Name: slidemews Version: 0.3 Synopsis: ws convert markdown to reveal-js Description: Simple WebService to convert markdown to reveal-js | License: GPL Author: Jean-Alexandre Peyroux Maintainer: Stability: Experimental Category: Web Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >=1.2 Executable slidemews hs-source-dirs: src main-is: Main.hs Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, bytestring >= 0.9.1 && < 0.11, MonadCatchIO-transformers >= 0.2.1 && < 0.4, mtl >= 2 && < 3, snap-core >= 0.9 && < 0.11, snap-server >= 0.9 && < 0.11, aeson >= 0.7, pandoc >= 1.12, utf8-string >= 0.3 if impl(ghc >= 6.12.0) ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fwarn-tabs -funbox-strict-fields -fno-warn-unused-do-bind else ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fwarn-tabs -funbox-strict-fields