{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent.ParallelIO import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Exception import Control.Lens import Control.Monad hiding (sequence) import Data.Function import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Monoid import Data.Text as T hiding (filter, map, chunksOf) import Filesystem (listDirectory) import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS import GHC.Conc import Prelude hiding (FilePath, sequence, catch) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs) import System.Posix.Files import Text.Printf import Text.Regex.Posix default (Integer, Text) version :: String version = "1.1.1" copyright :: String copyright = "2012" sizesSummary :: String sizesSummary = "sizes v" ++ version ++ ", (C) John Wiegley " ++ copyright data SizesOpts = SizesOpts { jobs :: Int , byCount :: Bool , exclude :: String , minSize :: Integer , minCount :: Integer , smalls :: Bool -- , dirsOnly :: Bool , depth :: Int , dirs :: [String] } deriving (Data, Typeable, Show, Eq) sizesOpts :: SizesOpts sizesOpts = SizesOpts { jobs = def &= name "j" &= typ "INT" &= help "Run INT concurrent finds at once (default: 2)" , byCount = def &= name "c" &= typ "BOOL" &= help "Sort output by count (default: by size)" , exclude = def &= name "x" &= typ "REGEX" &= help "Sort output by count (default: by size)" , minSize = def &= name "m" &= typ "INT" &= help "Smallest entries to show, in MB (default: 10)" , minCount = def &= name "M" &= typ "INT" &= help "Smallest entries to show, in count (default: 100)" , smalls = def &= name "s" &= typ "BOOL" &= help "Also show small (<1M && <100 files) entries" -- , dirsOnly = def &= typ "BOOL" -- &= help "Show directories only" , depth = def &= typ "INT" &= help "Report all entries to a depth of INT (default: 0)" , dirs = def &= args &= typ "DIRS..." } &= summary sizesSummary &= program "sizes" &= help "Calculate amount of disk used by the given directories" data EntryInfo = EntryInfo { _entryPath :: !FilePath , _entryCount :: !Integer , _entrySize :: !Integer , _entryIsDir :: !Bool } deriving Show makeLenses ''EntryInfo instance NFData EntryInfo where rnf a = a `seq` () newEntry :: FilePath -> Bool -> EntryInfo newEntry p = EntryInfo p 0 0 main :: IO () main = do mainArgs <- getArgs opts <- withArgs (if L.null mainArgs then ["."] else mainArgs) (cmdArgs sizesOpts) _ <- GHC.Conc.setNumCapabilities $ case jobs opts of 0 -> 2; x -> x runSizes opts runSizes :: SizesOpts -> IO () runSizes opts = do reportSizes opts $ map (fromText . pack) (dirs opts) stopGlobalPool reportSizes :: SizesOpts -> [FilePath] -> IO () reportSizes opts xs = do entryInfos <- parallel $ map (gatherSizesW opts 0) xs let infos = map fst entryInfos ++ mconcat (map snd entryInfos) sorted = L.sortBy ((compare `on`) $ if byCount opts then (^. entryCount) else (^. entrySize)) infos forM_ sorted $ \entry -> when ( smalls opts || entry^.entrySize >= minSize' || entry^.entryCount >= minCount') $ reportEntry entry where minSize' = (if minSize opts == 0 then 10 else minSize opts) * 1024^2 minCount' = (if minCount opts == 0 then 100 else minCount opts) humanReadable :: Integer -> String humanReadable x | x < 1024 = printf "%db" x | x < 1024^2 = printf "%.0fK" (fromIntegral x / (1024 :: Double)) | x < 1024^3 = printf "%.1fM" (fromIntegral x / (1024^2 :: Double)) | x < 1024^4 = printf "%.2fG" (fromIntegral x / (1024^3 :: Double)) | x < 1024^5 = printf "%.3fT" (fromIntegral x / (1024^4 :: Double)) | x < 1024^6 = printf "%.3fP" (fromIntegral x / (1024^5 :: Double)) | x < 1024^7 = printf "%.3fX" (fromIntegral x / (1024^6 :: Double)) | otherwise = printf "%db" x reportEntry :: EntryInfo -> IO () reportEntry entry = let path = unpack . toTextIgnore $ entry^.entryPath in printf (unpack "%10s %10d %s%s\n") (humanReadable (entry^.entrySize)) (entry^.entryCount) path (unpack $ if entry^.entryIsDir && L.last path /= '/' then "/" else "") toTextIgnore :: FilePath -> Text toTextIgnore p = case toText p of Left _ -> ""; Right x -> x gatherSizesW :: SizesOpts -> Int -> FilePath -> IO (EntryInfo, [EntryInfo]) gatherSizesW opts d p = catch (gatherSizes opts d p) (\e -> do print (e :: IOException) return (newEntry p False, [])) gatherSizes :: SizesOpts -> Int -> FilePath -> IO (EntryInfo, [EntryInfo]) gatherSizes opts curDepth path = do status <- if curDepth == 0 then getFileStatus path' else getSymbolicLinkStatus path' gatherSizes' status where path' = unpack $ toTextIgnore path gatherSizes' status | (exclude opts) /= "" && path' =~ exclude opts = returnEmpty | isDirectory status = do files <- listDirectory path entries <- let func = gatherSizesW opts (curDepth + 1) . collapse in if curDepth == 0 then parallel $ map func files else mapM func files let firsts = map fst entries return $!! ( L.foldl' (\current entry -> entryCount +~ entry^.entryCount $ entrySize +~ entry^.entrySize $ current) (newEntry path True) firsts , if curDepth < depth opts then firsts ++ L.concatMap snd entries else [] ) | isRegularFile status = return (entryCount .~ 1 $ entrySize .~ fromIntegral (fileSize status) $ newEntry path False, []) | otherwise = returnEmpty returnEmpty = return (newEntry path False, []) -- Main.hs (sizes) ends here