 :: Int])
-- 1 :- (2 :- (3 :- Nil))
sized :: Lift t => [t] -> ExpQ
sized = sized' . P.map lift

-- | Similar to 'lift'', but lifts the list of 'ExpQ' instead.
--   This function is useful to avoid the stage restriction.
-- Since
-- >>> let a = "foo" in $(sized' [[|a|],[|"bar"|],[|"baz"|]])
-- "foo" :- ("bar" :- ("baz" :- Nil))
sized' :: [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
sized' = P.foldr (\a b -> [| $a :- $b |]) [| Nil |]